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Stastitical analysis on the rate of live and still birth In Nigeria



CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The role of Statistics in medicine cannot be neglected. Therefore, to have a good knowledge of scientific approach for planning and implementing various programmes, we need the knowledge of statistics. Since statistics cannot be neglected in medical aspect, we now refer to statistics as the scientific method of collecting, organizing, summarizing, presenting and analyzing of data?s and making reasonable influence on the basis of such analysis. As this project work is concerned, I shall be looking for the relationship that exists between live birth and still birth. Birth rate of a community depends on the facility of women and the number of women in the population. Birth rate is high in the world today because the population of the world currently has a large proportion of women of childbearing age. Birth rate is used to estimate average number of children born to each woman in the course of her life and it is truly mentioned as total fertility rates can be described as it states who will buy a baby dies in the process off label or delivery this time use 10 in the stink song is called miscarriage in United Kingdom UK Cuba’s is usually described as an infant but without life after 24 hours gas station Since we are interested in doing new relationship that exist between live birth and still birth, I shall make use of correlation in statistic. Therefore, this project research work will help me in formulating and implementing of health related policies most especially in the area of medical to know ways to control the rate of still birth in the population. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM To know whether there is significant difference between live birth and still birth (foetal death).To also know whether there is significant different between the two variables. How to prevent pregnant women to stay away from the cause still birth on the period of delivery. 1.3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES. The aims and objective of this research project work are as follows: 1.To carry out statistical test in order to determine whether if there exists a significant difference between live birth and still birth. 2.To find out degree of association and relationship between live birth and still birth. 3.To know the specific cause of still birth or (reasons) In the population. 4.To use correction coefficient and regression analysis to measure the relationship between the two variables(live birth and still birth) and using correlation to measure the association that exist in them. 5.To determine the number of live birth and still birth with the given period of nine years and also examine the relationship and know the year which has the highest rate and death rate. 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY. The details used for this research work is collected from an existing record department of state hospital, Eruwa. And also, with the data?s collected, I shall apply them on the topic of this project which says: statistical analysis on demographic structure on birth rate and death rate. A case study of the general hospital, Eruwa from 2007-2015, a period of nine years 1.5 SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY 1. To advice all pregnant women to visit the hospital for scanning and body testing (check up) so as to know the correct position of the baby in the womb. 2. The pregnant women should caution themselves on the intake of material consumption of recreational drugs such as (Alcohols, nicotine. Pharmaceutical,etc). 3. advising all pregnant women to stay away from any stress that to lead to infection to the baby during the period of delivery and lead to still birth 1.6 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY The data collected for this project research work are secondary data in nature because the data that have been extracted from an existing record department in state hospital, General Hospital, Eruwa. Therefore, I made sure that all the figures given have been treated, analysed and interpreted in the right way. Hence, presenting the data to suit future planning and making reasonable decisions 1.7 DEFINITION OF TERMS The crude birth rate: In demography, crude birth rate is the number of life child birth per 1000 person per year. it can be represented by CBR=n x 100 The Crude Death Rate: in demography, crude death rate is the number of death per year per 1000 people. It can be represented by CD-R Gross Reproductive rate: Is the sum of specific birth rate of women age 15-49 restricted to female birth only. The General Fertility Rate: Is the annual normal of live birth per year 1000 of women of child bearing age (often taken to be sometimes from 15-44) The Infant Mortality Rate: Is the annual number of death children less than one year, per 1000 live birth The total fertility rate: Is the number of live birth per women completing her Reproductive life, if her child bearing at each age reflected current specific fertility rate. The Net Reproductive rate: Is the expected number of daughter per new born prospective mother who may or may not survive to go through the age of child bearing The Material Mortality Rate: Is the number of material death per 1000 live birth in the same period Mortality: Is the measure of the number of material death (in general or due to some specific cause) in a population, scaled to the size of that population per unit of time. Fertility is the measure of conventional as the frequency of birth in the population Fecundity: Is the potential level of performance or physical capability of bearing. Children Still Birth: Is a process whereby a baby dies during the point of delivery or labour.

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