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1:1 Introduction/Background of the project design

The movement of man from one place to another is essential part of mans activities, which he cannot do or live without.

Movement logically conceived as a process of moving moving from a point or change in position or place or something, or a motion or action of persons or group. This movement could be in various forms or course of actions.

Traveling has always been an intensive and fundamental nature of man, which dates back to his origin. Early man was nomadic, i.e. always on the move in search of food, greener pasture for themselves and their livestock. From the origin of man through the past ages, be it the Stone Age, jet age, the present computer age, traveling is still a prevailing aspect of mans major activities. Throughout these ages, past and the present computer age or whatever the future holds, civilizations have come and gone with technological advancements such as telephones, faxes, letters, telegrams, emails etc. They have however not succeeded in presenting themselves as substitute to traveling.

Today man now travels for many different reasons; notable amongst his very vast reason to travel is leisure. It is easy to see and understand how important it is for a man to travel to his varied destinations and to fulfill the needs safely and promptly. The most important is the overall comfort of the journey, it gladdens ones heart to see or have everything necessary at his disposal, besides having a pleasant journey from point A to point B, the comfort of the journey is largely dependent on the situation that, immediately befalls the travelers upon arrival at parks either at the taking off point or its termination point.

In Nigeria, todays road transportation is the most patronized of the entire three major modes of transportation e.g. rail, air which is basically due to its availability and affordability when compared to others. Apart from the fact that this sector contributes greatly to the revenue generation of almost all the states in the country.

It also contributes to overall economy importance of the states and the nation at large; hence the need to consider the safety and comfortability of its esteemed customers. The private sector without any reasonable doubt has the greatest interest in this sector. It therefore becomes imperative look beyond the acquisition of wealth and variously review the quality of services, they render to their esteemed customers as never rest until their loved ones have a safe journey. Therefore, the most direct response to this poor state of affair in road transportation is the provision of facilities that are properly organizes these activities, coordinates and also directs them towards the ultimate goal of comfort and safety for travelers. Thus, this informs the proposal of a bus terminal station for dynamic transport company Gold International Transport Limited in the city of Enugu, Enugu state of Nigeria. The bus terminal is intending to provide adequate and well organized travel arrangements, provide succor to the travelers and also those who receive and transfer goods through it.

1:2 Statements of architectural problem

A bus terminal is an activity centre. These activities happen along different lines, which involves travelers buying tickets, preparing to board a bus, those who have bought tickets and are waiting to board for departure. I addition to these include those who have arrived and are either waiting for someone to come and pick them or alternatively where to find accommodation.

The disparity between the way and conditions under which these activities are carried out and under what condition they should be carried out is strong indication of the existence of enormous problems in the issues forming focus of this project. These architectural problems are;

Lack of proper sheltered facilities in which these activities are properly articulated and coordinated. This could be solved by designing a bus terminal in which these activities are inculcated in an organized manner and a proper layout of site for the terminal, accommodating other facilities.

The conflict of pedestrian and vehicular circulation.

The layout circulation routes would be such as to separate the arrival and departure lounge. Outside the building, pedestrian and vehicular circulation pattern will be laid out such that passengers can board or alight from busses without necessarily having to go through motor way. Vehicular circulation will be laid out such that vehicles move in one direction at the loading area, so as not to run into one another easily.

The existence of a chaotic and rowdy environment. This is one of the major problems facing the use of public road transportation in Nigeria. This is because of its very rowdy and chaotic environment similar to a typical Nigerian market characterizes most terminals in the country. Therefore providing an organized environment where things are done properly and at the right time devoid of unnecessary miscreants and touts etc.

1:3 The goal of the project design

The goals of the project design are:

To designed a befitting and standard bus terminal for the people of Enugu and the environs.

To design a well secure bus terminal to eradicate or reduce unnecessary harassment from touts, criminals on travelers at the terminal

To provide adequate spaces in the terminal to reduce rowdy and chaotic nature of the public transport to be curtailed at this process, especially, during peak hour or festive season

To provide better and efficient services for the travelers

1:4 The objective of the project design

The objectives of the project design are:

The overall concept is to achieve baffling bus terminal that would work as the same efficiency that is found in the airports and notable railway terminals in the world.

Building a reliable bus terminal to discourage road side boarding that is always interrupting flow of traffic and causing accident.

1.5 Size, scope and delimitation

The size of a bus terminal is commonly indicated by the type of buses it operates and the number of these buses that run on daily bases. Therefore, efforts were made to correlate the types of buses and their numbers, states serviced. From the analysis and research made, an average mini bus operating from the intended bus terminal in Enugu state to other viable states in the country would be designed for.

The scope of a project is largely limited to providing only the standard requirement of a bus terminal in terms of facilities and services encompassing the following:

Taxi port



Business centre

Shopping facilities in rentable spaces

Postal and courier services

Catering services in form of restaurants, snacks bar cafeterias etc. A project of this magnitude requires a lot of research work and valid information that was acquired in the course of writing this work. It became more stressful by limited professionals in the field in the country. Most station managers saw it as probing aimed to undermining their station.

1:6 Justification of study

This work is very significant in its identification of the problems experienced travelling by road in Nigeria and also establishing the fact that, those problems experienced by travelers are direct consequences of the absence of a well organized scheme.

Furthermore, the introduction of facilities in which the activities are organized will if not wholly and completely rephrased will be so infrequent and to such a measure as to be very little effect.

Enugu is a large city in the eastern part of Nigeria; it is among those cities in the country founded during the early part of the 19th century just before the advent of the colonial rule. Enugu has always been regarded as a civil service city as it lacked major industries. It is thus, peaceful and unpolluted city; thereby it attracts large population of traders, students, tourists and their likes. Ruralurban migration, business transactions and educational pursuit among many other reasons have increased the intertransport commuters.

These travelers could either leave or enter the city through its various bus terminals or motor parks that could be easily identified, which has over the years become a haven for the city inter/intra state bus routes. There are also other private buses terminals in the city notable among them are ABC bus terminal, Ifesinachi bus terminal, peace bus terminal, Entraco bus terminal etc. despite all these, Enugu cannot boast of any standard bus terminal which will otherwise provide better and efficient services.

Hence in tackling the problems that are associated with travelers using road transportation in Enugu transport company. This terminal shall have a far reaching and wholesome effect on easing the stress and strain of travelling by road in Nigeria.

1:7 Research methodology/ project methods

For any research work to be successful an effective, there, must be a need for an organized and intelligent sourcing of relevant data and information available.

The following methods were used:

The oral interview of professionals and stakeholders in this field, as well as travelers and some practicing architects.

Visiting of existing bus terminals in order to have a personal observation of their activities, highlighting their merit and demerits.

Also, research made by reading books, journals, government texts and publication, including other students projects on bus terminal.

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