



The Hotel Room Availability System is to create a platform that will ease the enormous task of seeking hotel rooms that is encountered by people of the 21st century. The objective of this study is to identify and discuss the need for computer software or website which can be used in ascertaining the availability of hotel rooms, also motivation for this study, the researcher chose to research on the topic because of its efficiency in reduction of workload of receptionist and front desk officers in a Hotel. A hotel that operated a computerized system will ensure that the program carries provisions for different tariffs, locations and individual guest preferences. Details of each room are stored within the memory and as a guest registers the guest list is immediately updated while that particular room is removed from the list of those which are available for letting. Because the system is so accurate, there is little chance of two people being given the same room. Nevertheless, Qualitative Analysis and SSADM as the research methodology were used which means Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology which is an internationally accepted software engineering model. Also, the system was developed using HTML (hypertext mark-up language) for the design interface, CSS (cascading style sheet) for styling the HTML codes to desired taste, PHP (PHP Hypertext Pre-processor) for the server-side scripting. A local server XAMPP was also used in which a database was. The focus on this topic is to introduce computers in the allocation of rooms in a hotel. The result of this project is aimed at eliminating the tedious work which is associated with knowing hotels that has available rooms and its duration.

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