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The problems of proliferation of unregistered estate agents in agency practice in Lafia metropolis


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The problems of proliferation of unregistered estate agents in agency practice in Lafia metropolis. 


This study critically examined the problems of the proliferation of unregistered estate agents in agency practice in the Lafia metropolis. The study adopted survey design method and data for this study was collected using two methods of data collection i.e primary and secondary methods of data collection. The primary method used a structured questionnaire administered to the respondents, whereas the secondary method data were collected from extant publications and research i.e. editorials from newspapers, editorials from journals, published and unpublished dissertations, international journals, online books, etc. The target population was estate agents in Lafia. Stratified sampling technique was used to determine the sample size for the study and 130 sample size was chosen for the study. Out of the 130 administered to the respondents, 100 were filled and duly returned and were used for the data analysis using simple percentage method of data analysis. Findings from the study revealed that real estate agency practice in the Lafia metropolis is attributed to largely unregulated activities and without serious professional qualification or expertise. The study therefore recommends among others that the state government should adopt the prosecution of erring members and encourage non-professionals to attend formal training and the establishment of such colleges.

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