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Master’s Edge Scholarships 2021 for International Students at National College of Ireland

The National College of Ireland is awarding a 50% off of their total tuition fee for applicants choice of study.

NCI has an extensive scholarship and bursary portfolio for international students which aims to reward excellence and promote diversity among our student body.


  • Applicants must be an international student
  • Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from NCI.
  • Applicants must hold relevant bachelor’s degrees with above-average grades to secure a position in a master’s programme at NCI.

Application Deadline: 6th August 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Master’s

Value of Award: 50% Tuition fee

Number of Awards: Not Known

Method of Application: Applicants must fill the application form provided by the college and mail the completed typed file to [email protected]. The applicants can also apply to NCI through Central Application Office’s online enrolment system. The applicants are required to separately fill the application form and mail it to [email protected].

Visit The Scholarship Webpage For More Information

Bertha Foundation Challenge Fellowships 2022 for Activists & Investigative Journalists

Bertha Foundation is excited to launch the next Bertha Challenge: an opportunity for activists and investigative journalists to spend a year producing a body of work that responds to one pressing social justice challenge. Successful applicants will receive non-residential paid Fellowships and project budgets to work independently and together to:

The third Bertha Challenge will begin in January 2022 with a focus on water, specifically supporting Bertha Fellows to answer the following question:



This is a full-time fellowship. Bertha Fellows will spend the majority of their time working in their home countries and be required to:

  • Attend in-person global convening that take place at the beginning and end of the Bertha Challenge
  • Develop and deliver a culminating product that responds to the Bertha Challenge question
  • Participate in two virtual meetings per month, and occasionally facilitate these meetings
  • Develop local and global network relationships.


Income for each Bertha Fellow for one year, not exceeding USD $62,400 and commensurate with the applicant’s current or equivalent salary at the host organization – ideally a media outlet for an investigative journalist and an NGO, community organization or social movement for an activist.

A Project Fund of up to USD $10,000 for each Bertha Fellow to produce a culminating product that responds to the question posed by the Bertha Challenge, and that is directed towards a specific audience. This could be, for example, a series of articles, videos, podcasts, games or drama productions. Activists and journalists working as a pair will have the option to pool their project funding to produce projects on a larger scale.

A Connect Fund of to USD $5,000 for each Bertha Fellow specifically designed to encourage collaboration between Fellows.

Regular online discussions with topics on a range of issues from current debates around water preservation to methods of investigation, methods of communicating findings through news media, storytelling, popular education and more.

Peer and mentor support in the form of regular virtual check-ins with Bertha staff and a cohort of Bertha Fellows.

Network development through the global cohort of past and present Bertha Fellows and exposure to relevant partners within and beyond the Bertha network, including our legal partners in the Bertha Justice Network, many of whom are at the forefront of creating legal strategies to address the climate crisis.

Global convenings of Bertha Fellows and selected guests at the start (January 2022) and end (December 2022) of the Bertha Challenge.

Selection Criteria

Bertha endeavours to select an inclusive and representative cohort of Bertha Fellows that celebrates diversity.

Bertha Fellows will be selected on individual merit but also on their complementary skills to the cohort, their existing and/or proposed networks and prospects for long-term impact of their work.

Applicants may come from and work in any country, but to ensure that this cohort of Bertha Fellows is able to be fully participatory, we require all applicants to be proficient in spoken and written English and able to deliver their final work in English.

Application Requirements

All applicants must submit:

  • A completed online application form
  • A brief resume/CV in English of no more than three pages
  • A list of 2-4 referees including name, relationship to applicant and contact details
  • A signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) from your prospective host organization – including commensurate salary and any benefits provided.
  • Journalist applicants are also asked to submit examples of previously published work.

Application Deadline: July 3rd 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 Fully Funded DAAD Scholarships – Postgraduate Studies in the Field of Architecture in Germany

DAAD scholarships offer graduates the opportunity to continue their education in Germany with a postgraduate or continuing course of study. The scholarships also promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.


Foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the areas of Architecture, Interior Design, Monument Conservation, Urban Planning/Urban Development, Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study programme.


In this study programme, you can complete

  • a Master’s degree/postgraduate degree leading to a final qualification, or
  • a complementary course that does not lead to a final qualification (not an undergraduate course)

at a state or state-recognised German university of your choice.
This programme only funds projects in the area of Design/Planning. Other DAAD scholarship programmes are available for applicants from the field of History of Architecture or applicants with a scientific project.

Duration of the funding

Master’s degree programme:

  • Between 10 and 24 months depending on the length of the chosen study programme or project
  • Start: usually from 1st October of the following year after the application, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme
  • The scholarships are awarded for the duration of the standard period of study for the chosen study programme (up to a maximum of 24 months). To receive further funding after the first year of study for 2-year courses, proof of academic achievements thus far should indicate that the study programme can be successfully completed within the standard period of study.
  • Applicants who are already in Germany in the first year of a postgraduate course at the time of application may apply for funding for their second year of study. In this case, it is not possible to extend the scholarship.

Complementary studies not leading to a final qualification

  • one academic year
  • Start: usually from 1st October of the following year after the application, or earlier if a language course is taken prior to the study programme


  • A monthly payment of 861 euros
  • Travel allowance
  • One-off study allowance
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover

Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits:

  • Monthly rent subsidy
  • Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family

Application Deadline: September 30th 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Masters Fellowships 2021/2022 for Africans

The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) was established in 1988 as a public not-for-profit organization devoted to the advancement of economic policy research and training in Africa. The Consortium’s mandate and strategic intent is built on the basis that sustained development in subSaharan Africa requires well-trained, locally based professional economists. AERC agitates the provision of capacity building in economic policy in Francophone and Anglophone African countries through provision of support in the areas of policy research and graduate training.

AERC wishes to announce the 2021/2022 Masters scholarships for applicants from Anglophone subSaharan African countries admitted into any of the following AERC Collaborative Masters Programme (CMAP) in Economics universities:
• Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
• University of Botswana
• University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
• University of Cape Coast, Ghana
• University of Ghana, Legon
• University of Nairobi, Kenya
• University of Mauritius
• University of Namibia
• University of Malawi
• University of Zimbabwe
• Makerere University


To qualify for scholarship, applicant must:
(a) Have applied and been admitted to any one of the listed CMAP universities;
(b) Have attained at least a Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or equivalent in Economics or related field from an accredited university; and
(c) Female and applicants from post-conflict and fragile states (especially the AERC Masters Bridge Programme alumni class of 2017 and 2018) are highly encouraged to apply.

– Interested applicants must submit their applications for admission directly to the respective universities (application procedure can be obtained from the respective university’s website).
– Upon receipt of an admission letter from a specific university, applicants shall send the following documents to AERC on [email protected] and copy [email protected].

  1. Application cover letter;
  2. Curriculum Vitae;
  3. Evidence of admission at any of the universities listed above; and
  4. Certified copies of transcripts and certificates.
    The deadline for applying for the scholarship is July 16, 2021.

Application Deadline: July 16, 2021.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

International Student Scholarships 2021 at Kent Institute in Australia

The Kent Institute is offering a 30% mind blowing scholarship opportunity to international students commencing a full-time degree program at the Institute.

This Institution want to help students from all backgrounds and all cultures gain access to higher and vocational education. They also strive to stimulate discussion, encourage critical thinking and empower our students to make confident, informed educational and career decisions.


  • Applicants must have achieved sound academic standing and results in their previous studies.
  • Applicants must have IELTS (Academic) 5.5 overall score with no band less than 5.0 or equivalent.
  • Applicants must have a formal qualification considered equivalent to an Australian Year 12
  • Applicants must be a minimum of 18 years of age before course commencement.

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate

Value of Award: 30% reduction in tuition fees

Number of Awards: Not Specified

Method of Application: To apply for this scholarship:

Visit The Official Website For More Information

Best Computer science final year project writing table of content

Final year projects is a must for all undergraduates in higher institutions (colleges of education, polytechnics and universities), no matter the level of study such as teaching certificate related (NCE), diploma related (ND) National Diploma, (HND) Higher National Diploma, (B.SC) Bachelors of Science, (B.ED) Bachelors of Education. Also for Higher educational certificate pursuant such as students seeking (PGD) Post Graduate Diploma, (MSC) Master of Science, (PHD) Doctor of Philosophy.

At projectslib we are dedicated to quality research writings for all levels, we have teams dedicated to academic research, data analysis and program development for computer science students using any programming language, on any device or using any programming language. Feel free to hire a writer or software developer as our rates are amongst the cheapest.

In this post, I am making available a standard computer science table of content for final year project writings as this guide is meant to help a student in understanding the different sections required of a project writing. Always feel free to contact us when the need arise.



Title page i

Approval page ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract v

Table of content vi



1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background of the study

1.3 Statement of the study

1.4 Objectives of the study

1.5 Scope of the study

1.6 Limitations

1.7 Significance of the study

1.8 Definition of terms



2.1 Role of information technology in the academic system

2.2 Data and information

2.3 Computer based information systems

2.4 Databases


Description and analysis of the existing system

3.1 General analysis of the existing system

3.2 Method of data collection

3.4 Organisational structure

3.5 Input analysis

3.6 Process Analysis

3.7 Output analysis

3.8 Information flow diagram

3.9 Problems of the existing system

3.10 Justification of the new system



4.1 Design standards

4.2 Output specification

4.3 Input specification and design

4.4 File design

4.5 Procedure chart

4.6 System flowcharts

4.7 System specification

4.8 Program flowcharts



5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendation



Appendix A Welcome page

Appendix B Home page

Appendix C Input forms

Appendix D Output forms

Appendix E Codes

NOTE: Some schools may have a different format that may involve the exclusion, rearrangement or addition of other sections that they deem fit. Nevertheless this still represents the general standard format.

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