

2021/2022 Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) Research Development Fellowship Programme

This scholarship is on 2021/2022 Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) Research Development Fellowship Programme.

The Research Development Fellowship (RDF) Programme is designed to support African researchers who are working on important challenges for human health in Africa.

Programme Overview

Aim: To support researchers in Africa who are emerging leaders and are working on important challenges for human health to develop their skills as a researcher.

What we offer: A three to nine-month placement at a leading research institution in Europe or Africa, with additional support at your home institution before and after the placement, up to a maximum of £40,000.

Who is eligible: Research active post-doctoral scientists and clinicians who are nationals of and employed in Sub-Saharan Africa who were awarded their doctorate within the last six years; and clinicians without a doctorate but who have a Masters degree or a specialist clinical qualification and between three and seven years active research experience (see detailed eligibility criteria).

Method of Application: After reading the information below, download the Application Form and Information for Applicants and email to [email protected] before the closing date 12:00 GMT 23 September 2021. 

Eligibility and guidance

To be eligible, applicants must be a national of a country in Sub-Saharan Africa. You need not be resident in Africa at the time of applying, provided that your application is officially supported by an African institution that meets the eligibility criteria for an employing institution and which attests that it intends to employ you locally.

Academic qualifications (non-clinician): 

  • Essential: PhD qualification within the last six years (at the time of the application deadline) -awarded a PhD or equivalent postgraduate degree from a recognised institution of higher education.
  • If you do not currently have a PhD, you must provide evidence that a recognised examining institution expects you to have been examined for the degree of PhD/DPh by September 2021. You will not be able to take up the Fellowship without having been awarded a doctorate by a recognized and reputable academic institution.

Academic qualifications (clinician):

  • Clinician with a PhD. Essential: Clinically qualified applicants with a PhD/DPh/MD should have been awarded the doctorate from a recognised institution of higher education within the last six years.
  • Clinician with a Masters degree but not a doctorate. Essential: You must have a Masters degree and at least three and not more than seven years of active research experience. Experience both before and after gaining a Masters qualification counts towards the experience total. You will normally have plans to gain a PhD or equivalent doctorate (although not funded as part of the AREF Fellowship).
  • Clinician with a specialist clinical qualification but not a doctorate. Essential: You must have an MD, MBBS or equivalent and a specialist clinical qualification. Examples of specialist clinical qualifications are FRCP, FWACP or equivalent. You must also have at least three and not more than seven years of active research experience. You may have plans to gain a PhD or equivalent doctorate (although not funded as part of the AREF Fellowship).

Aim of the programme

The RDF Programme aims to develop emerging African scientists who are working on important challenges for human health in Africa, growing their skills, experience, confidence and research outputs.

The scope of the Programme includes both infectious and non-communicable diseases that are significant and/or identified as “neglected” in Africa.

The RDF Programme enables talented early-career researchers to:

  • acquire advanced research skills
  • develop and test their own compelling research questions
  • develop highly effective mentoring relationships
  • grow their potential collaborations
  • raise their profile through international networking


  • The RDF Programme supports a placement of between three to nine months for each Fellow at a leading research organisation in Europe or Africa, with time either side of the placement for preparation and follow-up. This aims to promote development of technical skills, collaborations and networks.
  • The RDF Programme does NOT provide Fellows with funds for a whole research project; it focuses on developing researcher skills.
  • The maximum award for the fellowship placement is £40,000 (GB Pounds).
  • Applicants will need to demonstrate a credible, ambitious vision for their research career in an area of human-health challenge for Africa; and a transformational, well-supported development plan that would be significantly enhanced by the RDF Programme.
  • Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their plans at an early stage with their employing and potential host organisations.

Method of Application

Guidance for applicants and the application form can be downloaded here:

Applicants must ensure that their Employing and intended Host Organisations (the sponsors) understand the purposes of the AREF Fellowship, how AREF will pay the organisations and what their obligations are if they accept an award.

Tips for success:

  • Applicants need to articulate (i) a specific, important health challenge relevant to Africa, (ii) an original, potentially impactful and researchable question, and (iii) an understanding of the pertinent research methodologies / technologies to answer that question – and which capabilities you intend to develop. Many applications fail to be ambitious, original or feasible – or just lack specific details.
  • Applicants must be specific about the research they are aiming to do after the Fellowship: we ask you to define a research question and outline strategy.
  • Applicants must describe how planned Fellowship activities will lead towards addressing that research question and career goals.
  • Applicants must engage as soon as possible with their home institution so they actively support the application.
  • Applicants must engage early with their intended academic host and the host institution: they need time to develop the right kind of support for the Fellowship.
  • Applicants should ensure that the costs are clearly specified and are permitted.


Deadline for applications is 12:00 hours (GMT) 23 September 2021 (no late or incomplete applications will be accepted).
The awards will be announced early in 2022.

Applications and any queries should be sent to [email protected].

Application Deadline: 3 September 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

The Kistefos Young Talented Leaders Scholarships 2021/2022 for IE University (Funded)

The Kistefos Young Talented Leaders Scholarship at IE was set up to remove financial barriers to education for high-potential individuals from Norway and Africa, helping. them unleash their innovative business vision. Founded by Christen Sveaas, Kistefos AS is an investment company with a rich history in pursuing philanthropic projects committed to public service and academic development.

This generous donation is the most recent installment in IE Foundation’s Talent without Borders scholarship program, which awards scholarships to students from over 90 countries every year. The program was founded on the firm belief that talented individuals should have access to education, regardless of their socio-economic background.

With 46 scholarships available over a period of 4 years, 24 will be awarded to students from Ethiopia, Liberia and South Africa, with the remaining 22 destined for individuals from Norway.


  • This initiative is open to candidates from Ethiopia, Liberia and South Africa who demonstrate academic excellence, strong leadership capabilities and an entrepreneurial mindset.
  • IE is looking for candidates who are seeking a dynamic, global experience, and are passionate about using their insights to positively impact their home countries after graduation.
  • How the Scholarship will enable you to positively impact your country after graduation.
  • There are both full and partial scholarships available, including room and board for Master’s programs focused on technology, business and development.

Students accepted into one of the programs listed below, are awarded scholarships based on financial need and cover up to 100% of tuition and living expenses (living expenses package included):

For MASTER students, the criteria are as follows: The admissions process for MASTER applicants is as follows:

  • Be a national of Liberia, Ethiopia or South Africa.
  • Have an outstanding academic record, with a minimum GPA of 75/100.
  • Can demonstrate outstanding achievements in their personal and professional lives that have had an impact on their country or community.
  • Demonstrate an international outlook, leadership qualities and a vision to better their home country.
  • Proven financial need (preference given).

    The admissions process for MASTER applicants is as follows:

  • Online Application.
  • Online Assessment.
  • Entrance Exam: Students are required to take either the GMAT, GRE or IEGAT (IE Test).
  • Personal Interview (face-to-face or via Skype) with the Admissions Team.
  • Admission Committee Final Decision: Candidates will receive the final decision within one to three weeks.
  • These scholarships aim to cover the costs of the program and living expenses based on the financial circumstances of every applicant. Each candidate’s needs will be individually evaluated to guarantee full coverage.

    Scholarship Application Deadline Fall Intake: May 1st
    Scholarship Application Deadline Spring Intake: November 1st

  1. First selection of candidates by IE Financial Aid
  2. Presentation & selection of finalists in each category
  3. Selection of winners by Kistefos, IE Foundation & IE Financial Aid

Application Deadline: November 1st, 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

The 12th Global Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship for Journalists

Join the 12th Global Investigative Journalism Conference Fellowship for Journalists.

The 2021 Global Investigative Journalism Conference is this November 1-5, and for the first time, we’re doing it all online. The conference is the seminal international event in investigative journalism, featuring practical panels and workshops on the latest investigative techniques, data analysis, online research, cross-border collaboration, and more by the best journalists in the field. Since 2001, we’ve trained over 8,000 reporters, sparked headline-making collaborations, and spread investigative reporting worldwide.

This year’s online conference (#GIJC21) includes a global schedule with regional, continent-specific programs, multiple language translations, and lots of networking opportunities.

Admission is just $100 USD — for five days of programs — but if you can’t afford that, GIJN is offering fellowships to journalists in developing and transitioning countries.


+ Open to full-time print, online, television, video, radio and multimedia journalists in developing or transitioning countries. Part-time reporters whose primary career is journalism are also welcome to apply. For a full list of eligible countries, check this link.
+ Experience in investigative or data journalism is a plus.
+ A working knowledge of English, with the ability to understand panel discussions and workshop talks.

Fellows will get free admission for the full duration of GIJC21, plus access to watch the conference videos on demand after the event is over.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 17, 2021. Winners will be notified via email by the end of September, 2021.

Due to the high volume of applications, we won’t be able to update you individually on the status of your application. Please take the time to read the application guidelines and form. If you cannot find the answer, you can write us at [email protected].

Application Deadline: August 17th, 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 Sahara Technical Regenerator Program (STRP)

Apply for the 2021 Sahara Technical Regenerator Program (STRP)

Sahara Foundation, the corporate citizenship vehicle of Sahara Group, has opened a call for application for suitably qualified secondary school leavers and OND holders in Edo, Lagos and Rivers state to the Sahara Technical Regenerator Program (STRP).

This is a strategic partnership between Sahara Foundation, the Energy Training Center (ETC) and the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria (REAN).

The program aims to build the expertise of the beneficiaries in two key technical areas:

  1. Meter Installation – participants will develop competences in the installation of single and three phase meters in residential and small commercial premises.
  2. Solar PV Installation – participants will be trained as installers and maintenance technicians for Solar PV installations for residences or small commercial locations.

Training duration is Two (2) weeks.

Both programs will support the Federal Government’s agenda on youth empowerment and poverty alleviation, Nigeria’s electricity vision 30/30/30 and Meters for All initiatives.

While the Meter Installation Technician program will add to the resources necessary to effectively carry out the Federal Government’s mandate to Power Distribution Companies (DisCos) to provide meters for all their consumers, the Solar PV Installation Technician program will train individuals who will be qualified to provide professional services in the installation and maintenance of residential and small commercial solar system installations.

Over 80% of the training and slots will focus on meter installation while the balance slots are available for the solar PV installation (for Lagos residents only).

These training sessions will be conducted by the Energy Training Centre (ETC) a learning academy and innovative provider of training for the energy industry in Africa. The training will be led by a team of professionals and experts deeply familiar with the energy industry.

Through this program, Sahara Foundation aims to develop a new cadre of technicians and employers of labour who will ultimately ensure a reduction in the unemployment gap in Nigeria while promoting access to clean and reliable energy.

Application requirements

  • Minimum of 3 O’level credits in Physics, Mathematics and English or
  • Related technical trade experience.
  • Age limit is 40.

Method of application

  • Online – Applications can be filled and submitted online through www.ujanahub.com.
  • Offline – Application forms can be downloaded here or can be picked from any of Sahara office locations in
    • A. Lagos – 7A Oluwa Road, Ikoyi
    • B. Onne – Asharami Synergy Plc, Onne Depot, Federal Ocean Terminal (FOT), Onne Port Complex, Rivers State
    • C. Benin – Richard Egharevba street off Dan Abbe road, limit road, Benin.
  • Physical applications should be enveloped and addressed to the Manager, Sahara Foundation.
  • Applications MUST be accompanied with proof of above stated results, recent passport photograph, Birth Certificate and any of the following: Voters’ card or National Identity Card
  • Application deadline is June 25, 2021.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be contacted on or before July 2, 2021.
    Females are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline: June 25, 2021.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) Dialogue Journalism Fellowship in the Arab Region.

KAICIID has partnered with MICT to launch an Arab Region Media for Peace Programme to foster peace-building and dialogue in the media. The programme will be formed of two parts: the Dialogue Journalism Fellowship and the Media Policy Forum.

  1. For the Fellowship, 20 to 25 mid-career journalists will be selected to participate in a year-long training programme. The group of chosen fellows will have access to three four-day capacity building sessions, training them in the practice of ‘dialogue journalism’.
  2. The Media Policy Forum will follow the Fellowship Programme and will host senior editors, high-profile media practitioners, policymakers from across relevant disciplines as well as panelists and keynote speakers to discuss the principles and ethics of good journalistic practice. Collectively, the group will produce a set of recommendations for more sustainable reporting on conflict and religion, and potentially publish a Media for Peace charter.


  • Eligible fellows are required to have at least five years of experience in journalism or other relevant fields. They can be working on any platform (print, podcast, digital);
  • They must be native to one of the mainly developing countries of the Arab Region;
  • They must currently live in and write for media in the Arab Region;
  • They must be between the ages of 28 and 40;
  • They must be currently employed as professional journalists for print, television, radio or electronic journalism organizations. Both full-time and freelance journalists are invited to apply.
  • They should have an interest in interreligious dialogue and journalism, peacebuilding, and social cohesion.


  1. One-on-one mentorship
  2. Group training
  3. Funding

Online one-on-one mentorship will be offered to fellows from different media outlets such as print, radio, online, and TV. The mentors will have expertise in different aspects of the media industry. They will aim to:

  • Identify editorial objectives with the fellows
  • Provide feedback and coaching in areas such as video editing and story structure
  • Identify strengths and areas of development of the first deliverable draft
  • Agree on support needs to fine-tune the story

In addition to the one-on-one mentorship and group training— which might be provided in-person, depending on the state of the COVID-19 pandemic — the programme will offer participants a grant of up to 2000 EUR for producing content that follows the principles of dialogue journalism, helping the participants become active advocates for peace by shining the spotlight on stories that foster social cohesion.


  • CV (no longer than three pages);
  • Personal photo;
  • Motivation letter indicating the applicant’s interest and focus of the proposed production, clearly stating its connection to interreligious dialogue;
  • Recommendation from a current or previous media outlet that the applicant has worked with;
  • Video of the applicant introducing his/herself and explaining their expectations from this opportunity (not longer than one minute);
  • Links to three previous work samples (articles, video reports, TV programmes, documentaries… etc.)


  • 7 June 2021: Applications are due
  • 5 July 2021: Shortlisted candidates will be notified for interviews, which will be scheduled for late June
  • 1 August 2021: The fellowship programme will start in the form of an online one-on-one mentorship, followed by an on-the-ground training scheduled in autumn (dependent on the coronavirus pandemic situation).

Application Deadline: June 7th 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Masters Fellowships 2021/2022 for Africans

The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) was established in 1988 as a public not-for-profit organization devoted to the advancement of economic policy research and training in Africa. The Consortium’s mandate and strategic intent is built on the basis that sustained development in subSaharan Africa requires well-trained, locally based professional economists. AERC agitates the provision of capacity building in economic policy in Francophone and Anglophone African countries through provision of support in the areas of policy research and graduate training.

AERC wishes to announce the 2021/2022 Masters scholarships for applicants from Anglophone subSaharan African countries admitted into any of the following AERC Collaborative Masters Programme (CMAP) in Economics universities:
• Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
• University of Botswana
• University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
• University of Cape Coast, Ghana
• University of Ghana, Legon
• University of Nairobi, Kenya
• University of Mauritius
• University of Namibia
• University of Malawi
• University of Zimbabwe
• Makerere University


To qualify for scholarship, applicant must:
(a) Have applied and been admitted to any one of the listed CMAP universities;
(b) Have attained at least a Second Class Honours (Upper Division) or equivalent in Economics or related field from an accredited university; and
(c) Female and applicants from post-conflict and fragile states (especially the AERC Masters Bridge Programme alumni class of 2017 and 2018) are highly encouraged to apply.

– Interested applicants must submit their applications for admission directly to the respective universities (application procedure can be obtained from the respective university’s website).
– Upon receipt of an admission letter from a specific university, applicants shall send the following documents to AERC on [email protected] and copy [email protected].

  1. Application cover letter;
  2. Curriculum Vitae;
  3. Evidence of admission at any of the universities listed above; and
  4. Certified copies of transcripts and certificates.
    The deadline for applying for the scholarship is July 16, 2021.

Application Deadline: July 16, 2021.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 Admin Officer Job at (BATN) British American Tobacco Nigeria

British American Tobacco is all about freedom of choice – whether it’s our people or our products. . It is one of the world’s five largest tobacco companies. BAT has a market-leading position in over 50 countries and operations in around 180 countries.

Today, we’re a multibillion dollar company with more than 200 brands in our portfolio. With robust positions in each of our regional markets, our future looks equally bright too.

Applications are invited from interested and qualified candidates to apply for Admin Officer at the British American Tobacco Nigeria (BATN)

Facilities Admin Officer

Job Specifications:

  • Full Time
  • Required Qualifications: BA/BSC/HND
  • Location: Lagos | Nigeria.

Seniority Level: Non-Management
Function: Operation
Reports to: Facilities Supervisor
Reporting Level: Nigeria

Job Description:

  • The role provides support to the Facilities Supervisor in achieving the objective of coordinating the physical workplace with a view to providing a conducive and convenient working environment at BAT- Ibadan factory. Duties are to be performed diligently and effectively with a measure of accountability

What You Will Be Accountable For

  • Responsible for ensuring the Factory Materials/supplies store is stocked with relevant items in sufficient quantities by liaising with the store coordinator and procurement team.
  • Ensure adequate supply of essential provisions and refreshments to the factory by making refreshments available at the designated points OTIF (on time, in full)
  • Identify repairs and maintenance requirement; send repair request and follow-up with engineering department to ensure execution and submit a monthly report showing outstanding and evidence of follow-up with those responsible.
  • Ensure the meeting rooms are well maintained, necessary refreshments provided, and the meeting room is always ready for use.
  • Ensure accommodation requests are attended to OTIF (both Management quarters and hotels)
  • Ensure the guest houses and Chalet are constantly maintained at optimum ambience/quality standards and functionality and available for use by company guest.
  • Make available refreshments and drinking water at all designated points on time and in full.
  • Support Facilities Supervisor to supervise the meal contractors and ensure that the quality of meals and refreshment is satisfactory and that they perform as per SLA in their contract.
  • Support the planning and execution of factory events such as dinners, team briefs and team bonding

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • BSC / HND in Business Admin or any other equivalent qualification
  • NYSC Completed (or Exemption)
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in a similar position, preferably in FMCG or HORECA sectors
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • High level of emotional intelligence
  • Ability to multitask
  • Basic computer skills in the use of Windows, MS Word, Excel etc
  • SAP Knowledge is an added advantage

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidate for “Admin Officer at the British American Tobacco Nigeria (BATN)” should click the APPLY HERE button below.

Deadline: Not Specified

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