Abstract This project, Eradication of Environmental Pollution, (a case study of Kwara, Osun, Industries). Pollution is a very terrible phenomenon as it does more harm to human health and environment, or pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the surrounding to cause discomfort to the Ecosystem. Industrial pollution, which is a branch of pollution, occurs mostly in towns as a result of rapid urbanization, geometrical increase, in human needs and industrial development which has a connection with increasing industrial pollution. In the course of the study, the environmental protection Agency (EPA) collaborates with many agencies to eradicate pollution and the literature review enumerates the ideas and lectures on the project little by some school of thoughts and learning men in their books. The survey of several locations of industries and their characteristics in Ilorin, Oshogbo, and also gives the required information and data of industrial pollution and it covers the effects of all the type of industrial pollution and it covers the effects of all the type of industrial pollution.
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