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The study of online library resource use and access by student of college of science and technology, Musa Abdullahi library




The study of online library resource use and access by student of college of science and technology, Musa Abdullahi library. This study was intended for the Study of Online Library Resource Use and Access by Students of College of Science and Technology, Musa Abdullahi Library. This study was guided by the following objectives To identify the online information resources used by the students of the Polytechnic. To identify the way of making students aware of e-resource. To find out students’ preferred options for access to online resources. To find the level of use of e-resources in the library. To identify the challenges with online information resource access and use. The study employed descriptive and explanatory design questionnaires in addition to library research applied in order to collect data. Primary and secondary data sources were used and data was analyzed using the chi statistical table of frequency and percentage was presented in frequency tables and percentage. The respondents under the study were 107 staff and users of Musa Abdullahi Library. The study findings revealed that the Study of Online Library Resource Use and Access by Students of College of Science and Technology Based on the findings from the study, efforts should be made by the Nigerian government and stakeholders in funding public libraries in other to achieve educational development.


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