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The importance of product planning and development (a case study of PZ industry Aba)


Production planning and development involves those activities included in the process of determining specifically, what tangible and intangible attributes that lead to customer satisfaction, which a firm should market. This work is divided into five chapters, which will embrace all the necessary things the reader needs to know about the importance of product planning and development. Chapter one is the introduction to the work which will briefly explain the background of study at the hand the scope of the study and also definitions of terms related to the study. Chapter two will try to review other works of literature thereby getting the view of other researchers on the topic mentioned above. Chapter three will highlight the method that will be used in getting the relevant data method and statistical techniques for the result that will be gotten. Chapter four the data gotten will be analyzed test and interpreted. Chapter five the work will be summarized while the research will conclude and make recommendations based on what is found during the research.   

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