This project is on the Utilization of rice for the production of snacks and bread. The primary aim of this project is to show the importance of rice in our country is embarked upon to examine the various ways in which rice can be used for the production of snacks and bread in the restaurant menu. The main aim of this research is to enlighten people that rice can also be processed and milled finely, and can produce good quantity snacks as wheat flour. The methods used for the finding are desk work and experimental method. The snacks produced are liked by some people that tasted it. Rice is very nutritious because it produces starch and energy to the body and by adding wheat flour to it, it will bring out a good quantity of snacks because of the gluten, provided good proportion is added. The economic importance of rice brings about income to the society and also increases the standard of living. This project work tends to contribute to the adaptation of using rice flour in place of imported wheat flour so as to encourage more local crops.
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