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2021/2022 Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) Research Development Fellowship Programme

This scholarship is on 2021/2022 Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) Research Development Fellowship Programme.

The Research Development Fellowship (RDF) Programme is designed to support African researchers who are working on important challenges for human health in Africa.

Programme Overview

Aim: To support researchers in Africa who are emerging leaders and are working on important challenges for human health to develop their skills as a researcher.

What we offer: A three to nine-month placement at a leading research institution in Europe or Africa, with additional support at your home institution before and after the placement, up to a maximum of £40,000.

Who is eligible: Research active post-doctoral scientists and clinicians who are nationals of and employed in Sub-Saharan Africa who were awarded their doctorate within the last six years; and clinicians without a doctorate but who have a Masters degree or a specialist clinical qualification and between three and seven years active research experience (see detailed eligibility criteria).

Method of Application: After reading the information below, download the Application Form and Information for Applicants and email to [email protected] before the closing date 12:00 GMT 23 September 2021. 

Eligibility and guidance

To be eligible, applicants must be a national of a country in Sub-Saharan Africa. You need not be resident in Africa at the time of applying, provided that your application is officially supported by an African institution that meets the eligibility criteria for an employing institution and which attests that it intends to employ you locally.

Academic qualifications (non-clinician): 

  • Essential: PhD qualification within the last six years (at the time of the application deadline) -awarded a PhD or equivalent postgraduate degree from a recognised institution of higher education.
  • If you do not currently have a PhD, you must provide evidence that a recognised examining institution expects you to have been examined for the degree of PhD/DPh by September 2021. You will not be able to take up the Fellowship without having been awarded a doctorate by a recognized and reputable academic institution.

Academic qualifications (clinician):

  • Clinician with a PhD. Essential: Clinically qualified applicants with a PhD/DPh/MD should have been awarded the doctorate from a recognised institution of higher education within the last six years.
  • Clinician with a Masters degree but not a doctorate. Essential: You must have a Masters degree and at least three and not more than seven years of active research experience. Experience both before and after gaining a Masters qualification counts towards the experience total. You will normally have plans to gain a PhD or equivalent doctorate (although not funded as part of the AREF Fellowship).
  • Clinician with a specialist clinical qualification but not a doctorate. Essential: You must have an MD, MBBS or equivalent and a specialist clinical qualification. Examples of specialist clinical qualifications are FRCP, FWACP or equivalent. You must also have at least three and not more than seven years of active research experience. You may have plans to gain a PhD or equivalent doctorate (although not funded as part of the AREF Fellowship).

Aim of the programme

The RDF Programme aims to develop emerging African scientists who are working on important challenges for human health in Africa, growing their skills, experience, confidence and research outputs.

The scope of the Programme includes both infectious and non-communicable diseases that are significant and/or identified as “neglected” in Africa.

The RDF Programme enables talented early-career researchers to:

  • acquire advanced research skills
  • develop and test their own compelling research questions
  • develop highly effective mentoring relationships
  • grow their potential collaborations
  • raise their profile through international networking


  • The RDF Programme supports a placement of between three to nine months for each Fellow at a leading research organisation in Europe or Africa, with time either side of the placement for preparation and follow-up. This aims to promote development of technical skills, collaborations and networks.
  • The RDF Programme does NOT provide Fellows with funds for a whole research project; it focuses on developing researcher skills.
  • The maximum award for the fellowship placement is £40,000 (GB Pounds).
  • Applicants will need to demonstrate a credible, ambitious vision for their research career in an area of human-health challenge for Africa; and a transformational, well-supported development plan that would be significantly enhanced by the RDF Programme.
  • Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their plans at an early stage with their employing and potential host organisations.

Method of Application

Guidance for applicants and the application form can be downloaded here:

Applicants must ensure that their Employing and intended Host Organisations (the sponsors) understand the purposes of the AREF Fellowship, how AREF will pay the organisations and what their obligations are if they accept an award.

Tips for success:

  • Applicants need to articulate (i) a specific, important health challenge relevant to Africa, (ii) an original, potentially impactful and researchable question, and (iii) an understanding of the pertinent research methodologies / technologies to answer that question – and which capabilities you intend to develop. Many applications fail to be ambitious, original or feasible – or just lack specific details.
  • Applicants must be specific about the research they are aiming to do after the Fellowship: we ask you to define a research question and outline strategy.
  • Applicants must describe how planned Fellowship activities will lead towards addressing that research question and career goals.
  • Applicants must engage as soon as possible with their home institution so they actively support the application.
  • Applicants must engage early with their intended academic host and the host institution: they need time to develop the right kind of support for the Fellowship.
  • Applicants should ensure that the costs are clearly specified and are permitted.


Deadline for applications is 12:00 hours (GMT) 23 September 2021 (no late or incomplete applications will be accepted).
The awards will be announced early in 2022.

Applications and any queries should be sent to [email protected].

Application Deadline: 3 September 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2022 Vital Voices (VV) GROW Fellowship Global Accelerator Program for Female Entrepreneurs (Scholarships Available)

The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) is responsible for managing the program. It was commissioned by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur du Québec (MEES) which provides the funding. The program has a component open to students of all countries and six specific components reserved for students from Brazil, China, India, Israel, Mexico and Wallonia. These specific components arise from agreements concluded between Québec and foreign governments.

The objective of the Merit Scholarship Program for Foreign Students (PBEEE) is to support the internationalization of research activities in Québec’s institutions of higher education, to attract top foreign researchers and students, and to promote international recognition of Québec universities and College Centres for the Transfer of Technologies (CCTT).

The program covers higher education as a whole by giving to the CCTT researchers and administrators the opportunity to participate.

Target group

These scholarships are intended for foreign students or researchers from all research sectors (health, humanities and social sciences, arts and letters, natural sciences, and engineering) preselected by a Québec university, Synchronex (a CCTT), the China Scholarship Council (CSC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico (SRE) or the National Council on Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) who wish to begin or continue studies or research activities in Québec. No research sector is given preference.

Value of scholarships

In addition to the scholarship, MEES offers all scholarship recipients an exemption from paying the higher tuition fees required for foreign students and the medical insurance coverage offered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ).

Value of scholarships for each component:

Doctoral research scholarships (V1, 1B, 1C, 1I, 1IS, 1M, 1W): $25,000 a year. The maximum duration of the scholarship is three years (nine semesters) with a possible extension of up to 12 months (monthly allowance of $1,000).

Postdoctoral scholarships (V2, 2B, 2C, 2I, 2M): $35,000 for one year (cannot be renewed).

Short-term research or professional development scholarships (V3, 3B, 3C, 3I, 3IS, 3M, 3W): $3,000 a month for a period of up to four months.

Eligibility requirements, citizenship and residence


  • Must meet all eligibility requirements at the closing date of the competition (a different closing date to be confirmed for students preselected by CSC);
  • Must have been preselected by a university or Synchronex (a CCTT);
  • For the Québec-China scholarship, must be preselected by the CSC;
  • Cannot have already received a Merit Scholarship for Foreign Students from MEES, FRQNT or the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC);
  • Cannot be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada;
  • Cannot have applied for permanent resident status under Canadian immigration law.

In addition to the requirements mentioned above, candidates must take note of the following restrictions and administrative requirements:

Restriction on programs of study

Québec-Wallonia scholarship candidates must have previously studied in a French-language university-level institution in Belgium at the time they are awarded their scholarship.

Doctoral research (V1, 1B, 1C, 1I, 1IS, 1M, 1W) scholarship recipients must:

  • Have a Certificat d’acceptation du Québec (CAQ) issued by the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion du Québec and a study permit issued by the Canadian Consulate valid for the duration of their studies in Québec.

Postdoctoral scholarship (V2, 2B, 2C, 2I, 2M) recipients must:

  • Have a work permit issued by the Canadian Consulate for the entire duration of their stay in Québec.

Short-term research or professional development scholarship (V3, 3B, 3C, 3I, 3IS, 3M, 3W) recipients must:

Preselection of candidates

Only candidates preselected by a Québec university or Synchronex as of September 30, 2021 can be part of this competition. Candidates for the Québec-China scholarship must be preselected by the CSC as of March 31, 2022.

The universities, Synchronex, the SRE or the CONACYT and the CSC assume full responsibility for candidate preselection. You can consult the various deadlines for the preselection competition of each Québec university and Synchronex on the FRQNT website.

Those in charge of candidate preselection must refer to the instructions for candidate preselection available on the program web page.

Those in charge of candidate preselection in a Québec university or in Synchronex must complete the form for nominating candidates for the Merit Scholarship Programs for Foreign Students available through the FRQnet system of the FRQNT. It must be transmitted electronically by 4 p.m. on September 30, 2021.

Candidates must meet all the eligibility requirements of this program. Candidates proposed by a Québec university, Synchronex, the CSC, the SRE or CONACYT may be declared ineligible by the FRQNT if these criteria are not met.

Candidates preselected to the general program components (V1, V2, V3) can also be preselected for the Québec-Brazil-China-India-Israel-Mexico-Wallonia program components.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

The Afri Plastics Challenge 2021

Apply for the Afri Plastics Challenge 2021. Over 17 million tonnes of waste are generated by Sub-Saharan Africa annually, and only 12% of plastic waste is recycled. The Challenge aims to reduce marine plastics in Sub-Saharan African countries by developing and scaling innovative solutions to plastic mismanagement in a way that promotes gender equality and empowerment of women and girls.

The Challenge will help communities throughout Sub-Saharan Africa to prevent plastic waste from entering the marine environment by finding ways to minimize reliance on plastic and new ways of managing plastic waste.

Challenge Timeline

The Afri-Plastics Challenge is divided into three strands:

Strand 1: Accelerating Growth – Apply Here

Seeking small and medium-sized enterprises that have a proof of concept and the ability to scale nationally or regionally to reach a high target number of people, particularly engaging women and girls.

Strand 2: Creating Solutions (Launching September 2021)

A call for new ideas particularly those that respond to a particular gap in the innovation landscape in specific Sub-Saharan African countries or with specific population groups.

Strand 3: Promoting Change (Launching December 2021)

A call for large scale campaigns that raise awareness and engage women and girls in the plastics value chain.

The Afri-Plastics Challenge Strand 1 Accelerating Growth opens for entries on Wednesday, 21 July 2021, 09:00 (BST) and closes on Wednesday 15 September 2021 at 12 noon (BST).

Following the closing date on Wednesday 15 September 2021 at 12:00 noon (BST), entries for the will be screened for eligibility and assessed. A diverse portfolio of entries that best meet the relevant assessment criteria will be long-listed by a group of external assessors, then later shortlisted by a Judging Panel.

Application Deadline: 15 September 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 School of Music, Humanities & Media International Research Scholarships at University of Huddersfield in UK

Apply for the 2021 School of Music, Humanities & Media International Research Scholarships at University of Huddersfield in UK. The University of Huddersfield is currently providing partial (25%, 50%) or full (100%) fee waivers to exceptional students who are interested in pursuing a degree program at the Institution.

They positively encourage applications from groups under-represented in postgraduate research, including (but not limited to) women, LGBTQ+ candidates, BAME candidates, candidates with disabilities, applicants with caring responsibilities, and care leavers. Students from BAME communities have previously been under-represented among MHM’s postgraduates, and they particularly welcome applications from students in those communities.


  • Applicants must have achievement in a relevant academic discipline that equates to first-class honours at the undergraduate level or a distinction at the master’s level.
  • Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements to be able to study there.
  • Applicants must check out the entry requirements before applying to the university.

Application Deadline:  October 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: MA by Research and PhD

Value of Awards: (25%, 50%) or full (100%) fee waivers

Number of Awards: 23

Eligible Field of Studies: MA by Research or PhD (History; English Literature and Creative Writing; English Language and Linguistics; Music and Music Technology) Communication, Cultural and Media Studies; Drama, Theatre and Performance)

Method of Application: Interested applicants must take admission in a Ph.D. degree coursework at the University of Huddersfield. After taking affirmation, you will apply through the standard online application form for the award.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

2021 Elicos Scholarships for International Students at La Trobe University in Australia

Apply for 2021 Elicos Scholarships for International Students at La Trobe University in Australia

The ELICOS scholarship is a grant for exceptional students who will undergo an English for Further Studies (ELICOS) course with La Trobe College Australia (LTCA) followed by an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at La Trobe University.

This scholarship will be applied as a deduction from your total ELICOS tuition fees based on the number of levels you must complete to meet the English language condition for your nominated bachelor’s or master’s program.


  • Applicants must be New international students applying for an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program at La Trobe University in 2021 or 2022 preceded by an ELICOS course at La Trobe College Australia.
  • Applicants who belong to any non-English speaking country must submit official exam results demonstrating their English proficiency. This institution recognizes TOEFL and IELTS.
  • Applicants must have to fulfill the admission requirements of the university.

Application Deadline: December 31. 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate or Postgraduate

Value of Award: Percentage deduction on ELICOS tuition fees

Number of Awards: Limited

Eligible Field of Study: English for Further Studies (ELICOS) course

Method of Application: Applicants are advised to take admission in undergraduate or postgraduate at this university. The applicants who successfully receive an ELICOS offer will automatically be considered for the opportunity based on the eligibility criteria.

Visit The Scholarship Webpage For More Information

2021 International Student Scholarships at Marian University in USA

Apply for the 2021 International Student Scholarships at Marian University in USA.

The Marian University – USA is awarding a funding opportunity to students who are eligible for an International Scholarship of $15,000.

This university education will motivate you to achieve your objectives and reach your full potential. You may rest assured that you will receive an excellent education that will prepare you not only for a job but also for the difficulties of a rapidly changing world.


  • Applicants must have high certificates with a good academic record.
  • Applicants must meet the entry requirements of the university.
  • Applicants must be proficient in English Language

Application Deadline: November 1st, 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate

Value of Awards: $15,000

Number of Awards: Not Known

How to Apply: Interested applicants are advised to complete the Marian University’s online international application.

Visit The Scholarship Webpage For More Information

Eastern Mediterranean University in Turkey Graduate Program Scholarships 2021

Apply for Eastern Mediterranean University in Turkey Graduate Program Scholarships 2021. The Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey is awarding a 100% or 50% tuition fee scholarship to high achieving students who are willing to pursue a degree program at the Institution.

EMU also provides opportunities for developing oneself in other areas while giving the students a chance to gain expertise in a specific field.


  • Applicants must be overseas nationals accepted in the applied programme at EMU.
  • Applicants must hold bachelor degree certification relevant to the applied Master of the PhD programme to be accepted at EMU.
  • Applicants are required to attain minimum scores in the following English language proficiency tests:
    • TOEFL IBT – 80
    • TOEFL PBT – 550
    • TOEFL CBT – 213
    • IELTS – 6.5

Application Deadline: 23rd August 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Master and PhD

Value of Award: Tuition Fee

Number of Awards: Not Known

Method of Application: The applicants must register and apply by logging in to their user account on the university’s application portal. Students accepted for the applied programme and who meet the eligibility criteria of the support will be considered.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

The Ford Fund Fellowship 2021 for social Entrepreneurs and community leaders ( $USD 1,000 in Seed Funding)

Apply for the The Ford Fund Fellowship 2021 for social Entrepreneurs and community leaders ( $USD 1,000 in Seed Funding).

The Ford Fund Fellowship is a virtual program designed to equip 10 advanced social entrepreneurs with the skills, resources, and experience to scale the ventures and community initiatives they are building. Each Ford Fund Fellow will learn advanced skills in entrepreneurship and leadership, garner experience, and build a global network of Mentors, Master Course Teachers, and peers, as they lay the foundation to empower many more youth and transform their communities.

Each Fellow will receive $1,000 (USD) in Seed Funding to grow their ventures and initiatives.

The year-long Fellowship will be delivered in a virtual format. Synchronous activities will take place between 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM U.S. Mountain Time. The time commitment for the two-week Accelerator is approximately 20-25 hours per week, which includes class time and outside-of-class work. The time commitment for the remainder of the Fellowship, excluding leading a Basecamp, is approximately 10 hours per month. Fellows should also plan to spend 160-200 hours over 2-3 months to organize and lead a Basecamp in their community.


  • This virtual program is for advanced, next-generation social entrepreneurs and community leaders building ventures that create impactful and scalable innovations. Ideal applicants will demonstrate a proven track record of innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership in their community.
  • Ford Fund Fellowship is looking for applicants from the following countries: United States, China, Mexico, South Africa, and Kenya.
  • You must be able to commit to the intensive 2-week Accelerator (July 19th – July 30th) and the part-time, year-long Fellowship program (July 2021-July 2022).
  • There is no cost to attend the program thanks to the generous support of Ford Fund. 

Program Structure

The Fellowship begins with a virtual two-week intensive Accelerator that will focus on:

Building Community

Community is one of the pillars of the Fellowship experience. A diverse cohort of young leaders and entrepreneurs form partnerships, collaborations, and further their growth and impact as leaders in their community.

Skill Development

Including fundraising, team building, transformative communication, growth mindset, courage, resilience, creativity, and leadership. Fellows will be guided through the process of overcoming key challenges faced during the process of becoming transformative leaders and entrepreneurs.

Basecamp Training

Each Fellow is trained and receives a stipend and logistical support to lead a three-day training (called Basecamp) in their home community to empower at least 30 additional entrepreneurial leaders per Fellow.

After the two week Accelerator, each Fellow will join a year-long Fellowship, which includes:

  • Leading a Basecamp in their respective community. A stipend will be given for logistical and administrative costs.
  • Joining a monthly All Hands on Deck meeting that includes skill development workshops and opportunities to build community amongst the cohort.
  • Receiving $1,000 (USD) in Seed Funding to launch/grow their ventures and initiatives.
  • Regularly attending Master Courses with the world’s leading entrepreneurs and practitioners. Past Master Course Teachers include recognized leaders of Nobel Peace Prize winning movements, the youngest person to run for U.S. Congress, and the inventor of Google’s self-driving car.
  • Joining a pod with other Fellows from their respective regions and checking in regularly with each other via one-on-one meetings.

Application Deadline: July 9th 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

Human Geography ‘Future Leadership’ Scholarship 2021 at University of Kent in UK

Apply for the Human Geography ‘Future Leadership’ Scholarship 2021 at University of Kent in UK.

The University of Kent – UK is awarding an exciting opportunity to Overseas applicants who are interested in pursuing a degree program and also meets the criteria below.


  • Applicant must have received an offer of a place (conditional or unconditional) on a degree course.
  • Applicants must be International students
  • Applicants must have good academic grades

Application Deadline: 1st July 2021

Eligible Countries: Home/EU and Overseas

Type: Undergraduate

Eligible Field of Studies: Human Geography

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: £1000 per year

Method of Application: For more details including how to apply, please see the full advert.

Visit The Scholarship Webpage For More Information

Kent LLM First Class Honours Scholarships 2021 at University Of Kent in USA

Apply for the Kent LLM First Class Honours Scholarships 2021 at University Of Kent in USA.

The Kent Law School At University Of Kent is offering scholarship opportunities to International students who are willing to undergo a degree program at the Institution.

This scholarship program provides a tuition fee of £4,000 to entrants who meet the eligibility conditions stated below.  The University will assess eligibility for the award after an application for entry to the Kent LLM has been submitted.

Eligibility: You must meet all of the following conditions:

  • Applicants must Have been awarded a First Class degree from a UK University (proven by receipt of transcripts and/or a degree certificate clearly stating that this classification has been awarded)
  • Applicants must be classified by the University of Kent as a Home/EU student for tuition fee purposes
  • Applicants must Have firmly accepted an offer of a place on the taught Kent LLM at the Canterbury Campus of the University of Kent for entry in September 2021 or January 2022 and have met the academic conditions of entry/be accepted for entry

Application Deadline: 

  • 31 August 2021, 23:59 BST (September entry)
  • 31 December 2021, 23:59 GMT (January entry)

Eligible Countries: Home/International

Type: Undergraduate

Value of Scholarships: £4,000

Number of Scholarships: Not Specified

Method of Application: The University will assess eligibility for the award after an application for entry to the Kent LLM has been submitted and a KLS PG Funding application form has been completed and emailed to [email protected]. Please include the name of the scholarship in the email subject title. Applicants should note that we do not respond to emails sent to [email protected] and an automated response will confirm receipt.

For More InformationVisit The Official Website

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