

ASEAN Excellence Scholarships at University of Newcastle, Australia


The University of Newcastle is providing the ASEAN Excellence Scholarships for students who want to study in Australia.

The University of Newcastle, informally known as Newcastle University, is an Australian public university that bears a purpose to deliver an exceptional student experience, preparing graduates for life in an increasingly interconnected society and to serve the regions by taking research that matters to the world and bringing the global expertise home.

Why choose to study at the University of Newcastle? The students at the University of Newcastle will have access to world-class programs, inspiring and collaborative learning environments, and opportunities to put theory into practice with real-world experiences. They allowed learning from passionate and talented teaching staff that have strong industry connections and expertise. At the University of Newcastle, students have a chance to gain practical work experience as part of their study, build a more significant relationship with local, regional, and national industry partners, and the opportunity to grow their professional network.

Application Deadline: 6 February 2022

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: University of Newcastle
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Undergraduate or postgraduate
  • Award: AU$10,000
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: ASEAN countries
  • The award can be taken in Australia


  • Eligible Countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Undergraduate or postgraduate degree in any subject area
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the given criteria:
  • Hold a passport from one of the eligible “ASEAN” countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam.
  • Be commencing study in an eligible undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree program at the University
  • Be an International full-fee paying student.
  • Be commencing in an eligible program at an Australian or Online campus as indicated in your Letter of Offer.

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: Students must have to take admission at the university. financial aid positions will be automatically awarded to students who have received an offer to study in an eligible, non-quota program and who will commence studying with the University of Newcastle
  • Supporting Documents: Candidates must have to submit an academic transcript, completion certificate, passport biometric page
  • Admission Requirements: Applicants must have to meet the entry requirements of the university.
  • Language Requirement: Students must have to fulfill the language requirements of the university.


The grant is valued at AU$10,000 for each year of study under full-time study load, apportioned over each course taken (pro-rata with an approved load reduction on program plan, credits exemptions, progression or wellbeing grounds).

Fully Funded 2022/2023 Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for full-time Master’s study at a UK university


Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships are for candidates from eligible lower and upper middle income Commonwealth countries, to undertake full-time taught Master’s study at a UK university.

Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK. These scholarships are offered under six development themes:Science and technology for development

Strengthening health systems and capacityPromoting global prosperityStrengthening global peace, security and governanceStrengthening resilience and response to crisesAccess, inclusion and opportunity

The agency-nominated Master programme is one of three Master’s programmes offered by the Commission.

Purpose: Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships enable talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills required for sustainable development, and are aimed at those who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK.

Intended Beneficiaries: Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships are for candidates from eligible lower and upper middle income Commonwealth countries, to undertake full-time taught Master’s study at a UK university.

Eligibility Requirements

To apply for these scholarships, you must:

  • Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person
  • Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country
  • Be available to start your academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September 2022
  • By September 2022, hold a first degree of at least upper second class (2:1) honours standard, or a second class degree (2:2) and a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a Master’s degree). The CSC would not normally fund a second UK Master’s degree. If you are applying for a second UK Master’s degree, you will need to provide justification as to why you wish to undertake this study
  • Be unable to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship
  • Have provided all supporting documentation in the required format

Please note that only candidates from the eligible countries listed below can apply for Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships in 2022.

Antigua and Barbuda
Papua New Guinea
South Africa
Sri Lanka
St Helena
St Lucia
St Vincent and the Grenadines
The Gambia

Selection process

Each year, the CSC invites selected nominating bodies to submit a specific number of nominations. The deadline for nominating bodies to submit nominations will be made available in 22 September 2021.

Applications will be considered according to the following selection criteria:

  • Academic merit of the candidate
  • Quality of the plan of study
  • Potential impact on the development of the candidate’s home country

Scholarship Worth

Each scholarship provides:

  • Approved airfare from your home country to the UK and return at the end of your award (the CSC will not reimburse the cost of fares for dependants, nor the cost of journeys made before your award is confirmed).
  • Approved tuition fees.
  • Stipend (living allowance) at the rate of £1,133 per month, or £1,390 per month for those at universities in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at 2021-2022 levels).
  • Warm clothing allowance, where applicable.
  • Thesis grant towards the cost of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable.
  • Study travel grant towards the cost of study-related travel within the UK or overseas.
  • If you are widowed, divorced, or a single parent, child allowance of £485 per month for the first child, and £120 per month for the second and third child under the age of 16, if you are accompanied by your children and they are living with you at the same address in the UK (rates quoted at 2021-2022 levels).
  • If you declare a disability, a full assessment of your needs and eligibility for additional financial support will be offered by the CSC. The CSC’s family allowances are intended to only be used as a contribution towards the cost of maintaining your family in the UK. The true costs are likely to be considerably higher. You must be able to supplement these allowances to support any family members who come to the UK with you.For more information, see the current Handbook for Commonwealth Scholars and Fellows. Please note that the conditions outlined in the Handbook are subject to change.

    Tenure and placement

Awards are tenable at any approved UK university or higher education institution with which the CSC has a part-funding agreement (as mentioned previously) for a specific programme of research for 36 months of full-time study only.

Awards are to obtain one degree; funding will not be extended to enable candidates to complete a qualification in addition to or higher than that for which the selection was made. Awards are made in respect of full-time study only and no other course of study may be undertaken at the same time.

Completing application form

Applications must be made using the CSC’s online application system.

In the application form, prospective candidates will be asked to:

  • List all undergraduate and postgraduate university qualifications obtained (if applicable)
  • List up to 10 publications and prizes (if applicable)
  • Provide details of your employment history and explain how each job is relevant to the programme you wish to undertake in the UK (up to 100 words per employment)
  • Provide a statement on the relevance of your previous work experience to the proposed Scholarship (up to 300 words)
  • List names and positions of three referees who are qualified to comment on both your capacity to benefit from your proposed Scholarship in the UK and your ability to deliver development impact afterwards. One of your referees must be your current employer.
  • Provide a Development Impact statement in 4 parts. In the first part you should explain how your proposed Scholarship relates to:

You must apply to one of the following nominating bodies in the first instance – the CSC does not accept direct applications for these scholarships.

Each nominating body is responsible for its own selection process and may have additional eligibility criteria. You must check with your nominating body for their specific advice and rules for applying, their own eligibility criteria, and their own closing date for applications.

You must make your application using the CSC’s online application system, in addition to any other application that you are required to complete by your nominating body. The CSC will not accept any applications that are not submitted via the online application system.

Applications for Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for the academic year 2022/23 will open on 20 September 2021, and will close on 01 November 2021. Deadline to submit supporting documentations is 22 November 2021. Nomination deadline is 22 December 2021.

Application Deadline: 01 November 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

2021 Creative Biolabs International Scholarship at Arizona State University in USA

Creative Biolabs is pleased to support your research and higher education in the medical and science-related fields. They will be awarding $1,000 to an outstanding college student.


  • The applicants must be enrolled as a freshman, undergraduate, graduate, or Ph.D. student at an accredited college or university.
  • The applicants must major in a science-related field such as Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Molecular Biology.
  • The applicants must earn a cumulative average grade of a B (3.0 GPA).

Application Deadline: September 30, 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate or Graduate

Value of Award: $1,000

Number of Awards: Not Specified

Method of Application:  Applicants are required to log in to the university’s application portal to apply. Interested students need to fill the application form and submit it along with the below-mentioned documents to [email protected] to apply.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

Hottest project topics and materials for each department and course in Nigeria


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3. View Adult Education and Extra Mural Studies final year project topic ideas

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6. View Agricultural Extension final year project topic ideas

7. View Agricultural Science final year project topic ideas

8. View Agriculture final year project topic ideas

9. View Animal Science final year project topic ideas

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84. View Public Health final year project topic ideas

85. View Public Relation final year project topic ideas

86. View View Purchasing and Supply Chain Management final year project topic ideas

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90. View Science Laboratory Technology final year project topic ideas

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93. View Transport Management final year project topic ideas

94. View Urban and Regional Planning final year project topic ideas

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96. View Zoology final year project topic ideas

PhD International Positions in Experimental Biophysics, Denmark

If you are a high-caliber overseas student with the ambition to change your future, then you can apply for the PhD Position in Experimental Biophysics at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. The position is open to all international and domestic students for the academic year 2021-2022.

The University of Copenhagen has opened up this position to all domestic and international students who wish to take up a PhD degree in the Faculty of Science at the Department of Physics. The students will receive a salary and a supplement salary if selected to fill the position.

The University of Copenhagen, a public research university that is ranked among the top Public universities in Copenhagen and is also ranked 76th in QS Global World Rankings 2021 holds a mission to deliver internationally leading teaching and research which enable Denmark to become exceptionally good at creating value with IT.

Why choose the University of Copenhagen? The University of Copenhagen is the largest educational institution in Denmark with an international environment and reach. It offers the students assistance with admission, housing, student counselling, etc., and additionally offers orientation programs including various social events. Students, at the University of Copenhagen, are taught to take a critical and independent approach to their studies. Activities and events like the annual ‘Friday bar’, a social event organized by students at each department, gives students and staff an opportunity to socialize.

Application Deadline: 15th August 2021

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: University of Copenhagen
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Course Level: PhD
  • Award: DKK 333,464
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: Domestic and International
  • The award can be taken in Denmark


  • Eligible Countries: Students from Denmark and all other overseas countries are eligible to apply.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Applicants can apply for a PhD position in the field of experimental biophysics at the Faculty of Science.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • The applicants need to enroll as a PhD students at the PhD school of Science.

How to Apply

  • How to Apply: The applicants must apply to the university through its online platform by creating and account and completing the application process. Candidates must fill the fellowship application form separately to be considered for the position.
  • Supporting Documents: The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • Cover Letter
  •  CV
  • Diploma and transcripts of records (BSc and MSc)
  • Acceptance Letter for the relevant MSc Programme at SCIENCE
  • Other information for consideration, e.g. list of publications
  • 1-3 reference letters
  • Admission Requirements: Candidates are required to have an MSc degree in physics, nanoscience or similar with good results and good English skills.
  • Language Requirement: The students must submit scores of the following English language proficiency tests:
  • TOEFL IBT –83
  • IELTS – 6.5
  • CPE/CAE – Passed


The recruited applicants will receive a salary of DKK 333,464 including an annual supplement and a pension at a minimum of DKK 54,191.


International Scholarship 2021 at University of Seoul in South Korea

The University of Seoul, South Korea is offering a full or partial tuition fee programme to support individuals who are interested in studying a degree program at the Institution.

The University of Seoul is a South Korean public school in the heart of the country, Seoul. It ranks in the Best Global Universities and aims to reach greater heights in terms of quality of education to supports its vision of becoming the leading knowledge-based convergence research and innovation centre.


  • Applicants must be in the top 10% or 20% of all international students at UOS.
  • Applicants are required to have completed their elementary and secondary school courses works.
  • Applicants must submit scores of the following English language proficiency tests: TOPIK – Level 3

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Undergraduate

Value of Award: Tuition fee

Number of Awards: Not Known

Method of Application: Applicants are required to use the official university application portal and apply to a programme of their choice. Eligible students will be considered for the opportunity.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

USC Merit international awards in USA

Kick start your studies with financial support by applying for the USC Merit Scholarship at the University of Southern California for the academic year 2021-2022.

The University of Southern California is offering this application
to all domestic and international applicants who wish to pursue a four-year undergraduate programme. Applicants that submit their application successfully are eligible and will get full of partial tuition fee coverage towards the programme fee.

Established in 1880 and currently ranked 14th in the Top 100 Universities in the USA, The University of Southern California is a private research university in Los Angeles that solely focuses on the development of human beings and society as a whole through cultivation and enrichment of the human mind and spirit.

Why choose to study at the University of Southern California? The University of Southern California is one of the world’s leading private research universities. It receives more than 59,000 applications every year. USC has diverse curricular offerings that provide extensive opportunities for interdisciplinary study and collaboration with leading researchers in highly advanced learning environments. The students have a fulfilling experience at USC.

Application Deadline: 1st December 2021

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: University of Southern California
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Undergraduate
  • Award: Tuition fee
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: Domestic and International
  • The award can be taken in the United States.



  • Eligible Countries: Applicants including international students and USA citizens are both eligible to apply.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Undergraduate level courses and subjects offered at USC can be undertaken.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • The applicants must have submitted an application and be accepted in the applied UG programme at USC.

How to Apply


  • How to Apply: The students must log in to the university’s application portal and apply through it or utilize the Common Application portal to apply. Applicants that successfully submit a complete application will be automatically considered for this application
  • Supporting Documents: The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • Proof of ability to pay tuition
  • Financial statement
  • CV
  • Recommendation letters
  • Transcripts
  • Admission Requirements: Candidates must submit academic records of all institutes attended.
  • Language Requirement: The students must submit scores of the following English language proficiency tests:
  • TOEFL IBT – 100
  • IELTS – 7.0
  • PTE – 68
  • Duolingo – 120


Students that will be selected for this application
will get the full tuition, half tuition, or one-quarter tuition of the applied programme by USC.

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Descubre Out-of-Station Tuition Awards for Mexican Students in USA

Are you searching for a scholarship to pursue your higher studies in the United States? If yes, then you can apply for the Descubre Out-Of-Station Tuition Awards offered by the New Mexico State University for this academic year 2021-2022.

Non-resident international students who identify as citizens of Mexico are only eligible to apply for this application
. Bachelor’s degree non-resident tuition fee reduction per academic year will be given to the selected students as an award for winning this application

New Mexico State University is a comprehensive land-grant research university that is ranked 241st among National Universities. It holds a mission to serve the population through education, research, and service in the areas of health and social well-being.

Why choose to study at New Mexico State University? New Mexico State University excels in teaching, research, and public research. It excels in student success and social mobility. NMSU is the very first one established in New Mexico, which offers qualified undergraduates the opportunity to further enrich a challenging academic program via rigorous classes taught by master teachers.

Application Deadline: 15th November 2021

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: New Mexico State University
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Bachelor
  • Award: $14,368
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: International
  • The award can be taken in the United States



  • Eligible Countries: The students that hold Mexican citizenship are eligible to apply.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Students can apply to get admission to a bachelor’s degree programme at NMSU.
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • The applicants must be non-residents, bachelor students, at MNSU.

How to Apply


  • How to Apply: Students need to create an undergraduate application account on the university portal and apply. The students don’t need to apply separately for the opportunity
  • Supporting Documents: The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • Official transcripts
  • Translated copy of an official transcript from an approved translator
  • Foreign Credential Evaluation
  • Admission Requirements: The students must have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.75, ACT composite score of 21, or SAT score of 1060, or must be ranked in the top 20 percent of their graduating class to get into NMSU.
  • Language Requirement: The students must submit scores of the following English language proficiency tests:
  • TOEFL IBT – 68
  • TOEFL PBT – 520
  • IELTS – 6.0


The selected Mexican students will get a $14,368 reduction from their non-resident tuition fee per year under this application
scheme by the NMSU.

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International PostDoc Positions in Integrated Modelling of Tokamak Plasmas, Sweden

Get the skills and knowledge you need for the next step in your career by joining the International PostDoc Positions in Integrated Modelling of Tokamak Plasmas at Chalmers University of Technology.

All international students and domestic students can apply for the post-doctoral position and become Assistant professors at Chalmers.

The Chalmers University of Technology is a Swedish university centered solely on research and education in technology, natural sciences, architecture, mathematics, maritime, and other management areas. Ranking 342nd in Best Global Universities, it aims to produce and spread knowledge, expertise, and solutions that benefit everyone.

Why choose to study at the Chalmers University of Technology? The Chalmers University of Technology is a global institute of research that is making an impact on a sustainable future. At Chalmers, students learn to think independently, and to meet future challenges with the help of engineering methods. The university has created a completely informal atmosphere to facilitate an open environment and close cooperation between students and teachers.

Application Deadline: September 1, 2021

Brief Description

  • University or Organization: Chalmers University of Technology
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Post-doctorate
  • Award: Salary
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Nationality: International
  • The award can be taken in Sweden.  



  • Eligible Countries: Applicants from Sweden and all the other remaining countries of the world are eligible to apply.
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: Postdoctoral in Integrated Modelling of Tokamak Plasmas
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following/given criteria:
  • To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must have a Ph.D. degree in a relevant field (for example plasma physics, electrical engineering, computer science, physics, or similar). You need to have demonstrated experience in simulation and modeling-based research and development. Programming skills (C/C++, fortran, python or other), general knowledge of numerical methods and tools, and good knowledge of the English language (both oral and written) are required.

How to Apply


  • How to Apply: The applicants are required to select a field of study and apply by clicking ‘apply’ at the bottom of that vacancy page.The application should be marked with Ref 20210289 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as pdf-files
  • Supporting Documents: The students are required to present the following documents to the university:
  • CV, include complete list of publications
  • Previous teaching and pedagogical experiences
  • Two references that we can contact.
  • Personal letter:
  • 1-3 pages where you:
  • Introduce yourself
  • Describe your previous research fields and main research results
  • Describe your future goals and future research focus
  • Attested copies of completed education, grades and other certificates.
  • Admission Requirements: The applicants are required to provide an official transcript for all completed semesters to date.
  • Language Requirement: The applicants must have English proficiency equivalent to or above the Swedish upper secondary school English course 6. An internationally recognized English test is accepted.


The applicants will get a salary for post-doctoral position at the Chalmers University of Technology.

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International PhD Position in Formal Methods, Sweden

If you are a high-caliber overseas student with the ambition to change your future, then you can apply for the International PhD Position in Formal Methods at the Chalmers University of Technology.

The studentship is available for the most talented students commencing in the PhD degree coursework at the university in Sweden. The program is open for the academic year 2021/2022.

Chalmers University of Technology was established in 1829. It is a Swedish university that focuses on research and education in the fields of technology, natural science, architecture, maritime, and other management-related fields.

Why study at the Chalmers University of Technology?  The university is the most well-known and respected institution in Sweden. They contribute innovation to the use of theoretical knowledge to solve challenging real-world problems.

Application Deadline: September 1, 2021

Brief Description

  • University: Chalmers University of Technology
  • Department: The Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Course LevelPhD
  • Awards: Salary
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Number of Awards: NA
  • Nationality: International
  • The award can be taken in Sweden



  • Eligible Countries: All nationalities
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: PhD Position in Formal Methods
  • Admissible Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria:
  • You must have a master’s-level degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education credits in computer science, information technology, computer engineering, mathematics, physics, electrical engineering or related fields at the time of start.
  • The position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English.

How to Apply        


  • How to Apply: To be considered for this studentship, applicants must submit the online application form.
  • Supporting Documents: Applicants have to submit the following documents: certificates and diplomas from previous university studies, transcripts of completed courses and grades, relevant pages of your passport or other valid ID, curriculum vitae (CV), letter of motivation, letters of recommendation.
  • Admission Requirements: Candidates must hold a master’s degree certificate in a relevant subject area and have to meet the entry requirements of the university.
  • Language Requirement: For taking admission at Chalmers, applicants have to fulfill the minimum language requirements of the university.


The Chalmers University of Technology will provide a good salary package for the winning candidates.

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