


The role of Central Bank of Nigeria in the development of Nigeria financial sector. Abstract

The Central Bank of Nigeria through its various regulatory, prudential and contingency measures has continued to contribute to the development of the financial sector and the economy. The establishment of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), has been of great help in providing solutions, to problems facing financial institutions, industries and the general public. And the purpose and objective of this study are to investigate and report on the role of Central Bank of Nigeria in the development of the financial sector.  Meanwhile, this research work will be made up of five chapters. Chapter one will discuss the introduction, General overview of the study, statement of problems, its objective, scope and limitation, statement of hypothesis and significance of the research. Chapter two, will take a detailed look at various literature reviews relating to the topic with subheadings. Furthermore, chapter three will be discussing research methodology, sources of data collection sampling procedure, method of data collection and data analysis techniques. Chapter four presents and analysis of data.   Finally, chapter five will summarize the research findings, draw conclusions and also make recommendations. Bibliography and appendix shall be attached to this project work and these chapters will be discussed in detail in the previous chapter. 

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