


CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Human resource development is very essential to the economic development of every nation. Most of the developed countries such as the USA, United Kingdom and Japan lay so much emphasis on the development of human resources(www.humanresource.com). There is a general agreement among commentators such as business executives, administrators and human resource persons that the structure as well as the fundamental dynamics of business has dramatically changed over the past two decades. Human development is an acclaimed mode of transition of technical skills and ethical values to the labour force of every nation. At the global level, in the advanced capitalist world, the previous dominance of the U.S.A has begun to give way to a three-way competitive rivalry between North America, the European Union (E.U) and the Pacific Rim countries, which is dominated by Japan and the four tiger nations of Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. At the European level, as part of the process of European integration, the E.U has introduced a number of measures to remove barriers to free trade and encourage the mobility of capital, services and people. All these changes in the global world have become possible due to the emphasis placed on the human resources development. Africa has not been left out of this globalization of trade and business. African youth constitute a vast reservoir of talents and skill and opportunity. Realizing the importance of training and development to the general development of its human resources certain organizational structures have been put in place to train and develop the potentials of African youth. African Development Training Partners (ADPT) is one organization that plays an important role in the training and development of most African youth to stimulate economic activity and increase productivity. Nigeria is endowed with natural resources and significant human potentials, however, the ability to realize the full potential of its human capital is hampered by the unavailability of necessary logistics such as textbooks, school buildings and qualified teachers. It is therefore believed that with the necessary financial support, Nigeria will be able to train and develop its youth and benefit from their potential. It is in this vein that the government places more emphasis on education and training of the youth.

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