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The history of newspaper can be traced to earnests human effect to communication by such crude devoiced as ignored cores and notched sticks, in ancient ROME for instance ,hand writer notices called the ACTA DIUMA ACTA senates and ACTA public were posted to be read y the public but it was not until the mid 15th century when the German inventor Johannes Gutenberg, development print media and improved the quality of ink that the newspaper as a means of mass communication become possible.

In Nigeria ,the earlier forms of mass communication were through the talking drums ,town cries ,go in trumpet, shooting of the gun e t c.

These means of mass communication through still exist button lesser extent are used for such occasion as the announcement of the arrival of important dignitaries to the village or about the community meaty as well as the announcement of the mort days and payment of community poll tax.

Later the printed work took over the information world with the coming of the church missionaries into our land dated back to 1816 as the mission opened up the interior of surthen Nigeria from lagos ,many of the freed slaves began to return home overseems countries the Christian missionaries come in with printing press so that they would be able to provide the In indigenous peoper with the newspaper religions literature.

Two main town were selected by the by the early churches as the basic for their operation they were Abeokuta and calaba the first attempt at printing press was the effort made by REV WEDDLES uwana EYGIKwas mainly concerbed with religion literature and his effortover generally directed to publication of religion pamhelets and book newspaper what could be regarded as the first newspaper to exist in any part of Nigeria was iwe irohin fun a wonara egba ati Yoruba ,iwe irohin was started by an anlish missionary of the church missionary society ,the REVEREND HENRY TOWNSEND in ABEOKUTA on enthusiastically, REV Townsend SEND A DISPATCH TO THE PARENT c m CHURCH in England and says;

I have set an foot a Yoruba newspaper my objective is to get the people read

To bayed the habit of seeking information by reading ALTHOUGH the early attempt of newspapering in both Calaba and ABEOKUTA were significantly narrow in scope they helped immensely to increase the leel of education and the social awareness of the generality of the people it serve Ogunsiji 1989 quoting omo say ;

They missionary newspaper may not have extend a very wide in fluencies, but there can be no doubt that they introduced the first generation of educated African to what had become an intrinsic of part of enlightens society.

With the British annexation of Lagos colony to the protectorate of southern Nigeria in 1861 and the opening up of the hitherlend,and Lagos attacked more people from sierraLeone, Liberia, Britain ,the west indies and the American Business flourished and the need for newspaper as medium of information and advertisement on trade and commerce increase ,newspaper become instrument for the general expansion of literacy in the growing city of Lagos and for increasing consciousness for western education, they were favorable sustained by proliferate business establishment and the grown printing industry among the early newspaper were Lagos time NOV 10,1880the first indigenous newspaper ever established in Lagos; Lagos observe founded on February 12 ,1882 ;the England lags critic; Lagos record Lagos standard ;the pioneer, daily time e t c.

The development of print media in Makurdi, capital of Benue state was not by accident, it was a continuous development from early press which started in overseas and then spread to Nigeria in the first half of the 19th century.

HISTORICALLY, Benue state was created in February 3, 1976 with the increased growth of commerce and trade, which attracted advertisement and other business concerned to the capital city in an attempt to satisfy the quest for increased awareness about the good and service and business activities generally as well as the need for the people to be informed about the government policies and programmes; the gate for newspaper in Benue was through open with the establishment of the Nigeria voice which was then managed by ministry of information ,Benue later, newspaper business generally began to increase in the state capital but only very few of them survived long enough due to economic crunch.

Other newspaper and magazine established in Benue according to statistic from ministry of information Benue include the Sunday voice, the weekend express the voice sport ,the Angwe and the okela all owned by the Benue state government while those owned by individual include the accord, the pavilion ,the Tigons, news link, the forum, freedom footprint ,the Gazettee and the mews time other include insurance mirror magazine the public city palava, comic magazine and the new world magazine.

In almost all publishing establishment in Benue today, management are in trouble as a result of dwindling in return on their investment their establishment are folding up and thy are in a state of confusion though there are bright ones among them like the voice the pavilion and the Tigons their background and tack record are every chance to succeed yet key are sinking in many case, the root of the problem dose not lie in lack of energy intelligence or dedication by these industry but simply on management style in the mildest of public and constraint, legal retraction national security ,literacy and the state of development of the economy and democracy.

There are various type of management styles, some of the trait in one style coincide with these in the other style, but each approach has on dominant characteristic that places it one point along the style spectrum and distinguishes it from the other until the dominant trait, which give acceptable flavor to the way management of print media industry should word is identified the elliptic programme of publishing industry print media in Benue will persist.

Based on these promises ,it become imperative to focus our attention on the condition of the voice and Sunday voice, the pavilion and Tigons newspaper by way of carry out analytical studies on there present management with the voice gasping yet/for breath, the analytical study will bring suggestion that will help breathe new life into the calling corporation and to pavilion and the Tigon the suggestions will stimulate and instill confident into the companies for their desire remain afloat in the business and as well to breathe their jinx of publishing forth night rather than daily.


The Benue printing and publishing corporation publisher of the voice and Sunday voice newspaper emerged from the defined Benue plateau printing and publishing corporation and the government printing department.

The Benue state executive council had its conclusion dabet march 3,1977 approved the establishment of the corporation, the establishment was made by the amendment of the Benue plateau printing and publishing corporation edict no 6 of 1972 to the Benue state edict no 1 of 1976.

The responsibility of corporation was to operate news and feature service to encourage good administration, effective promotion and commitment to the interest of Benue people to defend the state its government and its indigenes scurrilous attack from any quarter.

To give publicity to and encourage the art and industries of the state to serve as a forum for a meeting of the mind and exchange of ideas between government and the people, finally to uphold the secularity of the entire nation, the industry engages in the publication of Sunday voice, weekend express, and voice sport apart from the daily edition of the voice and commercial jobs being carry out, the page of now the voice was increased from eight to sixteen and column from foursix while the Sunday voice weekend express and voice sport all published weekly maintain the same pages and column respectively.

At the time of the research the industry publishes only the voice and Sunday voice edition, other are off the newsstand plans were put in place as early as AUGUST 1,1985 to change the status of the corporation to thus of a limited liability company, in 1992 the REV Fr MOSES ADASU administration actualized this dream, however the company never assumed that status and march 14, 1992the company was closed down because the operation of the company was at a loss, staff were retrenched in the process while other were on compulsory leave and yet other willingly resigned their appointment ironically, the edition of the voice newspaper was of the newsstand in march 1995 and reappeared in December, 1996 the daily edition is now published on Wednesday and Friday weekly while the Sunday voice is published on Sunday the voice have super lithographic until, modern computer section an equipped art studies web and modern printing machine with colour facilities it has also edition and department , which serve as nerve center of the industry or organization other include administration commercial, technical and financial .

Staff strength of the organization is not static at contain period ,they had on heir pay roll 120 staff at other 100.


The pavilion newspaper is a privately owned newspaper industry it made its debit in February 1997 having two directors and nine staff with a staff of strength of nine the aimed and objectives of the company is to promote developmental, marketing and production .

The pavilion newspaper is published forth nighty in 16pages and serve column respectively with about 1,00 copies forth nighty, Benue, Taraba, and Nasarawa states are the intended target audience of the young newspaper distribution of the newspaper is done through commercial vehicles it has three freelances and no outsider on its edition board.

The company is currently carrying its printing jobs which include commercial jobs on contract basis to private printer this is to say that the company is yet to acquire its own printing machine it has.


The Tigons newspaper was conceived and established in 1994 with its first edition on the newsstand on the 25th November 1996,the aim of the newspaper are to publish textbook, poster handbill, post card, gathering and dissemination of news particularly on people of middle best of Nigeria

The newspaper is funded through the solar of product loans and personal saving they are 16 staff all in editorial with each performing assigned function there are three major department including administration, marketing and editorial

As a private newspaper industry, the autonomous power is conferred and enjoyed by the management, they Tigons newspaper is published forth nighty with its first edition in 2 pages in magazine size and subsequent copies on broad sheet size which is in four pages and two column a total of about 1,00 copies are published forth nighty and are sold in Benue Taraba and Nasarawa state including Abuja no outside on its editorial board and freelance come and go on vehicles the company fas no vehicle to circulate and distribute its publication similarly production is connected out to private print in the town.


Business concern are daily becoming prone to economic hardship especially sine the introduction of structural adjustment programme SAPin Nigeria about 10 years ago, this is also a major disaster that has plunged into publishing industry in Benue state of lake it has put paid print media establishment into perpetual bedrider thereby preventing them from growing .

In Benue state, all that is happening among the publisher of print m edia establishment is their resolve to remain resolute in business of publishing just because the climate is not conductive, the a format, which has led the masses into asking question as to why the be so seems not to be given serious attention this study express the print media industry in a depressed economy; A CASE STUDY OF SELECTED MEDIA ORGANIZATION IN BENUE on the basis of the following question which serve as working guide for the progress of this project.


i Do the public and private information machinery strives in the present depressed economy

ii Dose the epileptic performance of the print media establishment create favourable condition for advertised and consumers of advertised good in their quest for sustainable daily business transaction

iii when does decline in the consumption of print media message set in

iv Does the present unstable nature of the publishing industry in the state create any hope for future Employment opportunities that can be generate for the people of the state


The research project is significant un that no meaning development can take place where there is absence of information service suffice to say that our present generation and the ones yet unborn ought to have information at then disposal for the purpose of getting abreast with event that on folding and for them too to pass the information at their own end to others with the view to solving their information needs.

Every day million of event occur simultaneously people die, they are born government formulate new policies while the old ones are being implemented, scents come out with new discoveries and inventions and farmers needs to know where to get their farming information and insecticides.


The of studying the print media industry newspaper industry in Benue is to investigate into the causes of epileptic performance of the industry in the course of gathering materials for this study it was discovered that there was little or no scientifically document study o an important subject like this for that reason, this study intend to serve as reference point in subsequent study concerning the state of newspaper publishing in Benue, the study is aimed at point out lapse on the part of newspaper publishing management who are bestowed with such responsibility to see themselves as nozzle for transformation of the society to suit modern state.



The piece of work only cover the print media industry in a depress economy; A CASE STUDY OF SELECTED NEWSPAPER INDUSTRY IN BENUE.

Due to time constraints, lacks of enough materials on the topic, I have decided to limit my discussion in this treaties to this more manifested area.


Three type of research methods are used in the course of conducting research into this problem they include 1 random sampling method 2 serials from libraries and 3 personal observation methods.


It is very implement that before the full discussion on the subject method order that reader of this work may not suffer mental some result, the definition or explanation of certain terms which reader may come across from time to time is necessary some these terms though familiar may have slight difference as used in this contest from their general usage.

Depressed low spirit.

Economy system for the managements and use of resource.

Print media: A family name for newspaper and magazine, which seek to inform, educate and entertain homogeneous and heterogeneous audience.

Industry ; this refers to trading I,e contrasted with distribution and commerce.

Issue; issue refer to particular edition or print of a publication be it daily, weekly, monthly.

Newspaper ; in trying to define the term newspaper, uyo 1987,explains;


There is French word rouwelles, which through imitation in middle England become news the French also have a word paper derived from the lain word papers, the material on which people could write and print news and paper together makeup newspaper, meaning a paper published periodically and that beans tiding or timely report.

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