

Coventry University Postgraduate Territory Award in UK

Grab the fantastic opportunity by applying for the Postgraduate Territory Award at Coventry University in the United Kingdom.

This funding will be available to talented students who want to pursue a master’s degree at Coventry University. The programme is designed for the academic session 2021/2022.

Coventry Institution is an English public research university. It is ranked 50th in the country and adheres to the principle of academic freedom, which is based on rational inquiry carried out with honesty.

Why would you like to take admission at Coventry University? The TEF gold medal was given to this amazing modern institute for excellent teaching and learning. It has also received numerous honours for its outstanding efforts. Its campus is in a very nice and safe part of Coventry, and it has a lot of high-tech facilities. Its degree programmes and courses are designed with students in mind.

Application Deadline: August 31, 2021

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: Coventry University
  • Department: N/A
  • Course Level: Postgraduate
  • Awards: £1,500
  • Number of Awards: N/A
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: International students
  • The award can be taken in the UK



  • Eligible Countries: Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia, Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia or Zimbabwe.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: The sponsorship will be awarded in the following courses:
  • Eligibility Criteria: To qualify for this programme, you will need to fulfil the following criteria:
  • Be self-funded and paying international tuition fees.
  • Hold a conditional offer for a qualifying postgraduate course.

How to Apply


  • How to Apply: To get consideration for this application, you must hold an offer to study in a postgraduate degree programme at the university.  You should apply for this postgraduate award.
  • Supporting Documents: Applicants must provide the following documents at the time of admission: Pre-qualification degree, copies of academic transcripts, certificates of English language proficiency, a statement, and a copy of passport.
  • Admission Requirements: To get enrolled in an applicable master’s programme at the university, you need to have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college and university.
  • Language Requirement: Language requirements vary from one course to another.


Coventry University will provide the award amount of £1,500 to each successful applicant who enrols in September 2021.

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The Africa Institute Global Africa Translation Fellowship 2022


As part of its African Languages and Translation Program, The Africa Institute announces the Global Africa Translation Fellowship. The fellowship welcomes applications from across the Global South for a grant of up to $5,000 to complete translations of works from the African continent and its diaspora, into English or Arabic. This is a non-residential fellowship which allows the recipient scholar to complete the work outside of The Africa Institute (Sharjah, UAE). The aim of the fellowship is to make important texts in African and African Diaspora studies accessible to wider readership across the world.

The fellowship provides funding in the range of $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the quality and breadth of the project. Selected projects may be retranslations of old, classic texts, or previously untranslated works, collections of poetry, prose, or critical theory. The project may be a work-in-progress, or a new project feasible for completion within the timeframe of the grant.

All applications will be reviewed by The Africa Institute’s faculty and research fellows. Recipients will be chosen based on quality of the proposal, and the demonstrated capacity of the applicant to complete the project.

Applications must include:

  • A two-page CV/résumé including institutional affiliation, educational qualifications, including highest degree received, and key publications/works produced
  • A two-page narrative explaining the translation to be undertaken during the fellowship period, an explanation of the importance of the work, a justification for a re-translation, if applicable, and proposed dates of completion. The project may be a work-in-progress, or a new project that fits within the timeframe of the grant.
  • A 4-5 five page (double-spaced) sample of the original text(s) and translation.
  • An explanation of the work’s copyright status: If the work is not in the public domain, please include a copy of the copyright notice from the original text, and a letter from the copyright holder stating that English language rights to the work are available.

Submitted applications must include statement, sample, copyright status (if applicable), and CV, in that order into a single PDF file. Name the file with the applicant’s name in this format: LASTNAME-FIRSTNAME.pdf. Use the same name in the email subject heading LASTNAME-FIRSTNAME application and send PDF as an email attachment to [email protected].

Application Deadline: October 15, 2021.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

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International Awards 2021 at Trier University in Germany

The International Office at Trier University is able to provide financial support for students using sponsorship funds from the German Academic Exchange Service and the Scholarship Foundation for International Students and Young Academics for the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The primary aim of this financial support is to enable qualified international students to concentrate on their degree and final dissertation.

The University of Trier will provide the study expenses in the following manner:

  • Up to 350 Euros per month for students in Bachelor’s programs
  • Up to 400 Euros per month for students in Magister, Master’s, Diploma, or State Exam degree programs

Eligibility: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria:

  • Are not of German nationality
  • Are registered at Trier University in order to acquire a degree qualification need financial support and who, based on their previously achieved grades, are likely to graduate within a maximum of two semesters.
  • Are proficient in English language

Application Deadline: September 10, 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Bachelor’s and Master’s, Diploma, or State Exam degree programmes

Value of Awards: Varies

Number of Awards: Not Known

Method of Application: Applicants have to take admission in the degree coursework at the university. After that, they can download and complete an application form for this funding position.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

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Gen Z teens get a crash course in pitfalls of US jobs market | Business and Economy News

Every summer in the United States, teens across the country pound the pavement in search of gainful employment. But this year, teens belonging to Generation Z, the cohort born between 1997 and 2012, are finding a mother lode of job openings to choose from.

Among them is 16-year-old Hailey Hamilton of Flower Mound, Texas. She recently quit her job at a pizza restaurant, confident that she could quickly land a new one at her local mall.

“Everyone is looking to hire right now,” she told Al Jazeera. “Everyone is understaffed.”

Sixteen-year-old Wren Carter of Minneapolis easily landed a job at a fast-casual salad restaurant in April after texting the general manager, securing a phone interview, and getting hired on the spot.

“My mom threatened to send me off to camp if I didn’t get a job to get responsibility and experience instead of doing nothing all summer,” Carter told Al Jazeera. “I did want to earn extra money.”

Over in Tennessee, 19-year-old Addison Howard tested just how valuable his teenage labour has become when he decided to return to work at a fast-food restaurant that employed him three years ago.

“When I first started in 2018, I was getting $7.50 an hour, but they increased it to $12 this summer when I came back,” he told Al Jazeera, adding that he was unwilling to accept anything under $10 an hour.

In Maryland, Olivia Gyapong found work as a cashier at a Safeway grocery store. “I was just trying to find a random summer job; I didn’t know what I was going to do, but tons of places were hiring — I had a lot to choose from,” the 18-year-old told Al Jazeera.

Everyone is looking to hire right now.

Hailey Hamilton, 16-year-old

The US economy had a record 9.2 million job openings in May, the most recent month for which data is available.

Many of the jobs that are going begging are in customer-facing services industries: restaurants, bars and retail shops that are gearing up operations as consumers unleash pent-up demand.

Unable to be picky, many businesses are choosing to hire teens while unemployed adults — some 8.7 million of them in July, according to the US Department of Labor — remain on the sidelines.

Less than a third of the nation’s teens were employed during the summer of 2020. This year, though, they have roared back into the jobs market with a vengeance.

In May, 33.2 percent of US teens aged 16-19 had a job — the highest since 2008. The share of teens in employment slipped back to 31.9 percent in June, but climbed again to 32.7 percent in July, placing the share back above pre-pandemic levels.

While many entry-level jobs come with the usual trappings that teens look for — satisfying their parents’ requests or stowing away extra cash for purchases or college — Gen Z’ers are also learning unique lessons about the pitfalls of the US labour market thanks to the “post”-pandemic context of their employment.

It’s mostly high schoolers and I see them working 40- or 50-hour weeks.

Addison Howard, 19-year-old

Stepping into the jobs breach

The mismatch between the number of job openings and jobless adults in the US has become the subject of heated debate.

Some observers say myriad factors are keeping unemployed workers from finding new positions, such as early retirement, too many businesses chasing the same set of skills at once, an ongoing lack of childcare options, fears of contracting COVID-19, and a desire to avoid the growing number of vaccine mandates by employers.

Many Republicans are blaming the $300-a-week federal weekly top-up to state unemployment benefits for enabling adult workers to be pickier about the next job they’ll take. As a result, dozens of states — the majority of them led by Republican governors — have decided to withdraw from federal unemployment benefits programmes before they expire in early September.

Regardless of what is stopping grown-ups from taking advantage of a jobs market awash in opportunities, it is not dissuading teens from stepping into the breach.

Howard and Gyapong are pulling double duty this summer, balancing the service industry jobs they do for cash with other commitments they’ve taken on to advance their career and public-service goals. Gyapong is interning for a member of Congress in Washington, DC, and Howard is running the camera for a local baseball team and managing livestreams and music for a nearby church.

I think it’s sad sometimes that these teens are working 30-, 40-, 50-hour weeks.

Addison Howard, 19-year-old

While Howard chooses to burn the candle at both ends in separate jobs, he says many of his fellow teens at his service gig are overworked, thanks to chronic understaffing.

“It’s mostly high schoolers and I see them working 40- or 50-hour weeks, doing a part-time job with full-time hours,” he said. “Maybe their parents are making them pay for college or they’re buying a car, but I think it’s sad sometimes that these teens are working 30-, 40-, 50-hour weeks.”

Hamilton said that she and many of her fellow part-time employees at the pizza restaurant where she was employed until June consistently worked more than 40 hours a week, thanks in large part to a lack of staff.

“Everyone is understaffed because of COVID and all of the unemployment. A lot of people said ‘honestly, I don’t need this job’ and they left,” Hamilton said. “We get so much put on us — we’re running a whole store and we’re in charge of everything.”

A lack of training has also been problematic for some of these teens.

“It’s kind of like we all don’t know what to do sometimes. We’re all severely undertrained,” said Carter, the salad restaurant employee. “I kinda just got thrown in on my first day. I still don’t know how to prep half of [the ingredients], so I just stick to the things I know how to do.”

And customers are not always understanding of the challenges Gen Z summer workers are facing.

“Adults would come in and scream at us because stuff is wrong or taking too long,” said Hamilton. “It’s just a bunch of kids working here.”

“I wish people would just treat others with more kindness, especially those coming into work — you don’t know their story or what they’re going through,” said Howard.

The rude customers, long hours, and lack of training have made some of these young employees far more compassionate toward adults who are choosing not to re-enter the labour market for now.

Hamilton said she was far more frustrated with adult customers at the pizza restaurant who seemed to be oblivious to the current employment situation than workers who are opting to stay at home and collect unemployment.

Gyapong sees it as “a reflection of how poorly people are paid in this country, that they’re making more money by not working”.

Howard also hopes the shifting landscape of the US labour market convinces policymakers to raise the federal minimum wage, noting “There are families working over 40 hours just to get scraps of money.”

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G7: Iran behind tanker attack, ‘threatens international peace’ | Shipping News


Tehran denies being behind a drone attack against an Israel-linked tanker, but G7 says ‘all available evidence clearly points to Iran’.

G7 foreign ministers have said “all available evidence clearly points to Iran” being behind a drone attack on July 29 against an Israel-linked tanker that killed a former British soldier and Romanian national.

“This was a deliberate and targeted attack, and a clear violation of international law … There is no justification for this attack,” the ministers from the world’s seven most developed nations said in a statement on Friday.

The vessel was a Liberian-flagged, Japanese-owned petroleum products tanker managed by Israeli-owned Zodiac Maritime.

Iran has strongly denied having any link to the attack on the MV Mercer Street, which came as tensions grow in the region and talks to revive the 2015 deal on the Iranian nuclear programme at a standstill.

But European countries and the United States renewed their accusations at a closed-door Security Council meeting at the UN headquarters in New York Friday.

“The UK knows that Iran was responsible for this attack. We know it was deliberate and targeted,” said British Ambassador to the UN Barbara Woodward, who added the evidence was “clear cut”.

“The door for diplomacy and dialogue remains open. But if Iran chooses not to take that route, then we would seek to hold Iran to account and apply a cost to that,” she told reporters.

The Security Council is due to discuss the incident further at an open meeting on maritime security on Monday.

The G7 ministers said “vessels must be allowed to navigate freely in accordance with international law” and promised to “do our utmost to protect all shipping, upon which the global economy depends”.

“Iran’s behaviour, alongside its support to proxy forces and non-state armed actors, threatens international peace and security,” they said, calling on Tehran to stop all activities inconsistent with the Security Council resolutions.

‘Iran will not hesitate to defend itself’

The United States and Israel have pointed the finger at Iran for being behind the attack on the tanker, which is managed by a prominent Israeli businessman in London.

Iran’s deputy UN Ambassador Zahra Ershadi rejected the accusations that Tehran was behind the attack and warned against any retaliation: “Iran will not hesitate to defend itself and secure its national interests.”

In a separate statement, the US military said explosives experts from the Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier – which deployed to assist the Mercer Street – concluded the drone was produced in Iran.

It said the explosives experts were able to recover several pieces of a drone, including a part of the wing and internal components which it said were nearly identical to previously collected samples of Iranian attack drones.

The US military also suggested the attack may have been launched from the Iranian coast, saying the distance to the locations of the attacks “was within the range of documented Iranian one-way attack” drones.

“Some of the material was transferred to US Fifth Fleet headquarters in Manama, Bahrain and subsequently to a US national laboratory for further testing and verification,” Central Command, which oversees US forces in the region, said in the statement.

Security analysts have said the fatal attack upped the stakes in the “shadow war” against vessels linked to Iran and Israel.

On Tuesday, Iran was again blamed for an alleged hijacking of an asphalt and bitumen tanker in the Gulf of Oman, prompting more denials from the Islamic republic.

The tensions have come as hardline former judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi took over this week as Iranian president following his victory in the June elections, replacing Hassan Rouhani who was seen as a more moderate figure.

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Postgraduate Studies Scholarships for International Students in Czech Republic

International candidates have a wonderful chance to conduct their postgraduate study with the help of the postgraduate placements offered by the Bavarian-Czech University Agency. The grants programme is open for the academic year 2021-2022.

The grant is aimed at providing funding for a postgraduate degree to deserving students. Bavaria and Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern European students are eligible to take this application.

The Bavarian-Czech University Agency is affiliated as a separate department to the Bavarian University Centre for Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe (BAYHOST). It was started in 2016 to make a significant contribution to the development of a first-class and sustainable academic network in research and teaching.

Why choose to study in Czech? Universities in Czech offer excellent teaching and research, ranking among the best in the world. The students earn an internationally renowned degree, giving them excellent prospects in the global labor market. They provide outstanding academic programmes, while universities of applied sciences offer a range of attractive, practice-oriented options. Many universities collaborate with companies and many study programmes combine theory and practice which greatly facilitate the start of the students’ career.

Application Deadline: 1st December 2021

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: Bavarian-Czech University Agency
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Postgraduate
  • Award: 12,252 €
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: International
  • The award can be taken in the Czech Republic



  • Eligible Countries: Applicants from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine are eligible to apply.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Any postgraduate programme offered at state-funded higher education institutions in Bavaria is eligible to apply for.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • The applicants must have been accepted in the applied postgraduate programme at any state-funded higher education institute before the deadline.

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: The applicants need to apply to a postgraduate programme at any state-funded institute by following their respective application procedures. The applicants can fill this form to show their interest in the program.
  • Supporting Documents: The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • Letter of motivation
  • Description of project
  • Previous academic achievements
  • Letter of endorsement
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Admission Requirements: The applicants must be international students applying to a state-funded institute fulfilling its admission requirements.
  • Language Requirement: The students are required to be fluent in English and slightly proficient in German for hassle-free communication.


The selected international applicants will be given 861€ – 12,252€ per year towards the undertaken postgraduate studies, research sojourns, or doctoral studies at state and state-funded higher education institutions in Bavaria.


University of Copenhagen International PhD Fellowship in Won Lab, Denmark

Put your research skills into practice and gain new ones by applying for the International PhD Fellowship in Won Lab offered by the University of Copenhagen.

The study program is open for both domestic and international applicants who want to pursue a PhD degree program at the university.

The University of Copenhagen, a public research university ranked among the top public universities in Copenhagen and ranked 76th in the QS Global World Rankings 2021, has a mission to provide internationally leading teaching and research that will enable Denmark to become exceptionally good at creating value with information technology.

Why choose the University of Copenhagen? The University of Copenhagen is Denmark’s largest educational institution, with a global outlook and reach. It assists students with admissions, housing, and student counselling, among other things, and it also conducts orientation programmes that include a variety of social events.

Application Deadline: August 9, 2021

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: University of Copenhagen
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: PhD
  • Awards: 27.780 DKK /approx. 3.730 EUR
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: Domestic and international students
  • The award can be taken in Denmark


  • Eligible Countries: Applications are accepted from around the world
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: PhD fellowships in Won Lab at BRIC
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the given criteria:
  • Applicants must have qualifications corresponding to a master’s degree related to the subject area of the project. Other important criteria are:
  • The grade point average achieved
  • Professional qualifications relevant to the PhD project
  • Previous publications
  • Relevant work experience
  • Other professional activities
  • Curious mind-set with a strong interest in genomics and computational biology.
  • Language skills.

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: Aspirants must have to take admission in the PhD degree at the university. After that, you can complete the online application form.
  • Supporting Documents: You must submit all the following supporting documents:
  • Motivated letter of application (max. one page)
  • CV incl. education, experience, language skills, and other skills relevant for the position
  • Certified copy of original Master of Science diploma and transcript of records in the original language, including an authorized English translation if issued in another language than English or Danish. If not completed, a certified/signed copy of a recent transcript of records or a written statement from the institution or supervisor is accepted
  • Admission Requirements: Applicants will be selected on the basis of previous publications (if any) and relevant work experience.
  • Language Requirement: If English is not your first language, you should provide evidence of English language ability: IELTS, TOEFL, or other acceptable proof.


The University of Copenhagen will provide a monthly salary that begins around 27.780 DKK /approx. 3.730 EUR (April 2021-level) plus pension.



Sciences Po Emile-Boutmy Scholarships 2021/2022 for Study in France (Funded)

Apply for the Sciences Po Emile-Boutmy Scholarships 2021/2022 for Study in France (Funded). Sciences Po created the Émile Boutmy scholarship, named after the founder of Sciences Po (1871), in order to welcome the very best international students from outside the European Union. The Émile Boutmy Scholarship is awarded to top students whose profiles match the admissions priorities of Sciences Po and individual course requirements.

The Émile Boutmy scholarship fund benefits from the generous support of its sponsors (benefactors, companies and foundations) who are eager to allow the most deserving international students to study at Sciences Po. Private sponsors can be in direct contact with scholarship holders during official organised events.

They support the Émile Boutmy excellence scholarship : BNP Paribas, Chalhoub Group, RATP Foundation, L’Oréal, Total.


To be eligible for the scholarship, students must be: first time applicants, from a non-European Union state, whose household does not file taxes within the European Union, and who have been admitted to the Undergraduate or Master’s programme.

Students who are not eligible are:

  • Swiss and Norwegian applicants, since they may be entitled to CROUS scholarships
  • Candidates who have dual citizenship, including an EU citizenship
  • Candidates from Quebec for master’s degree (since they may take advantage of sliding scale fees same as European applicants). Candidates from Quebec for a bachelor’s degree are eligible
  • Master’s level dual-degree candidates. Only applicants for the following dual degrees are eligible:
    • the dual degree in Journalism Sciences Po/Columbia University
    • the dual degree Sciences Po/Fudan University with the concentration Europe-Asia in Global Affairs (only applicants with Chinese nationality)
    • the dual degree Sciences Po/Peking University (only applicants with Chinese nationality)
  • Ph.D. programme students (thesis)
  • Candidates for the 1 year Master’s programmes
  • Bachelor dual degree candidates (unless as part of a specific agreement)
  • Exchange students
  • Candidates applying via the French graduate admission procedure

The Émile Boutmy scholarship may not be combined with other scholarships (Eiffel scholarship, AEFE scholarship, BGF…).

This scholarship is awarded based on merit and according to the type of profile sought for this programme. Social criteria may also be taken into account.

This scholarship is not automatically awarded, to apply candidates must follow the instructions below.

Bachelor’s degree programme

The Émile Boutmy scholarship is awarded to students arriving at Sciences Po for their first year of studies.

The Émile Boutmy programme can take several different forms:

  1. A tuition grant of €13,000 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.
  2. A tuition grant of €8,800 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.
  3. A tuition grant of €6,000 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.
  4. A tuition grant of €3,600 per year for the three years of the undergraduate programme.

If you do not validate your academic year, your scholarship will be lost.

If you have been granted for a scholarship and decide to defer your admission, your scholarship will be lost.

During the year abroad (third year of the undergraduate programme): scholarship recipients will retain their tuition fee grant and additional cost of living grant (if applicable).

The Émile Boutmy scholarship is automatically renewed if the student chooses to continue their graduate studies at Sciences Po

Masters level

The Émile Boutmy scholarship is awarded to students arriving at Sciences Po for their first year of study.

The Émile Boutmy programme is a tuition grant of €12,200 per year which covers part of the tuition fees for the two years of the Master’s degree programme.

If you do not validate your academic year, your scholarship will be lost.

If you have been granted a scholarship and you decide to defer your admission, your scholarship will be lost.


Undergraduate College, first time applicants

Master’s level, first time applicants

Candidates currently in deferral (Undergraduate College and Masters level):

Please note

If you have already been refused the Émile Boutmy scholarship it is not possible for you to apply again.

We will only take into account complete files.

No application request will be accepted if received after the deadline.

You will find information on our application procedures using the following links:

Important : It is not possible for students to apply for the Émile Boutmy scholarship after their admission to Sciences Po or during their studies at Sciences Po. Students are therefore responsible for finding another source of funding if they have not been awarded the Emily Boutmy scholarship.

The Admissions Department is responsible for awarding Émile Boutmy scholarships. Please note that your scholarship request will only be taken into account if you are admitted to one of our eligible programmes.

For more information on scholarships and financial aid.


  • Deadline for undergraduate programme (applicants from foreign secondary schools): mid-February 2022.
  • Deadline for undergraduate programme (applicants from French secondary schools): mid-June 2022.
  • Deadline for master programme: November 30, 2021.

No application requests will be accepted after the deadline.


For more information contact the Admissions Department either by filling out this contact form, or by phone +33 (0)1 45 49 50 82.

Application Deadline: November 30, 2021.

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

How to sell final year project topics and materials with your mobile phone in Nigeria

This post is about how to sell final year project topics and materials at your own price by just using your mobile phone in Nigeria and get paid daily.

The following steps below will guide you, at any point you feel lost or just want someone to help you publish the research work information on our website just click HELP ME and you will be redirected to our whatsapp page where you will be properly aided and your store will start running in minutes.

Here are the steps to follow;

  1. Register on Projectslib using this link: The registration process is one amongst the simplest you will find on the internet. The first step in the registration process is a general step for sellers (vendors) and buyers, but not to worry its very easy. To also get to the Registration page you may just wish to click on the top most right ICON on our main website just as you see below


By using any of the registration methods to get to the sign up page, you will be presented with a login screen just like this


Remember our target is to get to the sign up page, all you need do is click on signup down on the login page, just below “Don’t have an account ?”


2. Next step is to fill in all your required information,

  • Choose a username or nickname that is short and you will always remember
  • type your Phone Number, it has to be correct and the sim card has to be inserted in any phone close to you as a code will be as an SMS to that phone number. The format is the country code (+234) and then the number follows, just remove the first (0) in your phone number and type the remaining 10 digits. Example: 9047578492, while this persons complete phone number is 09047578492.


  • Enter your correct Email Address
  • Enter your Password, ensure you enter any password of your choice in any format you like.

NOTE: Just incase you need any of our agents to do the registration and uploads for you just click HELP ME and we will be at your service.

As soon as you are done with your sign up you will be logged and you can now access the general dashboard, to always get to this page once logged in click HERE.



3. The next step is to scroll down to where you see “BECOME A VENDOR” click on it and you will be presented with the vendor registration screen. Fill all the required information’s as you see on display, for instance your store can be called your nick name or username.


4. OnoOn completion of the registration click on “BECOME A VENDOR” and you will be granted access to your personal store.


The store dashboard has all that is required to publish your project material(s) and sell at your own price, and also monitor its downloads and your earnings.

To publish a project work, click on the red icon with 3 dashes


it will open up all the dashboard sections


click on “PRODUCTS”, a new page opens click on “ADD NEW PRODUCT”


The next screen is all about the details of the project work in your possession.



Fill the project title, select the department, copy and paste the Abstract and the Chapter One in their sections (This are the sections the researcher/student who needs the work can read on our website), then click on “CHOOSE FILE” to select the location of the complete material you wish to sell (We prefer you upload your files so that on purchase we can deliver in less than 15 minutes) if you have an issue with uploading your work do let us know. Also type the price you wish to sell (Try to keep your price low to encourage purchase. On first purchase you get all the amount you have stated to sell for instance you want to sell at #3000naira, what it means is that we will pay you #3000, while subsequent purchase, then we will reduce the price to #2500, and be paying you 1500, while we take #1000naira. Ideally project materials fall on the range of #3000 to #5000, sell at any price that suites you).

On completion of the entry process and ticking on the “CONSENT” click on “SUBMIT”




And we will be notified about your entry and we will publish it after ensuring you filled in the right sections. On your dashboard, on “PRODUCT” you will see that your work is live and people can read its Title, Abstract and Chapter One.


NOTE: If you have so many research work you wish to sell, you can just click this link HELP ME and we will be at your service to make them available in your dashboard for FREE.

Tell your friends, your mates, your neighbors, business center/cafe owners, share this post with everyone around you, we are working hard to ensure you have another means of earning from your past efforts or efforts of those you know. GOODLUCK

Learn how to become an affiliate (advertiser of our materials) and earn by clicking HERE

SMCCD in USA 2021 Global Beca International Student Scholarships

Apply for SMCCD in USA 2021 Global Beca International Student Scholarships .

A limited number of scholarships are available to students who want to study at the San Mateo Colleges of Silicon Valley, USA. The scholarships are highly competitive so be sure to read the instructions and questions carefully and submit all required documents to avoid delay or disqualification.

It can take 1-2 months for the committee to review an application and make a decision, so prospective students are encouraged to apply early. Please keep in mind that funds are limited and not all applicants will be rewarded a scholarship.


  • Applicants must have high school certificates with the good academic year 2021/2022.
  • Applicants need to demonstrate that they have a good level of written and spoken English.
  • Applicants under the age of 18 will need to show proof of high school graduation or the equivalent and complete the Minor Consent Form. If applicable, download and fill out the Minor Consent Form

Application Deadline: November 15th

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate

Value of Awards: Range from $250 to $3,000

Number of Awards: Limited

Method of Application: In order to apply for this opportunity, students must follow these steps:

  • Log into your Student Success Link (information regarding logging into your student success link can be found HERE).
  • Click the link titled “SMCCD International Portal” in the picture Found on the official website to get back to your international application.

Supporting documents to include:

  • Insight Statement
    Type out a 250-300 word Personal Insight Statement regarding your program of study and how San Mateo Colleges of Silicon Valley will contribute to your academic and career goals. We would like you to include in your personal insight statement your response to the following questions:

    • What have you done academically that prepares you for your future success?
    • Why do you believe activities outside the classroom are also important for your future success?
    • How would financial support for your education benefit you and your family?
  • Letter of recommendation in English from a teacher, counselor, or principal.
  • Copy of your academic transcript from the past year or last school attended.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

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