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Projectslib Partnership program for sellers and affiliates (Advertisers)

Welcome to our partnership section, Projectslib Partnership program for sellers and affiliates (Advertisers). We have 2 sections in this program which we will be explaining in details as follows;


In this program you can choose to apply to sell project materials or any research you have at your own price, while we take a percentage from the cost paid by customers. What we deduct per sale from the money paid for the material is #1500 naira ($4), and the remaining is what is paid to you same day the purchase is made of your uploaded research writing. For instance you may decide to sell a project writing for #3,000 naira, if its bought today we owe you #1500 naira which we will send to you. Kindly note; Selling research materials at low prices guarantees much more sales than at high prices, for instance a well written project material currently goes for between 3000naira to 5000naira. Selling multiple research writings on our website is allowed as you can sell and still choose to create links to advertise your research.

To know everything about how to sell project topics and materials on projectslib click HERE 


In this program, you can apply to be an affiliate, what this means is that you can sell any material on our website, and you get paid.


Our payment per material is fixed at #200 naira, all you need do is select for instance the course of study and then click on the icon on the page to generate a link for that page or even you can choose to advertise a specific project topic and once its paid for, automatically your wallet on our website is credited with #200naira.

To begin Register HERE

NOTE: You can be both a seller and affiliate on our website,  contact us onWHATSAPP if you have any issues.


2021 TY Danjuma Scholarships at Leading Business Schools

The TY Danjuma Scholarship provides financial support to post-graduate African students who have been accepted onto MBA programmes at the top 10 leading business schools in the world only, as ranked by the Financial Times.

The Financial Times MBA Global Ranking for 2021 lists the top ten schools as:

  • London Business School
  • University of Chicago: Booth
  • Iese Business School
  • Yale School of Management
  • Northwestern University: Kellogg
  • Ceibs
  • HEC Paris
  • Duke University: Fuqua
  • Dartmouth College: Tuck


  • Applicants must be Africans
  • Applicants must have completed their bachelors degree program

Application Deadline: 30th June 2021

Eligible Countries: African countries

Type: MBA

Number of Awards: 8

Value of Award: The TY Danjuma MBA Scholarship is intended to provide additional financial support to help African students bridge some of the financial burden attached to taking on MBA programmes, it will not be enough to act as the primary source of funding for these programmes.

Duration of Award: Duration of MBA programme

Method of Application: Eligible students should email [email protected] sending the following information between 1 June and 30 June 2021:

  • Full Name
  • Nationality
  • Full contact details
  • Name of Business School where you have been accepted onto their MBA Programme
  • Year of enrolment at the Business School
  • Copy of offer letter from the Business School
  • Copy of your CV
  • Copy of your own budget and funding shortfall (including confirmation letters for all scholarships and loans).

Visit The Official Website For More Information

The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) Dialogue Journalism Fellowship in the Arab Region.

KAICIID has partnered with MICT to launch an Arab Region Media for Peace Programme to foster peace-building and dialogue in the media. The programme will be formed of two parts: the Dialogue Journalism Fellowship and the Media Policy Forum.

  1. For the Fellowship, 20 to 25 mid-career journalists will be selected to participate in a year-long training programme. The group of chosen fellows will have access to three four-day capacity building sessions, training them in the practice of ‘dialogue journalism’.
  2. The Media Policy Forum will follow the Fellowship Programme and will host senior editors, high-profile media practitioners, policymakers from across relevant disciplines as well as panelists and keynote speakers to discuss the principles and ethics of good journalistic practice. Collectively, the group will produce a set of recommendations for more sustainable reporting on conflict and religion, and potentially publish a Media for Peace charter.


  • Eligible fellows are required to have at least five years of experience in journalism or other relevant fields. They can be working on any platform (print, podcast, digital);
  • They must be native to one of the mainly developing countries of the Arab Region;
  • They must currently live in and write for media in the Arab Region;
  • They must be between the ages of 28 and 40;
  • They must be currently employed as professional journalists for print, television, radio or electronic journalism organizations. Both full-time and freelance journalists are invited to apply.
  • They should have an interest in interreligious dialogue and journalism, peacebuilding, and social cohesion.


  1. One-on-one mentorship
  2. Group training
  3. Funding

Online one-on-one mentorship will be offered to fellows from different media outlets such as print, radio, online, and TV. The mentors will have expertise in different aspects of the media industry. They will aim to:

  • Identify editorial objectives with the fellows
  • Provide feedback and coaching in areas such as video editing and story structure
  • Identify strengths and areas of development of the first deliverable draft
  • Agree on support needs to fine-tune the story

In addition to the one-on-one mentorship and group training— which might be provided in-person, depending on the state of the COVID-19 pandemic — the programme will offer participants a grant of up to 2000 EUR for producing content that follows the principles of dialogue journalism, helping the participants become active advocates for peace by shining the spotlight on stories that foster social cohesion.


  • CV (no longer than three pages);
  • Personal photo;
  • Motivation letter indicating the applicant’s interest and focus of the proposed production, clearly stating its connection to interreligious dialogue;
  • Recommendation from a current or previous media outlet that the applicant has worked with;
  • Video of the applicant introducing his/herself and explaining their expectations from this opportunity (not longer than one minute);
  • Links to three previous work samples (articles, video reports, TV programmes, documentaries… etc.)


  • 7 June 2021: Applications are due
  • 5 July 2021: Shortlisted candidates will be notified for interviews, which will be scheduled for late June
  • 1 August 2021: The fellowship programme will start in the form of an online one-on-one mentorship, followed by an on-the-ground training scheduled in autumn (dependent on the coronavirus pandemic situation).

Application Deadline: June 7th 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarships 2021 at South China Normal University

Guangdong Government Outstanding International Student Scholarship is established by Guangdong Provincial Government to attract outstanding international students for undergraduate and graduate studies in the universities of Guangdong Province.

The South China Normal University is offering a sum of RMB 20,000 per person towards a master’s degree programme and RMB 10,000 per person towards a bachelor’s degree programme.


  • Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in any undergraduate or graduate degree programme and accepted in the same.
  • Applicants should be self-funded students.

Application Deadline: 15th July 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate and Graduate

Value of Award: RMB ?20,000

Number of Awards: Not Known

Method of Application: Applicants are required to register on the official student portal of the university and complete the general application. To apply for the opportunity, the applicants must fill a application form and send it via post before the deadline.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

2021 SA-GER-CDR Scholarships + Internships for African Students

DRD offers a limited number of DAAD merit scholarships per year to applicants from Sub-Saharan African countries with an excellent academic record. This scholarship opportunity includes monthly allowances of 650 Euro plus travel allowances for Master candidates and 900 Euro plus travel allowances for Ph.D. candidates.


  • Applicants should be from Sub-Sahara Africa
  • Applicants should have an outstanding academic record – at least 70% for their last degree
  • Applicants should apply within 6 years of having completed their previous degree
  • The study must have been completed at an internationally recognized university
  • The previous degree (Baccalaureus or Master) should have been an academic discipline which is related to Development Studies or Public Administration
  • South African students are required to have an honours degree in order to be admitted to a Masters’s degree course. Other students need the equivalent of a 4-year undergraduate degree
  • Applicants must provide evidence of proficiency in English, both written and spoken. This can be TOEFL test or a similar standard test or a letter from an academic institution
  • Work and/or voluntary experience in your field of interest would be a recommendation
  • Women are encouraged to apply
  • South African students are encouraged to apply
  • Applicants must be able to study full-time at the UWC for the required period.

Eligible Countries: Sub-Saharan African countries

To be taken at (country): School of Government, University of the Western Cape, South Africa and Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany

Type: Masters, PhD

Number of Scholarships: not specified

Value of Scholarship:

  • Scholarships include monthly allowances of 650 Euro plus travel allowances for Master candidates and 900 Euro plus travel allowances for PhD candidates.
  • Tuition and registration fees are covered by the Scholarship Programme.

Duration of Scholarship: for period of the programme

Eligible Field of Study: Scholarships are available for full-time students of

Method of Application: You will have to fill in an electronic application form (ONLY AVAILABLE during open Calls)! Applications not using this e-form can´t be considered! As the e-form can only be submitted once, please make sure that your application is complete before submitting it!

Documents that have to be uploaded when using the e-form are mentioned in the respecitve “How to apply” sections of each programme!

Application Deadlines:

  • the MA in Development Studies (next deadline 20th June 2021, online application is available in the “How to apply” section of the Programme!)
  • the Master in Public Administration (next deadline 20th June 2021, online application is available in the “How to apply” section of the Programme!)
  • the MA in Development Management (Bochum Programme, next deadline 30 November 2021)
    (separate online application platform, access and guidelines via “How to apply” section of the Bochum programme or via the course homepage)
  • the different PhD options at the centre (PhD UWC) (There will be no! Call for Scholarship Applications for the 2022 intake!!)

For additional information on the courses or on registration please write to [email protected]

Visit The Official Website For More Information

2021 YALI Africa-wide Fully Funded Online Program for emerging African Leaders

YALI Africa (YA) is a catalyst for transformational learning and leadership for youth in Africa; a robust program delivered using holistic, interactive, simulations and mentorship approaches. YA is a continental umbrella organization comprised of four Regional Leadership Centers (RLC’s). The four RLCs, located at African institutions of higher education in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal and South Africa, offer both in-person and online training. The RLCs are open to young leaders between the ages of 18-35 and serve as a place for regional collaboration driven by these young leaders who all have one agenda…to make an impact that matters in their communities.

The RLCs are located in Sub-Saharan Africa, drawing participants from a total of 49 countries in the continent, and ensuring diversity of language, culture and social economic background. Youth from these countries converge and interact during intensive training which aims to boost courage, innovation, Pan Africanism, diversity & social inclusion, change making and design thinking. The centers have empowered over 20,000 young leaders to date. YALI delivers a holistic curriculum that develops and supports a professional network of uniquely trained, highly qualified leaders in three tracks of study; motivates participants to be a positive force for transformational change in their communities; and encourages alumni to give back through training other leaders. For the first time ever, the four RLCs, under YALI Africa, are coming together to deliver a continental wide training program, effectively bringing young people from the 49 countries together under one venue for learning.

YALI Africa will provide core training in contemporary African issues, as well as specialized training in three tracks of study: Business and Entrepreneurship; Civic Leadership and Public Management. The inaugural cohort will take place from August 23 – October 15, 2021.

The Program Encourages Applications From:

• Individuals that represent and advocate for the rights of sexual minorities
• Rural based and economically disadvantaged young leaders
• People who are HIV positive or who are living with AIDS
• Young leaders with disabilities • English language proficiency
• Other minority groups • Women

• Age (18-35) • Demonstrated commitment to positively impact their communities, countries, and the African continent
• Proven experience and track record in Public Management, Business and Entrepreneurship, or Civic Leadership
• Citizen of : Sub Saharan Africa • Ability to commit to an 8 – week online program

Application Deadline: June 16th 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

Bertha Foundation Challenge Fellowships 2022 for Activists & Investigative Journalists

Bertha Foundation is excited to launch the next Bertha Challenge: an opportunity for activists and investigative journalists to spend a year producing a body of work that responds to one pressing social justice challenge. Successful applicants will receive non-residential paid Fellowships and project budgets to work independently and together to:

The third Bertha Challenge will begin in January 2022 with a focus on water, specifically supporting Bertha Fellows to answer the following question:



This is a full-time fellowship. Bertha Fellows will spend the majority of their time working in their home countries and be required to:

  • Attend in-person global convening that take place at the beginning and end of the Bertha Challenge
  • Develop and deliver a culminating product that responds to the Bertha Challenge question
  • Participate in two virtual meetings per month, and occasionally facilitate these meetings
  • Develop local and global network relationships.


Income for each Bertha Fellow for one year, not exceeding USD $62,400 and commensurate with the applicant’s current or equivalent salary at the host organization – ideally a media outlet for an investigative journalist and an NGO, community organization or social movement for an activist.

A Project Fund of up to USD $10,000 for each Bertha Fellow to produce a culminating product that responds to the question posed by the Bertha Challenge, and that is directed towards a specific audience. This could be, for example, a series of articles, videos, podcasts, games or drama productions. Activists and journalists working as a pair will have the option to pool their project funding to produce projects on a larger scale.

A Connect Fund of to USD $5,000 for each Bertha Fellow specifically designed to encourage collaboration between Fellows.

Regular online discussions with topics on a range of issues from current debates around water preservation to methods of investigation, methods of communicating findings through news media, storytelling, popular education and more.

Peer and mentor support in the form of regular virtual check-ins with Bertha staff and a cohort of Bertha Fellows.

Network development through the global cohort of past and present Bertha Fellows and exposure to relevant partners within and beyond the Bertha network, including our legal partners in the Bertha Justice Network, many of whom are at the forefront of creating legal strategies to address the climate crisis.

Global convenings of Bertha Fellows and selected guests at the start (January 2022) and end (December 2022) of the Bertha Challenge.

Selection Criteria

Bertha endeavours to select an inclusive and representative cohort of Bertha Fellows that celebrates diversity.

Bertha Fellows will be selected on individual merit but also on their complementary skills to the cohort, their existing and/or proposed networks and prospects for long-term impact of their work.

Applicants may come from and work in any country, but to ensure that this cohort of Bertha Fellows is able to be fully participatory, we require all applicants to be proficient in spoken and written English and able to deliver their final work in English.

Application Requirements

All applicants must submit:

  • A completed online application form
  • A brief resume/CV in English of no more than three pages
  • A list of 2-4 referees including name, relationship to applicant and contact details
  • A signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) from your prospective host organization – including commensurate salary and any benefits provided.
  • Journalist applicants are also asked to submit examples of previously published work.

Application Deadline: July 3rd 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 Pfizer–One Young World Scholarship to attend One Young World Summit (Digital Access)

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of people’s lives in a way never seen before. In the face of the pandemic, young people have demonstrated their motivation and capacity to meet local and global health challenges. Whether by caring for patients on the frontlines, providing health awareness & education to their communities or supporting vulnerable populations, young leaders have been essential to the world’s response to this unprecedented crisis.

The Pfizer – One Young World Scholarship has been established to recognise the outstanding actions of young people to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on society.

50 scholars will receive digital access to the One Young World Summit 2021 from 22 – 25 July. In addition, scholars will join the One Young World Ambassador community, a network of 12,000+ changemakers in more than 190 countries.

This scholarship is intended for young leaders who have demonstrated impact in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and advancing health education and access.


This scholarship is intended for young leaders aged 18 – 30* who have demonstrated impact in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or advancing health education and access. Relevant impact includes:

  • Providing healthcare to COVID-19 patients.
  • Raising awareness of COVID-19 risks and contributing to community safety.
  • Advocating for public policies which protect vulnerable populations and advance health equity.
  • Digital solutions to enhance access education and access to healthcare.
  • Initiatives that combat the secondary impacts of the pandemic e.g. responding to increases in unemployment.

The scholarship welcomes applications from candidates from a variety of professional backgrounds including; healthcare practitioners, social entreprenuers, entrepreneurs, charity leaders, academics and community activists.

In addition to these criteria, successful candidates will demonstrate a willingness to engage with Pfizer professionals.

Nationals of all countries are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

  • Digital access to the One Young World Summit 2021 from 22 to 25 July 2021.
  • Membership of the One Young World Ambassador community.
  • Participation in unique sessions including meetings with Pfizer executives.

Application Deadline:  15 June 2021.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) Visiting Policy Fellow Africa Programme 2021

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is a pan-European think-tank that conducts research and promotes informed debate across Europe on the development of coherent, effective, and values-based European foreign policy. It has offices in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Sofia, and Warsaw.

The Visiting Policy Fellow will have a policy research/formulation function in the delivering of two key projects for the Africa Programme related to the Africa-Europe relationship and climate issues. He/she will undertake research, develop analysis and formulate policy relevant recommendations in the context of “geopolitical Africa” and with a particular focus on climate issues. Other desirable areas of expertise include: Digital/Tech, Trade, and Migration. Part of unpacking the issues will be triangulating Africa’s position vis-à-vis important multilaterals and global players such as China and the US. Sought is a clear analysis of Africa’s interests in the global Climate discussion, how these interact with Europe’s Climate plans, and where potential for positive, actionable overlap exists but also where potential friction exists and means to overcome these. The ability to do the same with a second one of the listed topics is desirable.

The ideal candidate will have proven expertise on climate issues in Africa, good knowledge of the Africa-Europe relationship and a well-developed network in Africa/Europe

  • Location: Remote Africa/Europe
  • Reporting to: Africa Programme Director
  • Type of Contract: Self-Employed Consultant
  • Length of contract: 7-10 months


  • Conduct independent research, develop analysis, and formulate policy recommendations in any of ECFR’s formats
  • Strengthen and expand the programmes partnership and advocacy networks in Africa
  • Facilitate the organisation of activities in Africa and secure the participation of relevant African stakeholders
  • Contribute as appropriate to cross-cutting aspects of the African Programme including geopolitical Africa and the Africa Programme’s focus on Africa-Europe relations more generally.
  • Identify and liaise with relevant external contacts and ECFR Council members. Convene and lead public and private briefings for policy makers.
  • Liaise with partners in the African governments, AU, regional organisations, western diplomatic representatives, and local partners.
  • Contribute to the formulation of the programmes’ strategies and work plans and help ensure its effective implementation. Contribute to forming an advocacy policy for Africa-Europe relations (from political and economic angle) and geopolitical Africa.
  • Help coordinate fundraising for the programmes and share in the production of relevant materials and approaches to prospective donors, support identifying prospects for financial support.
  • Undertake relevant research, write reports and policy briefs – long form but also shorter reactive publications.
  • Contribute to the formulation of advocacy, outreach and communications strategies as an integral part of relevant projects and ensure inclusion of national offices throughout projects.
  • Coordinate, organise, and/or support as necessary relevant events such as consultations, workshops or seminars, as well as media work, mailings, travel, etc.
  • Provide regular situation reports to the Africa Programme.

Required skills

  • Extensive and in-depth knowledge of the Africa-Europe relations, AU, African regional organisations, and economies, especially related to climate issues
  • A track-record of engaging with policy communities and civil society in Africa.
  • Wide ranging government and non-government contacts across Africa
  • An ability to develop innovative policy proposals and creative ways of looking at European policies towards the region and individual countries.
  • Excellent research and analytical skills, the ability to devise and lead research projects, prepare detailed reports and briefing papers, setting out relevant research findings and policy recommendations on EU policies towards the region.
  • The ability to maintain and develop a substantial network of contacts with relevant policymakers, politicians, experts, activists and others in the region.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Media experience and the ability to present and speak in public.
  • A high standard of written and spoken English, working knowledge of German, French or another language is an advantage.
  • The ability to work within a team in a multi-national environment and to travel frequently (whenever possible).

Method of Application

If you are interested in this exciting and challenging role, we look forward to receiving your application!

Please submit your Cover Letter and CV (with ref: “African Programme Visiting Policy Fellow” in the subject line) via email to [email protected]

Due to the large volume of candidates applying for positions within ECFR we will only be able to respond the applicants who have been shortlisted. If you have not heard from us within 2 weeks of the closing date, you have not been successful.


For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

International Student Scholarships 2021 at Kent Institute in Australia

The Kent Institute is offering a 30% mind blowing scholarship opportunity to international students commencing a full-time degree program at the Institute.

This Institution want to help students from all backgrounds and all cultures gain access to higher and vocational education. They also strive to stimulate discussion, encourage critical thinking and empower our students to make confident, informed educational and career decisions.


  • Applicants must have achieved sound academic standing and results in their previous studies.
  • Applicants must have IELTS (Academic) 5.5 overall score with no band less than 5.0 or equivalent.
  • Applicants must have a formal qualification considered equivalent to an Australian Year 12
  • Applicants must be a minimum of 18 years of age before course commencement.

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate

Value of Award: 30% reduction in tuition fees

Number of Awards: Not Specified

Method of Application: To apply for this scholarship:

Visit The Official Website For More Information

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