



This project is focused on Management challenges facing mass transit programme in Nigeria, with main concentration on Kogi State Transport Company. It has been apparent that Mass Transit in Kogi State has not been done in the right procedure which has motivated this research. The objective of this research is not only to give insight into the factors that militate against mass transit but to bring about recommendations so as to eradicate the problems. The method used in collecting data was mainly secondary data and questions which were administered in the Kogi Mass Transport Company. These were analyzed by simple percentage method. It was discovered from the findings that insufficient spare parts affected the operation of the corporation. It was also clear that an insufficient number of vehicles is one of the major factors that affect the organization and many more. At the end of the research work, the researcher recommended that the company should improve its services to its customers. The company should acquire more vehicles (buses) so as to be able to attain the service level desired by the customers. 

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