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Insecurity and national development in Karim lamido local government area



Insecurity and national development in Karim lamido local government area.


This research work titled“insecurity and national development in Karim lamido local government area”, was investigated. The researcher set out the main objectives of the study which includes to examine the impact of insecurity on national development, to access the roles played by government in curbing insecurity in Nigeria, to determine the measures to adopt in eradicating the problem of insecurity in Nigeria. The theory researcher used was Marxian Theoretical Analysis. To successfully carry out this research, three questions will be formulated and structured questionnaires was designed based on the research questions. The study adopted survey design was adopted, the population of the study is 195,844 respondents as recorded in Karim Lamido Local Government Area and 100 respondents were used as sample size. To find solutions to the problems of unemployment, the research work used primary and secondary data as it was only restricted to Karim Lamido Local Government Area. A sample of 100 respondents was selected using cluster sampling technique.  The data collected was analysed and presented in a tabular form for easy understanding. Also, simple percentages was used for further analysis. The study also uses both descriptive and analytical methods in analysing the data from the sampled area and recommended that in order to address the insecurity and national development, particularly in Karim Lamido Local Government Area first, effective leadership and good governance have the capacity to ensure political stability in the country and guarantee economic growth and development.


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