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2021/2022 AIMS NEI Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science (USD 35,000 worth)

Apply for the 2021/2022 AIMS NEI Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science (USD 35,000 worth).

The AIMS NEI Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science seeks to foster increased female participation in and contribute to a more sustainable societal response to climate change.

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS-NEI) is pleased to invite interested female scientists to apply for the third round of the AIMS-NEI Fellowships for Women in Climate Change Science (WiCCS). Climate change – including global warming – poses significant threats to humanity. Documented impacts of global warming include an increased frequency and severity of heatwaves across the globe and frequent droughts, both of which exacerbate food insecurity and health problems in many parts of the world, particularly in Africa.

The AIMS-NEI Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science (WiCCS) seeks to increase women’s participation in, and contribution to, to a more sustainable societal response to climate change


To be eligible, applicants must be:

  • female;
  • in possession before the fellowship start date of a doctorate in a quantitative discipline, including but not limited to applied mathematics, climatology, physics, computational chemistry, statistical ecology, computer science, theoretical biology, and engineering;
  • currently employed, on either a permanent or a temporary basis, in a non-profit work environment, including government;
  • actively engaged in research, policy, and/or practice relevant to climate change modelling, mitigation, adaptation, and/or resilience among others; and
  • the lead and/or senior author of at least one refereed publication on a topic relevant to climate change modelling, the causative factors of climate change, climate change mitigation, adaptation, and/or resilience etc.

To apply, please complete this online application form and submit by the 31 July 2021, 23:59 CAT with the following documents attached:

  • a completed personal details form, including a detailed budget for all non-project-related activities;
  • a completed project proposal form, including a detailed budget for all project-related activities;
  • a curriculum vitae; and
  • an electronic copy of a representative publication in climate change modelling, its causes, climate change mitigation, adaptation and/or resilience in which the applicant is the lead and/or senior author.

Selection Criteria

All complete applications received by the application deadline will be screened for relevance by a Fellowship Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee will send each application to at least two reviewers for reviewing and scoring based on a defined soring sheet. The reviewers’ scores and associated comments will be forwarded to an International Selection Committee. This Selection Committee will select and interview a subset of the applicants, and then choose and recommend to AIMS-NEI about four applicants deemed most qualified to receive a WiCCS fellowship. All reviews done by the Selection Committee members and other reviewers will be based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of applicant: academic qualifications; quality of publications; experience in climate change-related work; real-world impact and recognition of prior work (e.g. through awards).
  • Quality of proposed project: relevance to climate change modelling, practice and policy; strength of connection to the mathematical sciences; experience of applicant in project topic; quality of project design; feasibility; suitability of proposed host institution environment and of named collaborator; quality and realism of budget projections.
  • Potential impact of proposed project on scientific knowledge, practice and policy.

For more information about the selection process and the committees mentioned above, please consult the following documents:

Application Deadline:  31 July 2021 23:59 CAT.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) Dialogue Journalism Fellowship in the Arab Region.

KAICIID has partnered with MICT to launch an Arab Region Media for Peace Programme to foster peace-building and dialogue in the media. The programme will be formed of two parts: the Dialogue Journalism Fellowship and the Media Policy Forum.

  1. For the Fellowship, 20 to 25 mid-career journalists will be selected to participate in a year-long training programme. The group of chosen fellows will have access to three four-day capacity building sessions, training them in the practice of ‘dialogue journalism’.
  2. The Media Policy Forum will follow the Fellowship Programme and will host senior editors, high-profile media practitioners, policymakers from across relevant disciplines as well as panelists and keynote speakers to discuss the principles and ethics of good journalistic practice. Collectively, the group will produce a set of recommendations for more sustainable reporting on conflict and religion, and potentially publish a Media for Peace charter.


  • Eligible fellows are required to have at least five years of experience in journalism or other relevant fields. They can be working on any platform (print, podcast, digital);
  • They must be native to one of the mainly developing countries of the Arab Region;
  • They must currently live in and write for media in the Arab Region;
  • They must be between the ages of 28 and 40;
  • They must be currently employed as professional journalists for print, television, radio or electronic journalism organizations. Both full-time and freelance journalists are invited to apply.
  • They should have an interest in interreligious dialogue and journalism, peacebuilding, and social cohesion.


  1. One-on-one mentorship
  2. Group training
  3. Funding

Online one-on-one mentorship will be offered to fellows from different media outlets such as print, radio, online, and TV. The mentors will have expertise in different aspects of the media industry. They will aim to:

  • Identify editorial objectives with the fellows
  • Provide feedback and coaching in areas such as video editing and story structure
  • Identify strengths and areas of development of the first deliverable draft
  • Agree on support needs to fine-tune the story

In addition to the one-on-one mentorship and group training— which might be provided in-person, depending on the state of the COVID-19 pandemic — the programme will offer participants a grant of up to 2000 EUR for producing content that follows the principles of dialogue journalism, helping the participants become active advocates for peace by shining the spotlight on stories that foster social cohesion.


  • CV (no longer than three pages);
  • Personal photo;
  • Motivation letter indicating the applicant’s interest and focus of the proposed production, clearly stating its connection to interreligious dialogue;
  • Recommendation from a current or previous media outlet that the applicant has worked with;
  • Video of the applicant introducing his/herself and explaining their expectations from this opportunity (not longer than one minute);
  • Links to three previous work samples (articles, video reports, TV programmes, documentaries… etc.)


  • 7 June 2021: Applications are due
  • 5 July 2021: Shortlisted candidates will be notified for interviews, which will be scheduled for late June
  • 1 August 2021: The fellowship programme will start in the form of an online one-on-one mentorship, followed by an on-the-ground training scheduled in autumn (dependent on the coronavirus pandemic situation).

Application Deadline: June 7th 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

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