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This study is on Transcript generation system for mathematical /computer science. Before Education, in the beginning for many years, children taught themselves using everything around them (surrounding, friends, themselves etc.), they taught themselves by being self-directed, playing and exploration. Regardless, if parents did not force children to go to school, they would not be competent adults when they are grown.

Education in the most populous black nation “Nigeria “blessed with a lot of ethnic groups; Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo being the most recognized in the world started with the first mission school which was founded in 1843 by Methodists but the Anglican Church missionary society expanded it in the early 1850’s by finding schools where children are taught about culture, social activities and work for the western education but this was prohibited by the northerners who focused primarily on Islamic education for themselves(Muslims). Post-independence brought about a major development of education in Nigeria with increase in the number of the formal education system which includes 6 years of primary schooling, 3 years of junior secondary schooling, 3 years of senior secondary schooling and 4/5 years of university education, finally directing towards a bachelor’s level degree in majority of the subjects (Sherif 2016).

Compiling of results for quite a number  students was a burden to lecturers and alongside getting a transcript for each student’s result was to be solved by building a platform where registration of courses, result processing and transcript generation could be made easy with one having a desktop. The manual method of checking results for example; Students going to the notice board to check results. With student’s mentality, they calculate to make sure what they were given was actually what they deserved. Most times some students get undeserved marks, while others get unfairly marked down, this causes delay of results for corrections, which might be unfavorable to students especially the final year students. All this happens because a lecturer was tired and calculated wrongly. Transcripts would be needed to have meaningful information about the result without stressing yourself on the details of the results because it has a clear description of what the student has and final grades. With all this, security would be needed because without this platform having security students could try to get access the result and manipulate it in their favor.

With the use of computers for information processing, the accompanying are conceivable: moment access to understudy’s close to home and course data, moment understudy data refreshing, programmed calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA), era of the graduating understudies list, checking of fizzled courses, staying up with the latest record of the whole understudy body in the foundation, putting away course data, for example, course code, course portrayal, course unit, and scores with the end goal of GPA calculation, and creating easy to understand information section screens for convenience. It is unfortunate that all educational establishments in the creating scene, for example, the Universities, Colleges of Education and polytechnics in Nigeria, still work under the manual technique for record keeping calculation of GPA and very inclined to blunders (Emmanuel, B and Choji, D.N 2012). Example of Universities that operate under manual method is Benue State University.

Transcript can be defined as the statement or record of academic Performance of a student within the period of study in an institution. An academic transcript is used to inform an institution or organization the general performance of the student.

The manual system of applying for the transcript has not been efficient. Hence there has been enormous cost incurred as well as delay in submitting application for the processing of transcript. Owing to those problems the researcher looked at designed an efficient design and implementation of web-based transcript system.


Most universities and polytechnics still use the manual way of viewing results, going to the board and they crowd is always unbearable coupled with the errors due to human imperfections. One out of some Universities that still operate using the manual way or result viewing includes Benue State University. The university was set up by Benue State Government in 1991, the state government shaped a 13-part directing board of trustees to get ready for and acquire endorsement for the college. The university started offering classes for the 1992/1993 school year in four colleges: Arts, Education, Sciences, and Social Science. Two more colleges, Law and Management Sciences went ahead stream in the 1993/94 scholarly year. A post graduate school took off in the 1998/1999 scholastic year while the College of Health Science was set up in the 2003/2004 scholarly session. Benue State is owned by the state Government, and it is authorize by the National Universities Commission (NUC). This university alongside many other universities use the 5 grade point for result accumulations.


The problems encountered in using the already existing manual system for applying for a transcript are:

  1. It contributes to de delay in processing of the transcript, as well as stress on the part of the applicants and huge amount of money spent by applicants, as long distance transportation has to be made in order to apply for the transcript.
  2. Retrieving of relevant information used in processing the transcript poses a lot of difficulty as the applicant makes some grammatical error or gives some irrelevant information instead of needed information.
  3. The manual system lacks adequate security. Measure since applications are easily misplaced arising from carrying of files from one office to other.
  4. Filling and keeping (or storing) of these applications takes up much of the limited space in the office.


What promoted this research work, is to design online method of applying for a transcript, is due to the stress the applicants undergo in applying for a transcript. Other objectives are

  1. To reduce time delay and money spent on transportation by the applications by the applicants in the course of submitting the application for the processing of transcript.
  2. To reduce physical spaces occupied by these application letters.
  3. To increase speed and security of applications through backup storage of data kept in a database beneficiaries of this research work are the staff of Exams and Records and the graduates of Benue State University, Makurdi, Benue State.


The scope of this project work in centered on the Academic unit of Benue State University, Makurdi.


The following are the limitations of this study:

  1. Insufficient Time: Time limit for the completion of the study is too short the researcher found it difficult to cover a wide area.
  2. Date Collection: through some staff complied to give out relevant information, some documents are been derived access due to some security reasons.
  • Finance: the cost of acquiring the needed materials to execute this project is expensive. The researcher thereby solicits for found.


Proper implementation of this research work will solve the problems encountered presently in Exams and Records department.

It will also enhance processing of transcript and efficient delivery through the use of available database record. It allows for updating by authorized personnel and sorting as well. This research work may as well serve as a reference materials to anyone who any want to carry out further research on this work.


TRANSCRIPT: It is the statement of academic performance of a student within the period of stay in the institution.

WEB: The web, sometimes referred to as worldwide web, in an enormous worldwide network of hypermedia documents that contains information in the form of text, pictures, video, clips and sound.

COMPUTER: It is an electro-mechanical equipment or device that collects data, processes the data in a pre-defined way using some set of instruments and produces some results that are sent to the user through its output display.

WEBSITE: This is a collection of related hypertext files i.e web pages.

HYPERLINK: HYPERLINK is a clickable object (i.e an image or text) that enables the user to navigate to a different location in either the page or a different page within the same website or a different website.

HTML: It is an acronym for Hypertext markup language, a formatting language used to present a web document.

BROWSER: This is client software that allows the user to display and interact within a web document.

GRADE POINT: This is a numerical value, an equivalence of point obtained by a student in a particular subject.

GRADE POINT AVERAGE: This is obtained b multiplying the grade point score of the candidate in each course with the number of course credit assigned to that course.

ADDRESS: It is the identification for a register location in storage or other data source or destination the identification may be a name, label or numbers.

POINT SCORE: This is the production of score unit and rating.

INTERNET: It is a global network of many different types of computers and the computer network that are linked together for the purpose of communication and information sharing.

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