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Fully Funded 2022/2023 Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for full-time Master’s study at a UK university


Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships are for candidates from eligible lower and upper middle income Commonwealth countries, to undertake full-time taught Master’s study at a UK university.

Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK. These scholarships are offered under six development themes:Science and technology for development

Strengthening health systems and capacityPromoting global prosperityStrengthening global peace, security and governanceStrengthening resilience and response to crisesAccess, inclusion and opportunity

The agency-nominated Master programme is one of three Master’s programmes offered by the Commission.

Purpose: Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK.

Intended Beneficiaries: Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships are for candidates from eligible lower and upper middle income Commonwealth countries, to undertake full-time taught Master’s study at a UK university.

Eligibility Requirements

To apply for these scholarships, you must:

  • Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person
  • Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country
  • Be available to start your academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September 2022
  • By September 2022, hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honours standard, or a second class degree (2:2) and a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree). The CSC would not normally fund a second UK Master’s degree. If you are applying for a second UK Master’s degree, you will need to provide justification as to why you wish to undertake this study
  • Be unable to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship
  • Have provided all supporting documentation in the required format

Please note that only candidates from the eligible countries listed below can apply for Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships in 2022.

Antigua and Barbuda
Papua New Guinea
South Africa
Sri Lanka
St Helena
St Lucia
St Vincent and the Grenadines
The Gambia

Selection process

Each year, the CSC invites selected nominating bodies to submit a specific number of nominations. The deadline for nominating bodies to submit nominations will be made available in 22 September 2021.

Applications will be considered according to the following selection criteria:

  • Academic merit of the candidate
  • Quality of the plan of study
  • Potential impact on the development of the candidate’s home country

Scholarship Worth

Each scholarship provides:

  • Approved airfare from your home country to the UK and return at the end of your award (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor the cost of journeys made before your award is confirmed).
  • Approved tuition fees.
  • Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,133 per month, or £1,390 per month for those at universities in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at 2021-2022 levels).
  • Warm clothing allowance, where applicable.
  • Thesis grant towards the cost of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable.
  • Study travel grant towards the cost of study-related travel within the UK or overseas.
  • If you are widowed, divorced, or a single parent, child allowance of £485 per month for the first child, and £120 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if you are accompanied by your children and they are living with you at the same address in the UK (rates quoted at 2021-2022 levels).
  • If you declare a disability, a full assessment of your needs and eligibility for additional financial support will be offered by the CSC. The CSC’s family allowances are intended to only be used as a contribution towards the cost of maintaining your family in the UK. The true costs are likely to be considerably higher. You must be able to supplement these allowances to support any family members who come to the UK with you.For more information, see the current Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows. Please note that the conditions outlined in the Handbook are subject to change.

    Tenure and placement

Awards are tenable at any approved UK university or higher education institution with which the CSC has a part-funding agreement (as mentioned previously) for a specific programme of research for 36 months of full-time study only.

Awards are to obtain one degree; funding will not be extended to enable candidates to complete a qualification in addition to or higher than that for which the selection was made. Awards are made in respect of full-time study only and no other course of study may be undertaken at the same time.

Completing application form

Applications must be made using the CSC’s online application system.

In the application form, prospective candidates will be asked to:

  • List all undergraduate and postgraduate university qualifications obtained (if applicable)
  • List up to 10 publications and prizes (if applicable)
  • Provide details of your employment history and explain how each job is relevant to the programme you wish to undertake in the UK (up to 100 words per employment)
  • Provide a statement on the relevance of your previous work experience to the proposed Scholarship (up to 300 words)
  • List names and positions of three referees who are qualified to comment on both your capacity to benefit from your proposed Scholarship in the UK and your ability to deliver development impact afterwards. One of your referees must be your current employer.
  • Provide a Development Impact statement in 4 parts. In the first part you should explain how your proposed Scholarship relates to:

You must apply to one of the following nominating bodies in the first instance – the CSC does not accept direct applications for these scholarships.

Each nominating body is responsible for its own selection process and may have additional eligibility criteria. You must check with your nominating body for their specific advice and rules for applying, their own eligibility criteria, and their own closing date for applications.

You must make your application using the CSC’s online application system, in addition to any other application that you are required to complete by your nominating body. The CSC will not accept any applications that are not submitted via the online application system.

Applications for Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for the academic year 2022/23 will open on 20 September 2021, and will close on 01 November 2021. Deadline to submit supporting documentations is 22 November 2021. Nomination deadline is 22 December 2021.

Application Deadline: 01 November 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

Eynesbury College international awards in Australia

Education builds one’s intellect, ability, and personality development. Keeping the importance of education in mind, Eynesbury College is providing international awards for the academic year 2021/2022.

The main aim of this funding opportunity is to support overseas students who want to undertake the undergraduate or diploma program at the university.

Eynesbury College offers a range of programs such as the Foundations Studies Program, Diploma Programs and English Language Preparation Programs.

Why should like to study at Eynesbury College? Students at Eynesbury love our outstanding student support services and tell us they quickly feel settled and supported here. Students are supported in their learning through flexible timetables, small class sizes and through a comprehensive wellbeing program, which ensures students reach their full potential.

Application Deadline: Open

Brief Description

  • University: Eynesbury College
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Undergraduate or diploma program
  • Awards: Tuition-fees
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Nationality: International students
  • The award can be taken in Australia


  • Eligible Countries: Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Latin America, Macau, Malaysia, EMEAA (Dubai, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zimbabwe), Middle East (Iran, Kuwait, UAE), Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan or Vietnam.
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: Undergraduate and diploma program in any subject offered by the university
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must have high school certificates with a good academic record.

How to Apply        

  • How to Apply: In order to apply for this opportunity, applicants must complete the online application form.
  • Supporting Documents: Candidates will have to provide original high school official transcripts.
  • Admission Requirements: For taking admission, candidates must meet all the entry requirements of Eynesbury College.
  • Language Requirement: Applicants must meet check the English language requirements of the college.                                         


Eynesbury College will provide the award amount of tuition fees to the successful candidates.



TWAS-DBT Postgraduate Fellowship Programme 2021/2022 (Funded)

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the Ministry of Science and Technology in India, and TWAS have established a fellowship programme for foreign scholars from developing countries who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in biotechnology.

Applicants are encouraged to apply for the preliminary acceptance letter as early as possible, even before the opening date of the call. Keeping in mind that only Acceptance letters dated the same year as the year of application are eligible.

Programme details

  • TWAS-DBT Postgraduate Fellowships are tenable at key biotechnology research institutions in India for a period of up to five years.
  • Applicants may be registered for a PhD degree in their home country, or may enrol in a PhD course at a host laboratory/institute in India. To help candidates in their choice of a suitable host institution a list of biotechnology institutes in India is available here: List_Biotechn_India.pdf. However, candidates are free to choose an Indian biotechnology institution that does not appear on the list.
  • SANDWICH Fellowships (for those registered for a PhD in their home country): The Fellowship may be granted for a minimum period of 12 months and a maximum period of 2 years.
  • FULL-TIME Fellowships (for those not registered for a PhD): The Fellowship is granted for an initial period of up to 3 years.  Such Fellowships may then be extended for a further 2 years, subject to the student’s performance.  Candidates will register for their PhD at a university in India. DBT will confirm any such extensions to both TWAS and the candidate.
  • DBT will provide a monthly stipend to cover for living costs, food and health insurance. The monthly stipend will not be convertible into foreign currency. In addition, the fellowship holder will receive a house rent allowance.
  • The language of instruction is English


Applicants for these fellowships must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a maximum age of 35 years on 31 December of the application year.
  • Be nationals of a developing country (other than India).
  • Must not hold any visa for temporary or permanent residency in India or any developed country.
  • Hold a Master’s or equivalent degree in science or engineering.
  • For SANDWICH Fellowships, be registered PhD students in their home country and provide the “Registration and No Objection Certificate” from the HOME university (sample is included in the application form); OR
  • For FULL-TIME Fellowships; be willing to register at a university in India.
  • Be accepted at a biotechnology institution in India (see sample Acceptance Letter that can be downloaded below or included in the application form). N.B. Requests for acceptance must be directed to the chosen host institution(s), and NOT to DBT.
  • Provide evidence of proficiency in English, if medium of education was not English;
  • Provide evidence that s/he will return to her/his home country on completion of the fellowship;
  • Not take up other assignments during the period of her/his fellowship;
  • Be financially responsible for any accompanying family members.

Submitting your application

  • The opening date of the call is: 20 June 2021.
  • The deadline for receipt of applications is 20 September 2021.
  • No applications will be accepted after the deadline. Therefore, it is recommended to submit your electronic application as early as possible.
  • Applications for the TWAS-DBT Postgraduate Fellowship Programme can ONLY be submitted to TWAS via the online portal. A tutorial on how to use the online application form is available below for download.
  • For SANDWICH Fellowships (only if already registered for a PhD in the HOME country) applicants should ensure that the Vice-Chancellor or Registrar of the university sends a signed copy of the “Registration and No Objection Certificate” on institutional headed paper to TWAS (see sample form).
  • Applicants should submit the Acceptance Letter from an Indian biotechnology institution to TWAS when applying online. Without preliminary acceptance, the application will not be considered for selection.
  • Reference letters must be on letter-headed paper and SIGNED by the referee. The subject line must contain the name DBT/PG/ and the candidate’s surname. N.B. Only signed reference letters can be accepted.
  • Should you have applied to or availed any Indian fellowships (especially INSA JRD TATA and JNCASR-CICS) in the current or previous year this must be clearly specified in the application form.

Results of the fellowship selection should be available toward the end of 2021 or early 2022, and selected candidates will be able to start their fellowship NO earlier than beginning of 2022.

Application Deadline: September 20th 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2022 Vital Voices (VV) GROW Fellowship Global Accelerator Program for Female Entrepreneurs (Scholarships Available)

The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) is responsible for managing the program. It was commissioned by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur du Québec (MEES) which provides the funding. The program has a component open to students of all countries and six specific components reserved for students from Brazil, China, India, Israel, Mexico and Wallonia. These specific components arise from agreements concluded between Québec and foreign governments.

The objective of the Merit Scholarship Program for Foreign Students (PBEEE) is to support the internationalization of research activities in Québec’s institutions of higher education, to attract top foreign researchers and students, and to promote international recognition of Québec universities and College Centres for the Transfer of Technologies (CCTT).

The program covers higher education as a whole by giving to the CCTT researchers and administrators the opportunity to participate.

Target group

These scholarships are intended for foreign students or researchers from all research sectors (health, humanities and social sciences, arts and letters, natural sciences, and engineering) preselected by a Québec university, Synchronex (a CCTT), the China Scholarship Council (CSC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico (SRE) or the National Council on Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) who wish to begin or continue studies or research activities in Québec. No research sector is given preference.

Value of scholarships

In addition to the scholarship, MEES offers all scholarship recipients an exemption from paying the higher tuition fees required for foreign students and the medical insurance coverage offered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ).

Value of scholarships for each component:

Doctoral research scholarships (V1, 1B, 1C, 1I, 1IS, 1M, 1W): $25,000 a year. The maximum duration of the scholarship is three years (nine semesters) with a possible extension of up to 12 months (monthly allowance of $1,000).

Postdoctoral scholarships (V2, 2B, 2C, 2I, 2M): $35,000 for one year (cannot be renewed).

Short-term research or professional development scholarships (V3, 3B, 3C, 3I, 3IS, 3M, 3W): $3,000 a month for a period of up to four months.

Eligibility requirements, citizenship and residence


  • Must meet all eligibility requirements at the closing date of the competition (a different closing date to be confirmed for students preselected by CSC);
  • Must have been preselected by a university or Synchronex (a CCTT);
  • For the Québec-China scholarship, must be preselected by the CSC;
  • Cannot have already received a Merit Scholarship for Foreign Students from MEES, FRQNT or the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC);
  • Cannot be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada;
  • Cannot have applied for permanent resident status under Canadian immigration law.

In addition to the requirements mentioned above, candidates must take note of the following restrictions and administrative requirements:

Restriction on programs of study

Québec-Wallonia scholarship candidates must have previously studied in a French-language university-level institution in Belgium at the time they are awarded their scholarship.

Doctoral research (V1, 1B, 1C, 1I, 1IS, 1M, 1W) scholarship recipients must:

  • Have a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ) issued by the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion du Québec and a study permit issued by the Canadian Consulate valid for the duration of their studies in Québec.

Postdoctoral scholarship (V2, 2B, 2C, 2I, 2M) recipients must:

  • Have a work permit issued by the Canadian Consulate for the entire duration of their stay in Québec.

Short-term research or professional development scholarship (V3, 3B, 3C, 3I, 3IS, 3M, 3W) recipients must:

Preselection of candidates

Only candidates preselected by a Québec university or Synchronex as of September 30, 2021 can be part of this competition. Candidates for the Québec-China scholarship must be preselected by the CSC as of March 31, 2022.

The universities, Synchronex, the SRE or the CONACYT and the CSC assume full responsibility for candidate preselection. You can consult the various deadlines for the preselection competition of each Québec university and Synchronex on the FRQNT website.

Those in charge of candidate preselection must refer to the instructions for candidate preselection available on the program web page.

Those in charge of candidate preselection in a Québec university or in Synchronex must complete the form for nominating candidates for the Merit Scholarship Programs for Foreign Students available through the FRQnet system of the FRQNT. It must be transmitted electronically by 4 p.m. on September 30, 2021.

Candidates must meet all the eligibility requirements of this program. Candidates proposed by a Québec university, Synchronex, the CSC, the SRE or CONACYT may be declared ineligible by the FRQNT if these criteria are not met.

Candidates preselected to the general program components (V1, V2, V3) can also be preselected for the Québec-Brazil-China-India-Israel-Mexico-Wallonia program components.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

Road Safety Reporting Contest 2021 World Health Organization (WHO)/ICFJ

Apply for the Road Safety Reporting Contest 2021 World Health Organization (WHO)/ICFJ. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) are conducting a WHO Road Safety reporting contest to raise awareness and spur dialogue around critical – yet underreported – road safety issues with a Vision Zero/Safe System Approach.

Journalists reporting on road safety in English, Spanish or Portuguese in Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Ghana, India, Mexico, and Uganda are eligible. To be considered, your road safety story must be published between August 1, 2021, and December 1, 2021. In each of the eligible countries, a $1,000 first-place prize and $750 second-place prize will be awarded.

Underreported issues include road design and quality, unsafe and polluting used vehicles, cost and extent of crash-related injuries, air pollution due to exhaust emissions, safe public transport urban cycling. Multimedia stories, podcasts, photo reportage, cross-border stories, and series of stories are welcome. Collaboration within newsrooms or across borders, use of social media and audience feedback, post-story engagement with policy- and decision-makers, and other ways of maximizing the impact of the reporting are highly encouraged.

ICFJ will provide 30 collaborative reporting grants between $500 and $1,500 upon the conclusion of the virtual workshops and submission of a story proposal/budget. These grants will support teams of two or more journalists (only one of them must be a virtual workshop participant) working together to produce in-depth, join reporting projects around underreported road safety issues that will be identified during the virtual workshops. Grants will support stories with a firm commitment for publication from a media house/editor/newsroom chief; publications on personal websites will not be considered.

Send the link to your story to [email protected] by December 1, 2021 to be considered.

Application Deadline: December 1, 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 Pansy and George Strange International Scholarships at University of Alberta in Canada

Apply for the Pansy and George Strange International Scholarships 2021 at University of Alberta in Canada.

The Pansy and George Strange International Scholarship is a $1,900 scholarship opportunity that is provided to highly motivated and aspiring students who want to study at the University of Alberta – Canada.

The University of Alberta is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. The university, in addition to providing services to students, also assists senior administration and faculty members in promoting the University of Alberta’s global exercises.


  • Applicants must have Canadian citizenship/permanent residents/foreign nationals holding Canadian study permits.
  • Applicants must hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution in India.
  • Applicants are required to provide evidence of English language ability as per the universities guidelines.
  • Applicants must need to fulfill the required conditions for their chosen degree at the university.

Application Deadline: November 1, 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Masters & Doctorate

Value of Awards: $1,900

Number of Awards: 1

Method of Application: Applicants need to take admissions at the university, and then they will have to contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR)

Visit The Official Website For More Information

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