This project works looks at Gender preference in the employment of workers. It focuses on gender preference in the employment of workers in selected banks in Owerri Urban. Specifically, the research covers United banks for African, First Bank of Nigeria, Union Bank of Nigeria, Guarantee Trust Bank, Bank PHB, Eco Bank Plc, Skye Bank, Spring bank, Diamond bank and Access bank. To achieve the aim of this study, questionnaire and review of related literature were employed as research tools. Data collected were analyzed using a 5-point Likert scale and mean scores. A mean score 3.00 and above was accepted and significant while any factor less than 3.00 was rejected. The population was made up to 20 executives/employers working in these banks. The questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection, which was distributed and collected by the researcher. The result of the data analysis showed that most employers prefer working with male workers all things being equal, also, there are more females in the secretarial profession, and marriage is a contributing factor to inefficiency on the part of married female workers. In other to minimize this preference, since it was discovered that a worker could be a male or a female because it all depends on the personal and business attributes of the individual concern it was, therefore, recommended among other things that employers of labor should stop the discriminatory practice of identifying gender as a prerequisite for employment of workers. Female workers should learn how to keep sealed lips on confidential matters, workers should be incorporated in most managerial decisions in order to prepare to work hard and ensure that they are working according to time schedule so as to avoid home- office conflicts.
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