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The project to titled The impact of photo Journalism on the society It is in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of National Diploma in Mass Communication.

Therefore the aim of writing this work in to identify the problems and solution to photo Journalism, it also seek to review the impact that photo journalism bring to the society.

The project work is divided into five chapters, chapter one deals with the introduction and background of the study. It also touches on the history of photojournalism and statement of the problem, significance of the study, the research question Hypothesis formulation limitation is also included as well as the definition of terms and references.

Chapter two is mainly review of literature where the heart of the work is rested.

Chapter three is about the method of study where population and sampling is involved. The chapter also explains the method of data collection and the process of data collection and how to analysis data.

Chapter four is concerned with the presentation and analysis of data whereas chapter five is all about summary of the work and conclusion with recommendation.



Photo Journalism is understood as the pictorial and photographic dissemination of information, ideas, experiences and reportage of news with the aid of a light tight mechanism know as the camera. It is also a documentary way of recording graphically the event, condition of society and its people.

Ordinarily, we can or may thank of photography as not always being a medium of mass communication, afterally, we may say or see that our snapshots of the last campus holidays or a family picnic may be seen by only a few relative or friends, however, let us take a second look whereby a news photo may be in circulation in hundreds of news papers and magazines, read by millions of people worldwide. In a situation like this, we can there fore see that photographs and the work of photojournalist are capable of putting across pictorial messages, idea and news to heterogenous calibers of people and such can be refer to as mass medium it is therefore, interesting to note that any form of communication put across, be it verbal, getural, is proactive or action oriented, that is to say that the mass media, in it reportage of happening, cultural, development is science and technology, sport, politics, economy and education, is not only keeping us abreast of development but they are also for us to either emulate, reject or to serves as a reminder to us, the recipients, Again, these transform slightly or tremendously, our behavioral tendencies and pattern in the society. This is also applicable to photo news or reportage. All these pictures carried in newspapers and magazines or book which we read in our homes on streets or public offices make impact on the us and consequently on the society as a whole, some people may not notice this may be because of their indifference about it. But if you can watch it you will see that there are really, some metamorphosis simultaneously undergoing through which you read different types of photo reporting or a particular kinds of photo news.

Having seen the importance and influence wield by photojournalism on the society couples with how its however, given less attention, evidenced in it lack of adequate literature and research work specifically in Nigeria, this research in inspired primarily to ascertain to what extent photojournalism in capable of making impact on knowledge of the young academicians by providing them with available literary base thereby arouser using them curiously into the area of study or specialization.

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