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Czech Government Scholarships for study in the Czech Republic 2022/2023

Apply for the Czech Government Scholarships for study in the Czech Republic 2022/2023 . The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries listed below at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic.

Granting scholarships to citizens from developing countries listed below for studies at Czech public higher education institutions (referred to as “universities”) is an important part of the foreign development cooperation of the Czech Republic and has a long tradition. From the late 1950s to the present day over 20 000 foreign nationals have completed their studies at Czech universities with a scholarship of the Government of the Czech Republic.

Government scholarships for studies at universities in the Czech Republic are governed by a Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 77 as of 28th January 2019 as part of a joint foreign development cooperation program pursued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Health .

General Information

Granting scholarships to citizens from developing countries listed below for studies at Czech public higher education institutions (referred to as “universities”) is an important part of the foreign development cooperation of the Czech Republic and has a long tradition. From the late 1950s to the present day over 20 000 foreign nationals have completed their studies at Czech universities with a scholarship of the Government of the Czech Republic.

Government scholarships for studies at universities in the Czech Republic are governed by a Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 77 as of 28th January 2019 as part of a joint foreign development cooperation program pursued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports ( https://www.msmt.cz/ ) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( https: // www. mzv.cz/ ), implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Health ( https://www.mzcr.cz/ ).

Eligible Countries and Study Programs

Scholarships for the academic year 2022/2023 are offered only to the citizens of the following countries:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Cambodia,
  • Ethiopia, 
  • Georgia,
  • Moldova,
  • Ukraine,
  • and Zambia.

The scholarships are dedicated solely to promoting the studies of foreign nationals from developing third countries. Neither a citizen of the Czech Republic, nor a citizen of the European Union, nor any other foreign national with a permanent residence permit in the territory of the Czech Republic may, therefore, apply for a scholarship.

These so-called Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study :

  • in Follow-up Master study programs plus a one-year-long preparatory course of the Czech language (which is combined with other field-specific training). Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates of Bachelor’s degree programs.  They can enrol only in study programs from the selected areas of study in which instruction is given in the Czech language . Depending on the subject area, applicants are normally required to sit entrance examinations at the university concerned. Successful passing of entrance examinations constitutes a precondition for a scholarship award ;
  • in Follow-up Master study programs or Doctoral study programs . Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates from Bachelor or Master study programs, respectively, who enrol in study programs with instruction in the English language .

Application Submission and Deadline

Each applicant is obliged to fill in an electronic application form  at the latest by 30 September 2021.  The successful applicant starts studying in the academic year 2022/2023.

Detailed information on the terms and conditions of scholarship awards is provided in the binding “Guidelines for Granting Scholarships of the Government of the Czech Republic”, issued in Czech and English:

Czech:     Dispozice 2021_cz.docx | Dispozice 2021_cz.pdf

English:    Guidelines 2021_en.docx | Guidelines 2021_en.pdf

Prospective applicants are advised to read carefully the guidelines before applying.

Prospective applicants shall acquaint themselves with information on personal data protection at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic, in compliance with the relevant EU GDPR Regulation:

Information on personal data protection at the Ministry’s subordinate agency, Czech National Agency for International Education and Research, is available at:

Application Deadline: September 30th, 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 Pansy and George Strange International Scholarships at University of Alberta in Canada

Apply for the Pansy and George Strange International Scholarships 2021 at University of Alberta in Canada.

The Pansy and George Strange International Scholarship is a $1,900 scholarship opportunity that is provided to highly motivated and aspiring students who want to study at the University of Alberta – Canada.

The University of Alberta is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. The university, in addition to providing services to students, also assists senior administration and faculty members in promoting the University of Alberta’s global exercises.


  • Applicants must have Canadian citizenship/permanent residents/foreign nationals holding Canadian study permits.
  • Applicants must hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution in India.
  • Applicants are required to provide evidence of English language ability as per the universities guidelines.
  • Applicants must need to fulfill the required conditions for their chosen degree at the university.

Application Deadline: November 1, 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Masters & Doctorate

Value of Awards: $1,900

Number of Awards: 1

Method of Application: Applicants need to take admissions at the university, and then they will have to contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR)

Visit The Official Website For More Information

2021 Fully-Funded Learn Africa Scholarships for African Women

Since 2013 and up to now, around 200 African female students from 34 countries have been beneficiaries of this program and had the chance to study in different areas and levels in 40 Spanish universities, 1 Portuguese and 2 educational centers in Morocco.

The program Learn Africa aims to promote the transfer of knowledge, exchange, and training of African female students through scholarships offered by Spanish universities.

Eligibility: To be eligible, applicants must fulfil the following criteria;

  • Be a woman and have the nationality of an African country.
  • Be enrolled in an African university or have a university degree issued in an African country. For Postgraduate Scholarships, the Degree title is required. The required degree can vary depending on the requested scholarship (See details of each scholarship).
  • Meet the specific requirements and technical/technological material of each type of scholarship.

Application Deadline: NEW: 21st June 2021

Eligible Countries: Sub Saharan African countries

Type: Masters, PhD

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: The scholarships for this call cover only tuition and academic fees.

Method of Application: To apply for a scholarship you will need to attach the following documents:

  • National identity document
  • Picture
  • CV + INFO
  • Diploma / certificate / university degree (as required)
  • Academic record
  • Motivation letter + INFO
  • Reference or recommendation letter/s + INFO
  • Official language level accreditation if required + INFO
  • Research project

Visit The Official Website For More Information

Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarships 2021 at South China Normal University

Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship is established by Guangdong Provincial Government to attract outstanding international students for undergraduate and graduate studies in the universities of Guangdong Province.

The South China Normal University is offering a sum of RMB 20,000 per person towards a master’s degree programme and RMB 10,000 per person towards a bachelor’s degree programme.


  • Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in any undergraduate or graduate degree programme and accepted in the same.
  • Applicants should be self-funded students.

Application Deadline: 15th July 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate and Graduate

Value of Award: RMB ?20,000

Number of Awards: Not Known

Method of Application: Applicants are required to register on the official student portal of the university and complete the general application. To apply for the opportunity, the applicants must fill a application form and send it via post before the deadline.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

2021 International Awards at Kanagawa University in Japan

The Kanagawa University is awarding a scholarship opportunity which will provide selected students a sum ranging from 90,000 YEN to as high as 360,000YEN depending upon the faculty they apply for their course of study.

This institution promotes academic and cultural exchanges through universities all over the world. It is engaged in active agreements with 101 partner institutions and 13 partner programmes in 29 countries across Asia, Central America, and Europe to offer students a wide range of the best.


  • Applicants must be privately funded international students.
  • Applicants must be enrolled and accepted in an undergraduate o graduate programme at the university.
  • Applicants must hold an academic performance equal to or higher than 2.0 GPA to be admitted to the Kanagawa University.
  • Applicants must attain minimum required scores on English language proficiency tests.

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate and Graduate

Value of Award: 90,000 YEN

Number of Awards: Not Known

Eligible Field of Studies: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Human Sciences, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Cross-Cultural and Japanese Studies, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Graduate School of Engineering.

Method of Application: Applicants are required to apply online. The accepted applicants will be considered.

Visit The Award Webpage For More Information

The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Masters Fellowships 2021/2022 for Africans

The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) was established in 1988 as a public not-for-profit organization devoted to the advancement of economic policy research and training in Africa. The Consortium’s mandate and strategic intent is built on the basis that sustained development in subSaharan Africa requires well-trained, locally based professional economists. AERC agitates the provision of capacity building in economic policy in Francophone and Anglophone African countries through provision of support in the areas of policy research and graduate training.

AERC wishes to announce the 2021/2022 Masters scholarships for applicants from Anglophone subSaharan African countries admitted into any of the following AERC Collaborative Masters Programme (CMAP) in Economics universities:
• Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
• University of Botswana
• University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
• University of Cape Coast, Ghana
• University of Ghana, Legon
• University of Nairobi, Kenya
• University of Mauritius
• University of Namibia
• University of Malawi
• University of Zimbabwe
• Makerere University


To qualify for scholarship, applicant must:
(a) Have applied and been admitted to any one of the listed CMAP universities;
(b) Have attained at least a Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or equivalent in Economics or related field from an accredited university; and
(c) Female and applicants from post-conflict and fragile states (especially the AERC Masters Bridge Programme alumni class of 2017 and 2018) are highly encouraged to apply.

– Interested applicants must submit their applications for admission directly to the respective universities (application procedure can be obtained from the respective university’s website).
– Upon receipt of an admission letter from a specific university, applicants shall send the following documents to AERC on [email protected] and copy [email protected].

  1. Application cover letter;
  2. Curriculum Vitae;
  3. Evidence of admission at any of the universities listed above; and
  4. Certified copies of transcripts and certificates.
    The deadline for applying for the scholarship is July 16, 2021.

Application Deadline: July 16, 2021.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

Best Computer science final year project writing table of content

Final year projects is a must for all undergraduates in higher institutions (colleges of education, polytechnics and universities), no matter the level of study such as teaching certificate related (NCE), diploma related (ND) National Diploma, (HND) Higher National Diploma, (B.SC) Bachelors of Science, (B.ED) Bachelors of Education. Also for Higher educational certificate pursuant such as students seeking (PGD) Post Graduate Diploma, (MSC) Master of Science, (PHD) Doctor of Philosophy.

At projectslib we are dedicated to quality research writings for all levels, we have teams dedicated to academic research, data analysis and program development for computer science students using any programming language, on any device or using any programming language. Feel free to hire a writer or software developer as our rates are amongst the cheapest.

In this post, I am making available a standard computer science table of content for final year project writings as this guide is meant to help a student in understanding the different sections required of a project writing. Always feel free to contact us when the need arise.



Title page i

Approval page ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract v

Table of content vi



1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background of the study

1.3 Statement of the study

1.4 Objectives of the study

1.5 Scope of the study

1.6 Limitations

1.7 Significance of the study

1.8 Definition of terms



2.1 Role of information technology in the academic system

2.2 Data and information

2.3 Computer based information systems

2.4 Databases


Description and analysis of the existing system

3.1 General analysis of the existing system

3.2 Method of data collection

3.4 Organisational structure

3.5 Input analysis

3.6 Process Analysis

3.7 Output analysis

3.8 Information flow diagram

3.9 Problems of the existing system

3.10 Justification of the new system



4.1 Design standards

4.2 Output specification

4.3 Input specification and design

4.4 File design

4.5 Procedure chart

4.6 System flowcharts

4.7 System specification

4.8 Program flowcharts



5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Recommendation



Appendix A Welcome page

Appendix B Home page

Appendix C Input forms

Appendix D Output forms

Appendix E Codes

NOTE: Some schools may have a different format that may involve the exclusion, rearrangement or addition of other sections that they deem fit. Nevertheless this still represents the general standard format.

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