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This is a research work aimed at critically and objectively examines staff training and development as important tools for enhancing employee performance in an organization with a particular reference to the Nigeria breweries Plc in Nigeria. To achieve this, the work its divided into five 5 chapters. Chapter one provided a general view on the study, which include introduction the aims and objectives of the study the hypothesis among other thing. The chapter two, which is the literature review, shaded more light on the vital aspect of training and development. Textbooks were referred in other to get related information, quotations were made from these materials chapter three deals with research methodology, the method that data were collected, carefully analyzed and presentation was also made, the questionnaire were collated other administering. Finally, chapter five, which comprises summary, conclusion and recommendation, is also embedded, these the researcher believe could be of immense benefit to any organization that may wish to venture into training and development exercise.



The importance of human resources in an organization cannot be over emphasized. Every organization depends more on the resources for attainment of its objectives. However the objectives cannot be achieved unless organization made up of employee who have skill knowledge but in the long run. They may find it very difficult to cope with their jobs due to many factors such as organizational changes and so on.

The manpower training and development programme is very important activities the management cannot afford to Miss because not everything can be learned in the work situation. When workers are employed they are being trained and developed in order to increase their abilities skills and knowledge however employee are not just trained for their benefit only the organization benefit from them.

Indeed this is what the researcher is out in this study to learn from Nigeria breweries Plc Night Mile corner Ngwo Enugu.

They should answer on behalf of other organizations. It is not enough to stress for enhancing employee performance and efficient services delivery at Nigerian breweries Plc without effective training and development programmes for the person that will accomplish the objectives untrained staff can be a constant sources of inefficiency at work. Really there is not place for the untrained workers or even the intelligent mature in these days of specialized works through training and development organization can improve the quality of output lower the cost of waste and equipment maintenance lower the number amp; cost of accident and also prevent low turnover and also prevent sentiecism.

Infact the importance of training and development cannot over emphasize it plays large role determining the enhancement of employee and efficiency of the performance of the organization.


In every organization all over the world the management set up the organization goals and ways of achieving the goals the Nigeria breweries Night Mile Ngwo, is not an exception since it performs many activities in other to attain its goal effectively and to do this they have to train their workers training is very important in an organization because it will help to improve workers performance in an organization.

This research is cantered on the need for manpower training and development as tool for efficient performance on the light of the objectives of the company.

Nowadays some organizations have been able to identify the importance of training and development now the question is why do some organization perform better than other in other words why is that some organization despite the high cost involved in training and development are able to train employee or why is it really considered necessary in some companies. In trying to answer this questions its then become very important to determine the following areas.

Identification of individual of existing jobs

Identification of potential training needs of exist sting jobs.

Identification of individual pertaining performance level

Determination of expenditure of resources on training performance with respect to the manpower training and development objectives

Therefore it is hoped that study in this regard in the institution chosen would throw light in the issue involved in training and development in other organization which are operating in Nigeria


Following problems already stated above it is the objectives of the research to determine the following

1.To determine the training and development needs of employee in organization with a particular reference to Nigeria breweries

2.To access the performance of employee who benefited and low often they benefit from manpower training and development programmes.

3.To access the performance of employee have trained.

4.to find the method the employee and which methods are most acceptable by its employee

5.To find out whether employees are encouraged to attend this training programme and they are being encouraged.

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