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In every institution, admission and result are the most important data which is the basic for each candidate. The institution makes sure that every student comes into the institution through a verified process.

On the other hand, the institution makes sure that every qualified student who is duly admitted, goes out with a comprehensive result so as to ascertain his/her studentship.

The major aim of this project is to enable the institution produce qualify students that is students who did not come into the institution through falsification of result and who did not graduate with a maneuvered result. All these will be achieved by using a system which its operation is not basically manual.



Today all the work at the time of admission of the students is done manually by ink and paper, which is very slow and consuming much efforts and time. It is required to Design of a Computerized Automated Student Admission System, to speed up and make it easy to use system. Student admissions are a vital part of any universitys running because students are what keep a University alive. The student admission is one of the most important activities within a university as one cannot survive without students. A poor admissions system can mean fewer students being admitted into a university because of mistakes or an overly slow response time. The process begins with a potential student completing an application form through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, the first step for students is to apply directly to the university through a custom online form. This projects aim is to automate the system, pre checking the inclusion of all required material and automatically ranking each students application based on a number of criteria. These criteria include the ranking of their university, their grade at said university and their language grade Certificate. The data used by the system is stored in a database that will be the center of all information held about students and the base for the remainder of the process after the initial application has been made. This enables things to be simplified and considerably quickened, making the jobs of the people involved easier. It supports the current process but centralizes it and makes it possible for decisions to be made earlier and easier way.

In this age, the way of doing most things are more or less contemporal to automation compare with some of the ages which human race had passed through since the existing of human being on earth. Some of this ages includes: stone age, manual age, mechanical age and the now existing automation age which is the use of computer and other automation relation devices to quicking or make jobs easier than before. As it concern this project, the type of job involved is to make information decemination and data collection easy, last any place and at any time.

For the system of admission and result checking system in a high institution, it had been stress on both the students looking for admission, students checking their results and the admission personnels of high institution, as a result of the manual way of handling admission and result checking. As a result of the automation age in which we are now, it will be of beneficial to the high institutions in Nigeria by reducing fraud risk, stress etc which involve in the process of admission and result checking, if there will be online system of doing the above mentioned things.

Before the above system can be in existence, there will a good study and understanding of the existing system and requirement for the new system to be in existence. Since it involves online, there must be a need for computers and other online information management tools such as internet facilities etc.


The background of the study is Covenant polytechnic Abia. Here is the brief history about the Institute from the school official website.

In a bold attempt to fully top the potentials of the private sector in the areas of education, the Education National Minimum Standards and Establishment of institutions Decree of 1985 was amended in 1993 January as follows:

An Institute of the Federation or of a state of by a local government or by any of the following, that is:

a. By company incorporated in Nigeria or

b. By an individual who satisfy the criteria set in the schedule to this Act for establishment of institutions.

Following this Decree, the guidelines for the establishment of Private Polytechnics, monotechnics and other similar tertiary institutions was drafted as a guide for all prospective proprietors of private polytechnics and colleges of technologies, with the National Board for Technical Education N.B.T.E As the statutory body set up by the Federal Government to manage and control all matters relating to polytechnics.

With this deliberate policy of government, Covenant Polytechnic was established as an answer to the cry of thousands of Benue indigenes who were either being eliminated out of other schools or could not gain admission into the only one existing polytechnic in the state and elsewhere. Thus, the Very Revd. Fr. Dr. Chris Utov came into the initiative to establish Covenant Polytechnic inorder to complement governments effort in the education sector through private participation.

The Polytechnic accordingly complied with all statutory rules for the establishment of a private tertiary institution and obtained official consent and approval to operate in September 1996 from the state ministry of Education, Abia, Abia State.

However, Covenant has not been established as a comparative pride or as an opposition academy to any other in Benue State or elsewhere, but as a child of academic necessity and in answer to as well as in fulfillment of several contending and prevailing circumstances.

The aim of the institute as set out in the law establishing it include

iTo organize, improve and develop courses of science and training various categories of students.

iiTo promote research and advancements of science and leasing .

iiiTo serve as a center for educational research especially as applied to local conditions.

ivTo organize, improve and extend education of standard higher than secondary school level.

vTo encourage all closes and communities without any distinction to pursue liberal course of education.


In recent times, there had been problems of admission processes which ranges from proud on the part of the admission personnel in which they engage in admitting their relations or whoever that gives them a huge amount of money to the stress encounter by the admitting personnel and the admission sicking candidate. Another problem is the expenditure involved both on the part of the candidate and the high institution in question a case study, COVENANT POLY Enugu. Also the use of take result to going admission is another problem faced by the existing system.

The already admitted students on their own part, encounters a lot of stress while checking their result and the institution also encounter a lot of problem in processing, printing and pasting of result. The problem includes the stress, resources wastage i.e human, materials and financial aspects.

Sometimes, as a result of typographical error, inadequate printing impression, tearing of pasted result by first students who first checked their result, leads to making some students not see their result in time which will make them to start going to the HOD for help. All these mentioned above and more are problems faced by the existing system.

Also, the difficulties student and staff of admission department usually force in any institution of higher learning made us to realize that computer aid an online admission system is the best that can happen to Covenant polytechnic Abia. This will save our school the embarrassment caused by students complaints at the end of the working day.

It was in the view of this that Sundison 1994 pointed out that a typical problem students have had was moving from school to another school. In a modern society labour moves quite a bit and many students change schools at least once in their lifetime. Every time new students were offered admission into a school, there was a problem of which curriculum the previous school had followed and therefore whether the previous level tallied with those of the new school.

Many students neither know their right nor left at the admission level in the institution. Admission had frustrated so many students that some even roles a lot of lectures in pursuit of registration.


When we talk about online system of admission, we should be referring to the use of internet in processing admission i.e were a student or candidate has to go to internet, log into Covenant Poly Web site, put in the required data which includes the qualification, data of birth locality and nationality etc and getting back the necessary information automatically either at that time or later.

On the other hand, result checking also involves the same procedure but has to do with the students putting in their registration and other students identification data and then get their result either immediately or get it sent to their email box automatically.

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