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Influence of NTA 12 programmes (Nuptial Bliss) on viewers in Ikot Ekpene. This research project examines the influence of NTA 12 Programme”Nuptial bliss” on viewers in Ikot Ekpene. The objective was to investigate, establish and highlight the programme on viewers in Ikot Ekpene, to determine whether NTA Uyo Nuptial bliss promote cultural values of Ikot Ekpene indigenes, it also discovered that national identity and national unity in diversity and the extent to which the audience have benefitted from the programme. A survey research method was the approach used in undertaking this study, while the random technique was adopted in the selection of the sample size for the study. Eighty-three thousand (83,000) populations were used for the study, this comprises residents of three villages in Ikot Ekpene. However, a sample of 300 was drawn from the three villages in Ikot Ekpene. Data for the study were collected through the administration of questionnaires on the respondents. The findings show that NTA”Nuptial Bliss” programme helps many people to extinguish negative or maladaptive behaviour thereby living well adjustable and constructive life in society. The findings also show that the audience have benefitted from the programme. On the basis of the above finding, the research work recommends that government should provide adequate funding to the mass communication media especially television authorities by providing it with modern transmission equipment boost the productivity and also the sound decency in programmes presentation and also government should formulate and implement effective policies that promote the independence of the media. The research study concludes that the individuals and government should contribute their respective quarter toward making NTA and indeed the entire communication industry realizes its potential.

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