In order to obtain the required information, questionnaires were administered to secretaries in the organizations. Data collected are presented under discussion and findings in chapter four.
From the data collected, collected, the researcher was able to identify the effects of modern technology on secretarial profession. These were treated in details in chapter four but some of them could be pointed out.
It was revealed that modern technology aids the secretary to a large extent in discharge of her duties. However, for these newly introduced equipment to function and to bring the desired goals, someone is always needed in the office a person who can be said to be missing link in an organization when not present the secretary.
It was identified that modern technology cannot make the secretary redundant or driven out of the profession. In the same vein majority of the respondents were of the view that introduction of modern equipment leads to training and retraining of secretaries.
In summary, the finding of this research work was that modern technology has had tremendous effects on the jobs of today’s secretary. It has contributed positively to the secretarial profession and is indeed a blessing to the secretary. It was also deduced that modern technology has helped raised the standard of the profession in recent years.
Based on the finding, the researcher concluded that technology couldn’t endanger the future prospect of flexible secretaries. The secretary will continuously engage in training and reading magazines and manuals to tackle challenges brought about by the modern technology.
Among the recommendation proffered, that students should be trained practically with most of these office equipment. Organizations have the duty to send secretaries on new course or refresher course time after time. And they should acquire modern office equipment for their secretaries.
Approval Page
Table Of ContentsChapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1.4 Significances Of The Study
1.5 Objective Of The Study
1.6 Delimitation Of The Study
1.7 Research Question
1.8 Definition Of Terms
Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 What Technology Is
2.2 History Of Technology
2.3 Definition Of A Secretary
2.4 Office Equipment And Their Importance
2.5 Documented Interviews
2.6 The Effect Of Modern Technology On Secretarial Profession
2.7 Prospects Of Secretaries
Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Source Of Data
3.3 Research Instrument
3.4 Selected Population
3.5 Description Of Sample
3.6 Questionnaire Distribution And Collection
3.7 Method Of Data Analysis
Chapter Four
4.1 Introduction
Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Of Findings, Recommendations And Conclusions
5.1. Summary Of Findings
5.2. Limitation Of The Study
5.3. Conclusion
5.4. Recommendation.
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The 20th Century has witnessed a lot of advances both in since and in technology. This technological advancement has been moving at break-net speed since the end of the Second World War, in manufacturing, aviation, medicine, research, engineering, finance, transportation, utilities etc. These advances have permeated and affected adversely all aspect of life., Information technology has been modified and even replaced our traditional method of communication. There are other technological transformation on the way we live, play and relax in our homes.
However, this technological advancement has ushered in drastic changes in all walks of life, secretarial profession is no exception. The basic abilities required for secretarial work with continue to change as sophisticated equipment are introduced into the office.
The impact brought about by invention of new office equipment cannot be over emphasized. Most of these office equipment out-perform secretaries due to their speed, and as well saving of time. The introduction of such machines might cost secretaries their jobs or result to the reduction of the number being employed. It envisaged that as technology advances and new products and processes replace old ones, craft and skills would definitely disappear. Consequently, there would be a problem of extra cost of training and re-training, to get them acquainted with these new inventions.
This motivates the researcher into investigating and ascertaining how true theses statements are, with respect of technology and its effect on secretarial profession. Her findings will also enable her make meaningful suggestions as to know how to face challenges posed by these technological advancement in this technological era.
The world is undergoing technological transformation now that we are at the threshold of the 21st century. There are new inventions that are changing the way we move from place to place, others that are changing, our traditional methods of communication and even others that are changing, the way we live, look, eat, sleep and relax in our homes. More importantly is changing the face of the offices of today and this process is likely to accelerate as we enter the 21st century. The secretary as one of those who work in offices is not left out in the impact made by technological transformation of offices. What are the effect of these changes on the person of the secretary, her traditional functions in the office, her ability to cope, her job security, her relevance to the office work for which she is employed and more so to meet the challenges of her ever-changing work environment. This research, using NEPA-Enugu, is aimed at fining answers to these questions. It is believed that at the end, the researcher may make recommendations that will help the secretary adjust and re-adjust as her work environment is restructured by technological change.
This study is aimed at finding out what the effects of modern technology (invention/innovation of modern office machines) are on the secretarial profession. This study also intends to identify and analyze the relevance and importance of the various office machines to the everyday working life of the secretary.
This study is didactic, in that it enlightens the public and secretaries who think, that they cannot be useful again due to the introduction of this new office equipment. This ought to done in order to boost their morals and increase their productivity as well. This study will go along way to encourage practicing secretaries and secretaries in training not to fear about the future prospect of their profession.
This research study is beneficial to higher Institutions and teachers as well, in that it would induce them to install some of these newly introduced office equipment, as to enable the students practice before their graduation and not just teaching them theoretically.
This study will also be of help to subsequent researchers that may be interested in doing more work in this area of study with a view of recommending how to tackle these challenges brought about by modern technology.
The objectives of this study therefore are:
a. To identify the roles and responsibilities of secretaries and their vitality.
b. To discuss about the newly introduced office equipment and its impact on secretarial profession.
c. To recommend solutions to these secretaries who think their services are no longer necessary and felt threatened on their profession due to innovations.
d. The increasing dependence of modern secretaries on modern office equipment as basis for increasing productivity prompts a vivid research work to find out the extent to which such equipment are better used and the effect they have on the secretary.
e. This research will serve as a reference source to the National Board for Technical and School Authorities in up-dating their syllabus in secretarial Administration.
The scope of this study is very wide if it has to be carried out in all the modern offices in Nigeria. The study is limited, based on the fact that there is no time and material resources to see the secretaries in the whole Nation. This study is limited to secretaries in (NEPA-Enugu, in Enugu State) and the findings may not reflect the situation in the whole secretaries in Nigeria, but by and large, what happens to secretaries in NEPA-Enugu can be said to apply to other secretaries in whole Nation.
a. Is the secretary likely to be more efficient and productive with the use of modern office machines?
b. Does technology act as stimulant to the secretary?
c. Can modern office machines act as aids that can assist the secretary in her work?
d. Is there a likelihood that modern office machines can take over the job of the secretary?
For the purpose of this study, it is important to define some of the terms as they were used in the context of this research work so that the terms may not be given a misconstrue.
A secretary is an executive assistant who possesses the mastery of skills, demonstrates the ability to assume responsibility, who exercises initiative and judgment and who makes the decision within the scope of her authority.
This is the branch of knowledge dealing with scientific, industrial method and their practical use in the industry.
It means introducing changes or introducing new things. It implies technical innovations in the office.
Is an electrical or electronic devices, which can both, process raw data and store information, perform mathematical works, logical and equally give a feed back.
Word Processors:
Word-Processors are modern typewriters, but have advantages over ordinary typewriters; one is the ability to produce individually typed copies of documents at very high speed; another is that it enables corrections, reformat, and insertions to be made easily to edited draft without the typist having to retype the unaltered portions.
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