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Design and implementation of text to speech application for vision impaired students

Original price was: ₦1,000.00.Current price is: ₦900.00.



This project is on Design and implementation of text to speech application for vision impaired students. A Text-to-speech application is a synthesizer software that converts text into spoken word by analyzing and processing text using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and then using Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology to convert this processed text into synthesized speech representation of the text. Vision-impaired students make a lot of mistakes during typing because they just assume whatever there are typing is right, this led to the development of Text-To-Speech application. Here, we developed a useful text-to-speech synthesizer in the form of a simple application that converts inputted text into synthesized speech and reads out to the user which can then be saved as an mp3 file. Observation and interview were deployed to gather information used in developing this material. The development of a text to speech synthesizer will be of great help to people with visual impairment and make making through a large volume of text easier.

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