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ParisTech Bridge School international awards in France

The ParisTech Bridge School is providing a wonderful opportunity through the international awards program for the academic year 2021-2022.

The study grant aims to provide financial support to international students commencing master’s and doctorate level programs at ParisTech Bridge School.

Founded in 1747, ParisTech Bridge School is a university-level institution of higher education and research in the field of science, engineering and technology. ENPC offers high-level programmes in an extensive range of fields.

Why would like to study at ParisTech Bridge School? While studying at this school, applicants will have the opportunity to learn and grow through both on-the-job training and formal training. Here students practise all the skills that will be vital both in the workplace and in everyday life.

Application Deadline: Open

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: ParisTech Bridge School
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Master and doctorate level programs
  • Awards: 10 000€
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Nationality: International students
  • The award can be taken in France


  • Eligible Countries: All nationalities
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: Master and Doctorate level programs in the field of Engineering
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must have an undergraduate degree for a masters’ degree and they must hold a master’s degree for a doctorate level program.

How to Apply        

  • How to Apply: In order to apply for this funding opportunity, candidates must take admission in a masters or doctoral degree at ParisTech Bridge School. After that, they can complete application form. The application process must be done by using our online submission tool: https://crm.enpc.fr/community/enpc/custom_forms/184
  • Supporting Documents: The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • Academic transcripts
  • Letter of recommendation
  • CV
  • A copy of passport
  • Admission Requirements: For taking admission, applicants must meet the entry requirements of the school.
  • Language Requirement: If you have an equivalent international test or exam, Cambridge ESOL exams, IELTS or TOEFL, go to see Stacey Benoit in B120 or Monique Schumacher in B223 with the original of your certificate, score report etc. so that equivalence can be officially recognized.       


The ParisTech Bridge School will provide an award amount of 10 000€ for the successful candidates.



Tuition Fee Waivers for International Students at Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey

The studentships are a great way to offer worthy students access to education. Hence, the Eastern Mediterranean University has announced the Tuition Fee Waivers for international students to help them commence their studies in Turkey.

Students from overseas territories are extended this opportunity to gain support towards the tuition fee of an undergraduate programme at EMU in Turkey. They will receive partial awards towards the tuition fee in form of tuition fee waivers.

The Eastern Mediterranean University is a public university in Northern Cyprus ranked 801 in World University Rankings by Times Higher Education and holds a mission of becoming a university that acts in line with universal values guided by internationally recognized academic educational criteria.

Why should you choose to study at Eastern Mediterranean University? Eastern Mediterranean University has a highly developed infrastructure and prominent academic staff members that prepare its students for their international careers by educating them in becoming creative and competitive individuals with entrepreneurial skills. EMU also provides opportunities for developing oneself in other areas while giving the students a chance to gain expertise in a specific field.

Application Deadline: 14th August 2021

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: Eastern Mediterranean University
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Undergraduate
  • Award: Tuition Fee
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: International
  • The award can be taken in Turkey


  • Eligible Countries: Applicants from all international countries are encouraged to apply.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Any undergraduate programme in a discipline taught at EMU is eligible to apply for.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • The applicants need to be high-performing students in their home country.

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: The applicants are required to register and apply by logging in to their user account on the university’s application portal. The applicants send their applications for the opportunity
    s through this form.
  • Supporting Documents: The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • Photocopies of Higher Secondary School Certificate and transcript
  • One passport-sized photograph
  • Photocopy of the passport
  • Birth certificate
  • Admission Requirements: Applicants are required to submit all mandated documents at the time of application.
  • Language Requirement: The students must submit scores of the following English language proficiency tests:
  • TOEFL IBT – 79
  • IELTS – 6.5
  • PTE – 58


The applicants that will win this opportunity and award will be given a tuition fee waiver to cover the tuition for the regular duration of the academic program undertaken at EMU.

2021/2022 Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) Research Development Fellowship Programme

This scholarship is on 2021/2022 Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) Research Development Fellowship Programme.

The Research Development Fellowship (RDF) Programme is designed to support African researchers who are working on important challenges for human health in Africa.

Programme Overview

Aim: To support researchers in Africa who are emerging leaders and are working on important challenges for human health to develop their skills as a researcher.

What we offer: A three to nine-month placement at a leading research institution in Europe or Africa, with additional support at your home institution before and after the placement, up to a maximum of £40,000.

Who is eligible: Research active post-doctoral scientists and clinicians who are nationals of and employed in Sub-Saharan Africa who were awarded their doctorate within the last six years; and clinicians without a doctorate but who have a Masters degree or a specialist clinical qualification and between three and seven years active research experience (see detailed eligibility criteria).

Method of Application: After reading the information below, download the Application Form and Information for Applicants and email to [email protected] before the closing date 12:00 GMT 23 September 2021. 

Eligibility and guidance

To be eligible, applicants must be a national of a country in Sub-Saharan Africa. You need not be resident in Africa at the time of applying, provided that your application is officially supported by an African institution that meets the eligibility criteria for an employing institution and which attests that it intends to employ you locally.

Academic qualifications (non-clinician): 

  • Essential: PhD qualification within the last six years (at the time of the application deadline) -awarded a PhD or equivalent postgraduate degree from a recognised institution of higher education.
  • If you do not currently have a PhD, you must provide evidence that a recognised examining institution expects you to have been examined for the degree of PhD/DPh by September 2021. You will not be able to take up the Fellowship without having been awarded a doctorate by a recognized and reputable academic institution.

Academic qualifications (clinician):

  • Clinician with a PhD. Essential: Clinically qualified applicants with a PhD/DPh/MD should have been awarded the doctorate from a recognised institution of higher education within the last six years.
  • Clinician with a Masters degree but not a doctorate. Essential: You must have a Masters degree and at least three and not more than seven years of active research experience. Experience both before and after gaining a Masters qualification counts towards the experience total. You will normally have plans to gain a PhD or equivalent doctorate (although not funded as part of the AREF Fellowship).
  • Clinician with a specialist clinical qualification but not a doctorate. Essential: You must have an MD, MBBS or equivalent and a specialist clinical qualification. Examples of specialist clinical qualifications are FRCP, FWACP or equivalent. You must also have at least three and not more than seven years of active research experience. You may have plans to gain a PhD or equivalent doctorate (although not funded as part of the AREF Fellowship).

Aim of the programme

The RDF Programme aims to develop emerging African scientists who are working on important challenges for human health in Africa, growing their skills, experience, confidence and research outputs.

The scope of the Programme includes both infectious and non-communicable diseases that are significant and/or identified as “neglected” in Africa.

The RDF Programme enables talented early-career researchers to:

  • acquire advanced research skills
  • develop and test their own compelling research questions
  • develop highly effective mentoring relationships
  • grow their potential collaborations
  • raise their profile through international networking


  • The RDF Programme supports a placement of between three to nine months for each Fellow at a leading research organisation in Europe or Africa, with time either side of the placement for preparation and follow-up. This aims to promote development of technical skills, collaborations and networks.
  • The RDF Programme does NOT provide Fellows with funds for a whole research project; it focuses on developing researcher skills.
  • The maximum award for the fellowship placement is £40,000 (GB Pounds).
  • Applicants will need to demonstrate a credible, ambitious vision for their research career in an area of human-health challenge for Africa; and a transformational, well-supported development plan that would be significantly enhanced by the RDF Programme.
  • Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their plans at an early stage with their employing and potential host organisations.

Method of Application

Guidance for applicants and the application form can be downloaded here:

Applicants must ensure that their Employing and intended Host Organisations (the sponsors) understand the purposes of the AREF Fellowship, how AREF will pay the organisations and what their obligations are if they accept an award.

Tips for success:

  • Applicants need to articulate (i) a specific, important health challenge relevant to Africa, (ii) an original, potentially impactful and researchable question, and (iii) an understanding of the pertinent research methodologies / technologies to answer that question – and which capabilities you intend to develop. Many applications fail to be ambitious, original or feasible – or just lack specific details.
  • Applicants must be specific about the research they are aiming to do after the Fellowship: we ask you to define a research question and outline strategy.
  • Applicants must describe how planned Fellowship activities will lead towards addressing that research question and career goals.
  • Applicants must engage as soon as possible with their home institution so they actively support the application.
  • Applicants must engage early with their intended academic host and the host institution: they need time to develop the right kind of support for the Fellowship.
  • Applicants should ensure that the costs are clearly specified and are permitted.


Deadline for applications is 12:00 hours (GMT) 23 September 2021 (no late or incomplete applications will be accepted).
The awards will be announced early in 2022.

Applications and any queries should be sent to [email protected].

Application Deadline: 3 September 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

AREF women in Research Essential Grant Writing Skills Workshop 2021

Apply for AREF women in Research Essential Grant Writing Skills Workshop 2021.

The Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) works to strengthen the health research capacity of scientists in Sub-Saharan Africa who are engaged in tackling the sub-region’s significant health challenges. We recognize the need to support a diverse community of scientists across Africa, therefore, this call is specifically open for women biomedical/health researchers.

AREF is calling for applications from women who are emerging biomedical/health researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa to participate in its Essential Grant Writing Skills Workshop. To fully benefit from this workshop series, you will be at a stage in your research career where you are actively seeking independent funding but have yet to secure that big grant necessary to support your research independence. This fully on-line programme will be held over eight 3-hour sessions during the weeks of 13th September 2021 and 18th October 2021.

There will be a four-week break in between the two sessions, during which you will be expected to write a draft of a proposal. This is an intensive and interactive programme that is designed to produce tangible progress towards a grant proposal by the end of the workshop series. Your commitment to the entire series and to the additional work outside of sessions will be necessary to achieve these outcomes.


To be eligible, you need to provide evidence that:

  • You are a woman and a citizen of a country in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • EITHER you have been awarded a research doctorate (PhD/DPhil/MD) from a recognised academic institution within the previous 6 years, i.e. awarded on or after 1 January 2015); OR you have a medical/clinical qualification plus a research-relevant Master’s degree awarded within the previous 6 years.
  • AND you are currently employed in Sub-Saharan Africa by a recognised university and/or specialist research institution.
  • You have not participated already in equivalent proposal development / grant-writing training.
  • A significant part of your current employee role is to develop and conduct health research.
  • You do not already have a significant portfolio of international research grants (Combined value of $300,000 or more).


  1. Developing and expressing your unique research niche
  2. Formulating your compelling research question
  3. Understanding funders’ requirements
  4. Writing in plain English
  5. Writing the different sections of a proposal
  6. Key parts of a typical Case for Support / Project Description
  7. Planning your proposal project plan and budget
  8. Principles of managing your collaboration and team
  9. Understanding and practicing peer review
  10. Preparing for a Fellowship interview

Application Deadline: July 8, 2021.


The Ford Fund Fellowship 2021 for social Entrepreneurs and community leaders ( $USD 1,000 in Seed Funding)

Apply for the The Ford Fund Fellowship 2021 for social Entrepreneurs and community leaders ( $USD 1,000 in Seed Funding).

The Ford Fund Fellowship is a virtual program designed to equip 10 advanced social entrepreneurs with the skills, resources, and experience to scale the ventures and community initiatives they are building. Each Ford Fund Fellow will learn advanced skills in entrepreneurship and leadership, garner experience, and build a global network of Mentors, Master Course Teachers, and peers, as they lay the foundation to empower many more youth and transform their communities.

Each Fellow will receive $1,000 (USD) in Seed Funding to grow their ventures and initiatives.

The year-long Fellowship will be delivered in a virtual format. Synchronous activities will take place between 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM U.S. Mountain Time. The time commitment for the two-week Accelerator is approximately 20-25 hours per week, which includes class time and outside-of-class work. The time commitment for the remainder of the Fellowship, excluding leading a Basecamp, is approximately 10 hours per month. Fellows should also plan to spend 160-200 hours over 2-3 months to organize and lead a Basecamp in their community.


  • This virtual program is for advanced, next-generation social entrepreneurs and community leaders building ventures that create impactful and scalable innovations. Ideal applicants will demonstrate a proven track record of innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership in their community.
  • Ford Fund Fellowship is looking for applicants from the following countries: United States, China, Mexico, South Africa, and Kenya.
  • You must be able to commit to the intensive 2-week Accelerator (July 19th – July 30th) and the part-time, year-long Fellowship program (July 2021-July 2022).
  • There is no cost to attend the program thanks to the generous support of Ford Fund. 

Program Structure

The Fellowship begins with a virtual two-week intensive Accelerator that will focus on:

Building Community

Community is one of the pillars of the Fellowship experience. A diverse cohort of young leaders and entrepreneurs form partnerships, collaborations, and further their growth and impact as leaders in their community.

Skill Development

Including fundraising, team building, transformative communication, growth mindset, courage, resilience, creativity, and leadership. Fellows will be guided through the process of overcoming key challenges faced during the process of becoming transformative leaders and entrepreneurs.

Basecamp Training

Each Fellow is trained and receives a stipend and logistical support to lead a three-day training (called Basecamp) in their home community to empower at least 30 additional entrepreneurial leaders per Fellow.

After the two week Accelerator, each Fellow will join a year-long Fellowship, which includes:

  • Leading a Basecamp in their respective community. A stipend will be given for logistical and administrative costs.
  • Joining a monthly All Hands on Deck meeting that includes skill development workshops and opportunities to build community amongst the cohort.
  • Receiving $1,000 (USD) in Seed Funding to launch/grow their ventures and initiatives.
  • Regularly attending Master Courses with the world’s leading entrepreneurs and practitioners. Past Master Course Teachers include recognized leaders of Nobel Peace Prize winning movements, the youngest person to run for U.S. Congress, and the inventor of Google’s self-driving car.
  • Joining a pod with other Fellows from their respective regions and checking in regularly with each other via one-on-one meetings.

Application Deadline: July 9th 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

Bertha Foundation Challenge Fellowships 2022 for Activists & Investigative Journalists

Bertha Foundation is excited to launch the next Bertha Challenge: an opportunity for activists and investigative journalists to spend a year producing a body of work that responds to one pressing social justice challenge. Successful applicants will receive non-residential paid Fellowships and project budgets to work independently and together to:

The third Bertha Challenge will begin in January 2022 with a focus on water, specifically supporting Bertha Fellows to answer the following question:



This is a full-time fellowship. Bertha Fellows will spend the majority of their time working in their home countries and be required to:

  • Attend in-person global convening that take place at the beginning and end of the Bertha Challenge
  • Develop and deliver a culminating product that responds to the Bertha Challenge question
  • Participate in two virtual meetings per month, and occasionally facilitate these meetings
  • Develop local and global network relationships.


Income for each Bertha Fellow for one year, not exceeding USD $62,400 and commensurate with the applicant’s current or equivalent salary at the host organization – ideally a media outlet for an investigative journalist and an NGO, community organization or social movement for an activist.

A Project Fund of up to USD $10,000 for each Bertha Fellow to produce a culminating product that responds to the question posed by the Bertha Challenge, and that is directed towards a specific audience. This could be, for example, a series of articles, videos, podcasts, games or drama productions. Activists and journalists working as a pair will have the option to pool their project funding to produce projects on a larger scale.

A Connect Fund of to USD $5,000 for each Bertha Fellow specifically designed to encourage collaboration between Fellows.

Regular online discussions with topics on a range of issues from current debates around water preservation to methods of investigation, methods of communicating findings through news media, storytelling, popular education and more.

Peer and mentor support in the form of regular virtual check-ins with Bertha staff and a cohort of Bertha Fellows.

Network development through the global cohort of past and present Bertha Fellows and exposure to relevant partners within and beyond the Bertha network, including our legal partners in the Bertha Justice Network, many of whom are at the forefront of creating legal strategies to address the climate crisis.

Global convenings of Bertha Fellows and selected guests at the start (January 2022) and end (December 2022) of the Bertha Challenge.

Selection Criteria

Bertha endeavours to select an inclusive and representative cohort of Bertha Fellows that celebrates diversity.

Bertha Fellows will be selected on individual merit but also on their complementary skills to the cohort, their existing and/or proposed networks and prospects for long-term impact of their work.

Applicants may come from and work in any country, but to ensure that this cohort of Bertha Fellows is able to be fully participatory, we require all applicants to be proficient in spoken and written English and able to deliver their final work in English.

Application Requirements

All applicants must submit:

  • A completed online application form
  • A brief resume/CV in English of no more than three pages
  • A list of 2-4 referees including name, relationship to applicant and contact details
  • A signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) from your prospective host organization – including commensurate salary and any benefits provided.
  • Journalist applicants are also asked to submit examples of previously published work.

Application Deadline: July 3rd 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) Visiting Policy Fellow Africa Programme 2021

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is a pan-European think-tank that conducts research and promotes informed debate across Europe on the development of coherent, effective, and values-based European foreign policy. It has offices in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Sofia, and Warsaw.

The Visiting Policy Fellow will have a policy research/formulation function in the delivering of two key projects for the Africa Programme related to the Africa-Europe relationship and climate issues. He/she will undertake research, develop analysis and formulate policy relevant recommendations in the context of “geopolitical Africa” and with a particular focus on climate issues. Other desirable areas of expertise include: Digital/Tech, Trade, and Migration. Part of unpacking the issues will be triangulating Africa’s position vis-à-vis important multilaterals and global players such as China and the US. Sought is a clear analysis of Africa’s interests in the global Climate discussion, how these interact with Europe’s Climate plans, and where potential for positive, actionable overlap exists but also where potential friction exists and means to overcome these. The ability to do the same with a second one of the listed topics is desirable.

The ideal candidate will have proven expertise on climate issues in Africa, good knowledge of the Africa-Europe relationship and a well-developed network in Africa/Europe

  • Location: Remote Africa/Europe
  • Reporting to: Africa Programme Director
  • Type of Contract: Self-Employed Consultant
  • Length of contract: 7-10 months


  • Conduct independent research, develop analysis, and formulate policy recommendations in any of ECFR’s formats
  • Strengthen and expand the programmes partnership and advocacy networks in Africa
  • Facilitate the organisation of activities in Africa and secure the participation of relevant African stakeholders
  • Contribute as appropriate to cross-cutting aspects of the African Programme including geopolitical Africa and the Africa Programme’s focus on Africa-Europe relations more generally.
  • Identify and liaise with relevant external contacts and ECFR Council members. Convene and lead public and private briefings for policy makers.
  • Liaise with partners in the African governments, AU, regional organisations, western diplomatic representatives, and local partners.
  • Contribute to the formulation of the programmes’ strategies and work plans and help ensure its effective implementation. Contribute to forming an advocacy policy for Africa-Europe relations (from political and economic angle) and geopolitical Africa.
  • Help coordinate fundraising for the programmes and share in the production of relevant materials and approaches to prospective donors, support identifying prospects for financial support.
  • Undertake relevant research, write reports and policy briefs – long form but also shorter reactive publications.
  • Contribute to the formulation of advocacy, outreach and communications strategies as an integral part of relevant projects and ensure inclusion of national offices throughout projects.
  • Coordinate, organise, and/or support as necessary relevant events such as consultations, workshops or seminars, as well as media work, mailings, travel, etc.
  • Provide regular situation reports to the Africa Programme.

Required skills

  • Extensive and in-depth knowledge of the Africa-Europe relations, AU, African regional organisations, and economies, especially related to climate issues
  • A track-record of engaging with policy communities and civil society in Africa.
  • Wide ranging government and non-government contacts across Africa
  • An ability to develop innovative policy proposals and creative ways of looking at European policies towards the region and individual countries.
  • Excellent research and analytical skills, the ability to devise and lead research projects, prepare detailed reports and briefing papers, setting out relevant research findings and policy recommendations on EU policies towards the region.
  • The ability to maintain and develop a substantial network of contacts with relevant policymakers, politicians, experts, activists and others in the region.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Media experience and the ability to present and speak in public.
  • A high standard of written and spoken English, working knowledge of German, French or another language is an advantage.
  • The ability to work within a team in a multi-national environment and to travel frequently (whenever possible).

Method of Application

If you are interested in this exciting and challenging role, we look forward to receiving your application!

Please submit your Cover Letter and CV (with ref: “African Programme Visiting Policy Fellow” in the subject line) via email to [email protected]

Due to the large volume of candidates applying for positions within ECFR we will only be able to respond the applicants who have been shortlisted. If you have not heard from us within 2 weeks of the closing date, you have not been successful.


For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 International Future Leaders of the Creative Industries Scholarships in UK

The University for the Creative Arts is awarding $3,000 off from the total annual tuition fee for individuals who want to study at the Institution.

At the University for the Creative Arts, the faculty realizes that everyone’s interests and ambitions are different and focuses on helping them find their particular creative direction.


  • Applicants must be enrolled and accepted into the university.
  • Applicants must be paying international tuition fees.
  • Applicants must have paid their outstanding tuition fees at the time of enrolment.
  • Applicants must attain minimum required scores on the following English language proficiency tests:
    • IELTS – 5.5
    • TOEFL IBT – 72
    • PTE Academic – 51
    • CAE – 162
    • Trinity College London Integrated Skills in English (ISE) – ISE II
    • UCA English Language Test – 5.5

Application Deadline: September 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate, Graduate and PhD

Value of Award: $3,000

Number of Awards: Not Known

Method of Application: Applicants must either apply through the UCA university portal or via UCAS.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

2021 Admin Officer Job at (BATN) British American Tobacco Nigeria

British American Tobacco is all about freedom of choice – whether it’s our people or our products. . It is one of the world’s five largest tobacco companies. BAT has a market-leading position in over 50 countries and operations in around 180 countries.

Today, we’re a multibillion dollar company with more than 200 brands in our portfolio. With robust positions in each of our regional markets, our future looks equally bright too.

Applications are invited from interested and qualified candidates to apply for Admin Officer at the British American Tobacco Nigeria (BATN)

Facilities Admin Officer

Job Specifications:

  • Full Time
  • Required Qualifications: BA/BSC/HND
  • Location: Lagos | Nigeria.

Seniority Level: Non-Management
Function: Operation
Reports to: Facilities Supervisor
Reporting Level: Nigeria

Job Description:

  • The role provides support to the Facilities Supervisor in achieving the objective of coordinating the physical workplace with a view to providing a conducive and convenient working environment at BAT- Ibadan factory. Duties are to be performed diligently and effectively with a measure of accountability

What You Will Be Accountable For

  • Responsible for ensuring the Factory Materials/supplies store is stocked with relevant items in sufficient quantities by liaising with the store coordinator and procurement team.
  • Ensure adequate supply of essential provisions and refreshments to the factory by making refreshments available at the designated points OTIF (on time, in full)
  • Identify repairs and maintenance requirement; send repair request and follow-up with engineering department to ensure execution and submit a monthly report showing outstanding and evidence of follow-up with those responsible.
  • Ensure the meeting rooms are well maintained, necessary refreshments provided, and the meeting room is always ready for use.
  • Ensure accommodation requests are attended to OTIF (both Management quarters and hotels)
  • Ensure the guest houses and Chalet are constantly maintained at optimum ambience/quality standards and functionality and available for use by company guest.
  • Make available refreshments and drinking water at all designated points on time and in full.
  • Support Facilities Supervisor to supervise the meal contractors and ensure that the quality of meals and refreshment is satisfactory and that they perform as per SLA in their contract.
  • Support the planning and execution of factory events such as dinners, team briefs and team bonding

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • BSC / HND in Business Admin or any other equivalent qualification
  • NYSC Completed (or Exemption)
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in a similar position, preferably in FMCG or HORECA sectors
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • High level of emotional intelligence
  • Ability to multitask
  • Basic computer skills in the use of Windows, MS Word, Excel etc
  • SAP Knowledge is an added advantage

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidate for “Admin Officer at the British American Tobacco Nigeria (BATN)” should click the APPLY HERE button below.

Deadline: Not Specified

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