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This project work contains 5 chapters in which series of definitions by different authors explain their views on ?impact of effective leadership on the smooth operations of an organization?. Leadership itself does not exist independently. It cannot, and there are so many things that must be in place for leaders to get endeared to the heart of followers. It is also a direct reflex ion of the style of leadership. More so, democratic leaders listen to their subordinates as to allow them some degree of freedom to participate or have a say in matters affecting them.

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1.0 Introduction
Leadership is a key process in any organization. The success or failure of any organization is usually attributed to the style of its organization. This is to say that when a business enterprise or any organization is successful, it is chief executive that is often being given the credit.
Therefore, the utmost element of concern in any organization is how to attract; train and retain people who will be effective leaders.
By definition, leadership is the ability management to induce subordinate to work towards group goal with confidence and keenness. A leader?s actions were devoted to help a group to action its objectives.
Apply by (1978) leadership is seen as a means of direction. The quality of leadership is one of such factors that encourage workers to give their in an organization, thus, this essence of leadership is fellowship. This is because it is the willingness of people to follow that. It often happens that subordinate follow those who they see as providing a means of achievement of result and attainment of goals, unlike many other management function of task such as planning and organizing. Leadership is highly behavioral function that requires as substantial involvement in personal relationship even the best plan steril until someone put the, into actions.
An organization may have excelled plans and many not effective. Therefore, the primary task of managers is to get people to contribute to the activities, which help to achieve the mission and goals of an organization or any department. To get activities in desires direction requires knowing to be best of a manager?s ability. What leads people to do things what inspires them odugbesan (1985).
In handling people, a manager must take adequate notice of the difference individuals. These are:
A. Traits and motives of the leader.
B. The situation in which him/her find themselves
C. The image of the leader held by the people who he/she lead.

1.1 Background of the Study
Nowadays, the impact of effective leadership on smooth operations on an organization would reflect in an achievement of the banking industry. The aim of any private business organization is having an image of high character, integrity and creditability to the organization name in the world market, thus promoting the company?s business which would attract customers through effective leadership.
Developed and effective leadership in the area of self-awareness, responsibility and effective monitoring their subordinate in the following keys areas.
A. Employee performance review:- This enable them to know where key can started determined what the company can do to help them become the best at what they do and to recognize their contribution, weakness and where they may need additional training and development perform their role effectively.
B. Monitoring:- Is conducting effective monitoring relationship that is important part of infrastructure required to make employee feel that they belong to the organization and they are valued.
A good leadership will have to know their employee career path and they can identify the areas of performance that their problems. The effective personal management leadership successful in their recruitment which can be judged by utilizing a number of criteria in order to perform the following question forms.
i. Was the replacement successful?
ii. Is he/she a good employee in terms of productivity and at titode?
If all these are put into consideration recruitment, then the organization will go a long way to increase is productivity, Human resources planning involved in having the right place at the right time. Doing the kind of working which result in long-run maintains individual and organization benefit. The management should developed fixed salary structures coupled with bonus on achieving sales target in order to keep employees motivated in constantly changing environment. Motivation of employees in an organization concern, in particular is not only to the benefit of the organization. All this brought complexity and give raise to the input of effective leadership on smooth operation of an organization.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
There are a lot of problems facing leadership today in day working environment at the Coca-Cola company, among these problems are:
A. Lack of motivation:- Organization may not have the enthusiasm to complete challenging tasks to various aspects of a business operation, like sales and customers services.
B. Promotion:- This include upgrading of an employee from his/her operation post to a higher cadre, when they fact they have been overlooked for promotion, they have to leave in order to achieve the recognition they feel the deserve.
Training and development complain about lack of training and development to perform the role of their job effectively:- These problems need affection of else the anticipated profit of the organization will not be realized.
A. Improper supervision:- There is no prosper supervision by the management, this makes employees performance review not having appropriate feedback.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The specific purpose of this study is to find out if.
i. Employees are properly motivated in an organization.
ii. Employees are properly supervised on these jobs.
iii. Employees are promoted in the organization as at when due.
iv. Employees are properly trained for the jobs.
1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions have been formulated
i. Are employees properly trained in the company?
ii. Are employees properly motivated in an organization
iii. Are employees promoted as and when due in an organization
iv. Are employees being supervised in an organization

1.5 Significance of the Study
This study will serve as an opportunity for all to have a clear understanding of effective leadership. In addition, this study will be of great benefits to the organization in helping them to could the areas of some problems affecting the growth and efficiency of the organization. It is hope that the finding of this study would be useful for further research working office management students.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This research on the impact of relationship leadership on the smooth operation of an organization focused on the Coca-Cola company Asejire plant Ibadan Oyo state only as the area to be covered.
1.7 Definition of Terms
Some basic terms used in this research work are given the contextual definition for benefits of our readers as follows.
i. Impact: – This refers to the action of one object coming for ably into contract with another.
ii. Effective: – Process of producing result.
iii. Leadership: – Relationship of effective control exercised by one person over other.
iv. Smooth operation of an organization:- To get activities in desires direction requires knowing to be best of any manager?s ability
1.8 Historical Background of the Study
Nigeria bottling company limited was incorporated in November 1951, as a subsidiary of the A.G leventis Group with the franchise to bottle and sell product of the Coca-Cola Company in Nigeria.
Two years later in 1953, the production of Coca-Cola began at a bottling factory in Ebute metta, Lagos state in the same year, the company opened its first bottling plant in apapa.
In 1960, the year of Nigeria?s independence, Nigeria bottling company and exceeded be one million cases a year mark.
Nigeria bottling company, in 1966, commissioned its second bottling facility at Ibadan, Oyo state and rapidly expanded its operation over the next couple of years which today stands at 13 facility and 64 deports across the country.
In 1972, Nigeria bottling company became publicly quoted company and listed its stares on the Nigeria stock exchange. Nigeria bottling company acquires the Eva premium water and Schweppes brands in 1991.
In 2000, Nigeria bottling company becomes a member of the newly formed coco-cola Heuenic Bottling Company S.A (an anchor bottling group with operation in 28 countries worldwide)
The first ultramodern fully automated Nigeria bottling company plant was commissioned in Benin in 200 Nigeria bottling company Lunched the five Alive juice brand I 2003, PET packaging for its sparkling soft Drink category in 2004, and 33cl can in 2007.
In 200, Nigeria bottling introduced the more environmentally friendly ?ultra ? glass packaging for its returnable Glass bottle product segments.
In October 2011, Nigeria bottling company was a world the social Enterprises Reporting Awards (SERAS) for the best company in Environment for its PET recycling project jointly implement with Coca-Cola Nigeria Limited as well as for the ?most socially Responsible company in Nigeria.
In November 2011, Nigeria bottling company became the first company in Nigeria to receive the food safety system (FSSC 22000) certification.
In April 2013, Coca-Cola HBC AG was listed on the premium segment if the London stock, exchange and Coca-Cola was also voted winner in the Non-alcoholic beverage category at the maiden Nigeria consumer Awards (NICA)
In 2014, Coca-Cola HBC AG was named the industry leader amongst beverages companies in the 2014 Dow jones sustainability indices (DJ si) and also received an ?A? rating from the carbon disclosure project.
In 2015, Nigeria bottling company was recognized by the Lagos state government as a category ?A? sponsor of the ?support our school? initiative with the LASG CSR Award. The company also won the award in 2010, 2013 and 2014.
Nigeria Bottling company has operated the Asejire plant located in Asejire community of Oyo state in south west Nigeria since 1983. The Asejire plant manufactory Coca-Cola, fanta, sprite and Schweppes and managers the distribution of all product categories.

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