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NUAcT PhD International Studentship in Archaeology Resilience in a Fragile Environment, UK

Newcastle University is pleased to announce the PhD Studentship for high-potential applicants in the UK. The studentship is available for the academic year 2021-2022.

The studentship is offered to all home and international students towards a PhD degree in Archaeology. This award will guarantee full tuition fee coverage along with a stipend for 3 years.

Newcastle University is a UK public research university currently ranked 152nd in the QS World Ranking published 2020 that aspires to be a people-focused university that harnesses academic excellence, innovation, and creativity to provide benefits to individuals, to organizations, and to society as a whole.

Why should you choose to study at Newcastle University? Newcastle University is completely dedicated to public benefit to advance education, learning, and research with an objective to build on this core purpose and provide new knowledge and creative solutions that make a positive impact.  It works collaboratively with many external partners to shape brighter futures, grow the economy, and champion social justice. The ultimate goal of Newcastle is to support the staff and students’ development and allow them to reach their full potential.

Application Deadline: 30th August 2021

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: Newcastle University
  • Department: The School of History, Classics, and Archaeology
  • Course Level: PhD
  • Award: £15,609
  • Number of Awards: 1
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: Domestic and International
  • The award can be taken in the UK


  • Eligible Countries: the UK, EU, and international
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: PhD degree in Archaeology is eligible to undertake at the Newcastle University.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • The applicants must have basic knowledge of GIS.

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: The applicants are required to complete the general admission application through the university portal. The applicants that wish to apply for the studentship are required to mail a covering letter and a CV at [email protected] and mentioning the code hca009 in the studentship reference field when filling the application form.
  • Supporting Documents: The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • A transcript of your degree studies
  • Certificates to confirm your degree or highest qualification
  • A copy of your passport
  • A Curriculum Vitae
  • Admission Requirements: The applicants applying for a PhD in Archaeology must have a master’s degree (or equivalent) in a relevant field (e.g. geography, archaeology) to get into Newcastle.
  • Language Requirement: The students must submit scores of the following English language proficiency tests:
  • IELTS – 6.5
  • TOEFL IBT/ITP is also accepted.


The selected students will be handed a sum of £15,609 as a stipend across 3 years along with full-time tuition fee for UK/EU or international students.

2022/2023 Fully Funded Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Students & Artists to study in Switzerland

Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS).

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree.

Types of scholarship

  • The research scholarship is available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline (who hold a master’s degree as a minimum) who are planning to come to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at doctoral or post-doctoral level.
    Research scholarships are awarded for research or study at all Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and the two federal institutes of technology, as well as the four research institutes. Only candidates nominated by an academic mentor at one of these higher education institutions will be considered.
  • Art scholarships are open to art students wishing to pursue an initial master’s degree in Switzerland.
    Art scholarships are awarded for study at any Swiss conservatory or university of the arts. This scholarship is available to students from a limited number of countries only.

Application documents

Select your country of origin according to your passport for receiving further information and the application documents:

Countries A – L / Countries M – Z

Check the application deadline and the different types of scholarships on offer. These vary according to country. You will also find details of what to do next and where to get more information.


Applications are subject to preliminary selection by the relevant national authorities and/or the Swiss diplomatic representation. The short-listed applications are then assessed by the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), which takes the final decision.

The FCS assesses scholarship applications according to three criteria:

  1. Candidate profile
  2. Quality of the research project or artistic work
  3. Synergies and potential for future research cooperation

The FCS is composed of professors from all Swiss public universities. Scholarship awards are decided on the basis of academic and scientific excellence.


The FCS will announce its decisions regarding the new scholarship awards by the end of May at the latest.

Application Deadline: November 30th, 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

The Kistefos Young Talented Leaders Scholarships 2021/2022 for IE University (Funded)

The Kistefos Young Talented Leaders Scholarship at IE was set up to remove financial barriers to education for high-potential individuals from Norway and Africa, helping. them unleash their innovative business vision. Founded by Christen Sveaas, Kistefos AS is an investment company with a rich history in pursuing philanthropic projects committed to public service and academic development.

This generous donation is the most recent installment in IE Foundation’s Talent without Borders scholarship program, which awards scholarships to students from over 90 countries every year. The program was founded on the firm belief that talented individuals should have access to education, regardless of their socio-economic background.

With 46 scholarships available over a period of 4 years, 24 will be awarded to students from Ethiopia, Liberia and South Africa, with the remaining 22 destined for individuals from Norway.


  • This initiative is open to candidates from Ethiopia, Liberia and South Africa who demonstrate academic excellence, strong leadership capabilities and an entrepreneurial mindset.
  • IE is looking for candidates who are seeking a dynamic, global experience, and are passionate about using their insights to positively impact their home countries after graduation.
  • How the Scholarship will enable you to positively impact your country after graduation.
  • There are both full and partial scholarships available, including room and board for Master’s programs focused on technology, business and development.

Students accepted into one of the programs listed below, are awarded scholarships based on financial need and cover up to 100% of tuition and living expenses (living expenses package included):

For MASTER students, the criteria are as follows: The admissions process for MASTER applicants is as follows:

  • Be a national of Liberia, Ethiopia or South Africa.
  • Have an outstanding academic record, with a minimum GPA of 75/100.
  • Can demonstrate outstanding achievements in their personal and professional lives that have had an impact on their country or community.
  • Demonstrate an international outlook, leadership qualities and a vision to better their home country.
  • Proven financial need (preference given).

    The admissions process for MASTER applicants is as follows:

  • Online Application.
  • Online Assessment.
  • Entrance Exam: Students are required to take either the GMAT, GRE or IEGAT (IE Test).
  • Personal Interview (face-to-face or via Skype) with the Admissions Team.
  • Admission Committee Final Decision: Candidates will receive the final decision within one to three weeks.
  • These scholarships aim to cover the costs of the program and living expenses based on the financial circumstances of every applicant. Each candidate’s needs will be individually evaluated to guarantee full coverage.

    Scholarship Application Deadline Fall Intake: May 1st
    Scholarship Application Deadline Spring Intake: November 1st

  1. First selection of candidates by IE Financial Aid
  2. Presentation & selection of finalists in each category
  3. Selection of winners by Kistefos, IE Foundation & IE Financial Aid

Application Deadline: November 1st, 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

Road Safety Reporting Contest 2021 World Health Organization (WHO)/ICFJ

Apply for the Road Safety Reporting Contest 2021 World Health Organization (WHO)/ICFJ. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) are conducting a WHO Road Safety reporting contest to raise awareness and spur dialogue around critical – yet underreported – road safety issues with a Vision Zero/Safe System Approach.

Journalists reporting on road safety in English, Spanish or Portuguese in Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Ghana, India, Mexico, and Uganda are eligible. To be considered, your road safety story must be published between August 1, 2021, and December 1, 2021. In each of the eligible countries, a $1,000 first-place prize and $750 second-place prize will be awarded.

Underreported issues include road design and quality, unsafe and polluting used vehicles, cost and extent of crash-related injuries, air pollution due to exhaust emissions, safe public transport urban cycling. Multimedia stories, podcasts, photo reportage, cross-border stories, and series of stories are welcome. Collaboration within newsrooms or across borders, use of social media and audience feedback, post-story engagement with policy- and decision-makers, and other ways of maximizing the impact of the reporting are highly encouraged.

ICFJ will provide 30 collaborative reporting grants between $500 and $1,500 upon the conclusion of the virtual workshops and submission of a story proposal/budget. These grants will support teams of two or more journalists (only one of them must be a virtual workshop participant) working together to produce in-depth, join reporting projects around underreported road safety issues that will be identified during the virtual workshops. Grants will support stories with a firm commitment for publication from a media house/editor/newsroom chief; publications on personal websites will not be considered.

Send the link to your story to [email protected] by December 1, 2021 to be considered.

Application Deadline: December 1, 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

Czech Government Scholarships for study in the Czech Republic 2022/2023

Apply for the Czech Government Scholarships for study in the Czech Republic 2022/2023 . The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries listed below at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic.

Granting scholarships to citizens from developing countries listed below for studies at Czech public higher education institutions (referred to as “universities”) is an important part of the foreign development cooperation of the Czech Republic and has a long tradition. From the late 1950s to the present day over 20 000 foreign nationals have completed their studies at Czech universities with a scholarship of the Government of the Czech Republic.

Government scholarships for studies at universities in the Czech Republic are governed by a Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 77 as of 28th January 2019 as part of a joint foreign development cooperation program pursued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Health .

General Information

Granting scholarships to citizens from developing countries listed below for studies at Czech public higher education institutions (referred to as “universities”) is an important part of the foreign development cooperation of the Czech Republic and has a long tradition. From the late 1950s to the present day over 20 000 foreign nationals have completed their studies at Czech universities with a scholarship of the Government of the Czech Republic.

Government scholarships for studies at universities in the Czech Republic are governed by a Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 77 as of 28th January 2019 as part of a joint foreign development cooperation program pursued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports ( https://www.msmt.cz/ ) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( https: // www. mzv.cz/ ), implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Health ( https://www.mzcr.cz/ ).

Eligible Countries and Study Programs

Scholarships for the academic year 2022/2023 are offered only to the citizens of the following countries:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Cambodia,
  • Ethiopia, 
  • Georgia,
  • Moldova,
  • Ukraine,
  • and Zambia.

The scholarships are dedicated solely to promoting the studies of foreign nationals from developing third countries. Neither a citizen of the Czech Republic, nor a citizen of the European Union, nor any other foreign national with a permanent residence permit in the territory of the Czech Republic may, therefore, apply for a scholarship.

These so-called Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study :

  • in Follow-up Master study programs plus a one-year-long preparatory course of the Czech language (which is combined with other field-specific training). Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates of Bachelor’s degree programs.  They can enrol only in study programs from the selected areas of study in which instruction is given in the Czech language . Depending on the subject area, applicants are normally required to sit entrance examinations at the university concerned. Successful passing of entrance examinations constitutes a precondition for a scholarship award ;
  • in Follow-up Master study programs or Doctoral study programs . Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates from Bachelor or Master study programs, respectively, who enrol in study programs with instruction in the English language .

Application Submission and Deadline

Each applicant is obliged to fill in an electronic application form  at the latest by 30 September 2021.  The successful applicant starts studying in the academic year 2022/2023.

Detailed information on the terms and conditions of scholarship awards is provided in the binding “Guidelines for Granting Scholarships of the Government of the Czech Republic”, issued in Czech and English:

Czech:     Dispozice 2021_cz.docx | Dispozice 2021_cz.pdf

English:    Guidelines 2021_en.docx | Guidelines 2021_en.pdf

Prospective applicants are advised to read carefully the guidelines before applying.

Prospective applicants shall acquaint themselves with information on personal data protection at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic, in compliance with the relevant EU GDPR Regulation:

Information on personal data protection at the Ministry’s subordinate agency, Czech National Agency for International Education and Research, is available at:

Application Deadline: September 30th, 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

£1,000 learning bursaries 2021 in Thomson Foundation Journalist Award for Journalists worldwide

Apply for £1,000 learning bursaries 2021 in Thomson Foundation Journalist Award for Journalists worldwide. The Young Journalist Award – in partnership with the UK Foreign Press Association – is Thomson Foundation’s annual journalism competition dedicated to finding and inspiring ambitious journalists from across the globe.

Now in its ninth year, the award enables journalists aged 30 and under, from countries with a Gross National Income (GNI) per capita of less than $20,000, to send in their best stories.

Judges of the award look for stories that are revelatory, prompt public debate and have led to, or have the potential to lead to, positive change in society.

In the year of COP26, the pivotal UN climate change conference, it is fitting that we should introduce an environmental component to our 2021 Young Journalist Award. Applicants will still be required to submit a portfolio of three stories and these can be a mixture of investigative pieces and human-interest stories. However, we will be asking all entrants to ensure at least ONE of the three pieces submitted has an environmental focus.

Application Requirements

Applicants will still be required to submit a portfolio of three stories in any medium (print, audio, video, multimedia, or a combination of all four) and these can be a mixture of investigative pieces and human-interest stories. However, we will be asking all entrants to ensure at least ONE of the three pieces submitted has an environmental reporting element.

For clarity, environmental reporting is covering stories about the interaction of people and the natural world and the issues related to that interaction. Environmental stories should be focused on one or more of the subjects covered by environmental reporting: sustainability, pollution, nature/biodiversity and/or climate change.

Our free online courses in environmental journalism are available to help journalists investigate local stories and understand the environmental drivers behind them.

The portfolio of work submitted for the Young Journalist Award must be in the 12 months preceding the competition closing date, which is September 10th, 2021.


  • Three finalists will be chosen by an independent judging panel selected by the UK Foreign Press Association (FPA) and an overall Young Journalist Award winner will be revealed on the night of the FPA Awards on Monday 29th November, 2021.
  • All three finalists will be awarded £1,000 learning bursaries or funds to buy equipment.

Application Deadline: September 10th 2021


2021/2022 AIMS NEI Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science (USD 35,000 worth)

Apply for the 2021/2022 AIMS NEI Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science (USD 35,000 worth).

The AIMS NEI Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science seeks to foster increased female participation in and contribute to a more sustainable societal response to climate change.

The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS-NEI) is pleased to invite interested female scientists to apply for the third round of the AIMS-NEI Fellowships for Women in Climate Change Science (WiCCS). Climate change – including global warming – poses significant threats to humanity. Documented impacts of global warming include an increased frequency and severity of heatwaves across the globe and frequent droughts, both of which exacerbate food insecurity and health problems in many parts of the world, particularly in Africa.

The AIMS-NEI Fellowship Program for Women in Climate Change Science (WiCCS) seeks to increase women’s participation in, and contribution to, to a more sustainable societal response to climate change


To be eligible, applicants must be:

  • female;
  • in possession before the fellowship start date of a doctorate in a quantitative discipline, including but not limited to applied mathematics, climatology, physics, computational chemistry, statistical ecology, computer science, theoretical biology, and engineering;
  • currently employed, on either a permanent or a temporary basis, in a non-profit work environment, including government;
  • actively engaged in research, policy, and/or practice relevant to climate change modelling, mitigation, adaptation, and/or resilience among others; and
  • the lead and/or senior author of at least one refereed publication on a topic relevant to climate change modelling, the causative factors of climate change, climate change mitigation, adaptation, and/or resilience etc.

To apply, please complete this online application form and submit by the 31 July 2021, 23:59 CAT with the following documents attached:

  • a completed personal details form, including a detailed budget for all non-project-related activities;
  • a completed project proposal form, including a detailed budget for all project-related activities;
  • a curriculum vitae; and
  • an electronic copy of a representative publication in climate change modelling, its causes, climate change mitigation, adaptation and/or resilience in which the applicant is the lead and/or senior author.

Selection Criteria

All complete applications received by the application deadline will be screened for relevance by a Fellowship Oversight Committee. The Oversight Committee will send each application to at least two reviewers for reviewing and scoring based on a defined soring sheet. The reviewers’ scores and associated comments will be forwarded to an International Selection Committee. This Selection Committee will select and interview a subset of the applicants, and then choose and recommend to AIMS-NEI about four applicants deemed most qualified to receive a WiCCS fellowship. All reviews done by the Selection Committee members and other reviewers will be based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of applicant: academic qualifications; quality of publications; experience in climate change-related work; real-world impact and recognition of prior work (e.g. through awards).
  • Quality of proposed project: relevance to climate change modelling, practice and policy; strength of connection to the mathematical sciences; experience of applicant in project topic; quality of project design; feasibility; suitability of proposed host institution environment and of named collaborator; quality and realism of budget projections.
  • Potential impact of proposed project on scientific knowledge, practice and policy.

For more information about the selection process and the committees mentioned above, please consult the following documents:

Application Deadline:  31 July 2021 23:59 CAT.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 SA-GER-CDR Scholarships + Internships for African Students

DRD offers a limited number of DAAD merit scholarships per year to applicants from Sub-Saharan African countries with an excellent academic record. This scholarship opportunity includes monthly allowances of 650 Euro plus travel allowances for Master candidates and 900 Euro plus travel allowances for Ph.D. candidates.


  • Applicants should be from Sub-Sahara Africa
  • Applicants should have an outstanding academic record – at least 70% for their last degree
  • Applicants should apply within 6 years of having completed their previous degree
  • The study must have been completed at an internationally recognized university
  • The previous degree (Baccalaureus or Master) should have been an academic discipline which is related to Development Studies or Public Administration
  • South African students are required to have an honours degree in order to be admitted to a Masters’s degree course. Other students need the equivalent of a 4-year undergraduate degree
  • Applicants must provide evidence of proficiency in English, both written and spoken. This can be TOEFL test or a similar standard test or a letter from an academic institution
  • Work and/or voluntary experience in your field of interest would be a recommendation
  • Women are encouraged to apply
  • South African students are encouraged to apply
  • Applicants must be able to study full-time at the UWC for the required period.

Eligible Countries: Sub-Saharan African countries

To be taken at (country): School of Government, University of the Western Cape, South Africa and Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany

Type: Masters, PhD

Number of Scholarships: not specified

Value of Scholarship:

  • Scholarships include monthly allowances of 650 Euro plus travel allowances for Master candidates and 900 Euro plus travel allowances for PhD candidates.
  • Tuition and registration fees are covered by the Scholarship Programme.

Duration of Scholarship: for period of the programme

Eligible Field of Study: Scholarships are available for full-time students of

Method of Application: You will have to fill in an electronic application form (ONLY AVAILABLE during open Calls)! Applications not using this e-form can´t be considered! As the e-form can only be submitted once, please make sure that your application is complete before submitting it!

Documents that have to be uploaded when using the e-form are mentioned in the respecitve “How to apply” sections of each programme!

Application Deadlines:

  • the MA in Development Studies (next deadline 20th June 2021, online application is available in the “How to apply” section of the Programme!)
  • the Master in Public Administration (next deadline 20th June 2021, online application is available in the “How to apply” section of the Programme!)
  • the MA in Development Management (Bochum Programme, next deadline 30 November 2021)
    (separate online application platform, access and guidelines via “How to apply” section of the Bochum programme or via the course homepage)
  • the different PhD options at the centre (PhD UWC) (There will be no! Call for Scholarship Applications for the 2022 intake!!)

For additional information on the courses or on registration please write to [email protected]

Visit The Official Website For More Information

2021 YALI Africa-wide Fully Funded Online Program for emerging African Leaders

YALI Africa (YA) is a catalyst for transformational learning and leadership for youth in Africa; a robust program delivered using holistic, interactive, simulations and mentorship approaches. YA is a continental umbrella organization comprised of four Regional Leadership Centers (RLC’s). The four RLCs, located at African institutions of higher education in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal and South Africa, offer both in-person and online training. The RLCs are open to young leaders between the ages of 18-35 and serve as a place for regional collaboration driven by these young leaders who all have one agenda…to make an impact that matters in their communities.

The RLCs are located in Sub-Saharan Africa, drawing participants from a total of 49 countries in the continent, and ensuring diversity of language, culture and social economic background. Youth from these countries converge and interact during intensive training which aims to boost courage, innovation, Pan Africanism, diversity & social inclusion, change making and design thinking. The centers have empowered over 20,000 young leaders to date. YALI delivers a holistic curriculum that develops and supports a professional network of uniquely trained, highly qualified leaders in three tracks of study; motivates participants to be a positive force for transformational change in their communities; and encourages alumni to give back through training other leaders. For the first time ever, the four RLCs, under YALI Africa, are coming together to deliver a continental wide training program, effectively bringing young people from the 49 countries together under one venue for learning.

YALI Africa will provide core training in contemporary African issues, as well as specialized training in three tracks of study: Business and Entrepreneurship; Civic Leadership and Public Management. The inaugural cohort will take place from August 23 – October 15, 2021.

The Program Encourages Applications From:

• Individuals that represent and advocate for the rights of sexual minorities
• Rural based and economically disadvantaged young leaders
• People who are HIV positive or who are living with AIDS
• Young leaders with disabilities • English language proficiency
• Other minority groups • Women

• Age (18-35) • Demonstrated commitment to positively impact their communities, countries, and the African continent
• Proven experience and track record in Public Management, Business and Entrepreneurship, or Civic Leadership
• Citizen of : Sub Saharan Africa • Ability to commit to an 8 – week online program

Application Deadline: June 16th 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 Pfizer–One Young World Scholarship to attend One Young World Summit (Digital Access)

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of people’s lives in a way never seen before. In the face of the pandemic, young people have demonstrated their motivation and capacity to meet local and global health challenges. Whether by caring for patients on the frontlines, providing health awareness & education to their communities or supporting vulnerable populations, young leaders have been essential to the world’s response to this unprecedented crisis.

The Pfizer – One Young World Scholarship has been established to recognise the outstanding actions of young people to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on society.

50 scholars will receive digital access to the One Young World Summit 2021 from 22 – 25 July. In addition, scholars will join the One Young World Ambassador community, a network of 12,000+ changemakers in more than 190 countries.

This scholarship is intended for young leaders who have demonstrated impact in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and advancing health education and access.


This scholarship is intended for young leaders aged 18 – 30* who have demonstrated impact in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and/or advancing health education and access. Relevant impact includes:

  • Providing healthcare to COVID-19 patients.
  • Raising awareness of COVID-19 risks and contributing to community safety.
  • Advocating for public policies which protect vulnerable populations and advance health equity.
  • Digital solutions to enhance access education and access to healthcare.
  • Initiatives that combat the secondary impacts of the pandemic e.g. responding to increases in unemployment.

The scholarship welcomes applications from candidates from a variety of professional backgrounds including; healthcare practitioners, social entreprenuers, entrepreneurs, charity leaders, academics and community activists.

In addition to these criteria, successful candidates will demonstrate a willingness to engage with Pfizer professionals.

Nationals of all countries are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

  • Digital access to the One Young World Summit 2021 from 22 to 25 July 2021.
  • Membership of the One Young World Ambassador community.
  • Participation in unique sessions including meetings with Pfizer executives.

Application Deadline:  15 June 2021.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

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