The determination of physiochemical properties of surface water obtained from Otamiri River was carried out using AOAC (2011). The result obtained from the three sampling points upstream (ups), middle stream (mds) and downstream (dws) had the following: pH ups (5.550,mds(5.73), dws (5.76) conductivity (us/cm) ups (0.04), mds (0.03), dws (0.04), turbidity (NUT) ups (10.4), mds (12.3), dws (10.3), Dissolved oxygen (mg/1)ups (7.67), mds (7.43) dws (7.10), BOD (mg/1) ups (1.07), mds (0.87), dws (1.1), COD (mg/l) ups (64), mds (50.8), dws (60.6), Sulphate (mg/l) ups (2.9), mds (1.08), dws (2.6). Nitrate (mg/l)ups (50), mds (30), dws (60), Phosphate (mg/l) ups (0.54), mds (0.55), dws (0.61), Copper (mg/l) ups (0.00) mds (0.09), dws (0.00), Zinc (mg/l) ups (0.00), mds (0.07), dws (0.03), Iron (mg/l) ups (0.08), mds (0.21), dws (0.02). The values show high discrepancies when compared with the WHO standard for drinking water and these high values are attributed to the high industrial and domestic waster discharge directly to the water body.
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